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Тема 46. Бессоюзное подчинение

1)Выберите из трех предложений то, которое содержит бессоюзное присое-

динение придаточного предложения

When money is borrowed, the amount to be repaid next year is measured in

units of national currency (pounds of sterling for the UK, for example)

+Money can be used to buy things we wish to consume

Money is a store of value, for it can be used to make purchases in future


2)Выберите из трех предложений то, которое содержит бессоюзное присое-

динение придаточного предложения

+The information the economist relied upon was outdated

It is desirable that as much information as possible about consumer demand

should be obtained before planning business strategy

The number of people who are using the internet is growing, so this is a company

with a great future


3)Выберите из трех предложений то, которое содержит бессоюзное присое-

динение придаточного предложения

On a pay-day, government is taking that money out of circulation for a while

+There are four methods the government can use to control the money supply

If at any one time the government wants to borrow a lot of money, it will have

to offer a higher rate of interest in order to attract that money


4)Выберите из трех предложений то, которое содержит бессоюзное присое-

динение придаточного предложения

The goods bought in this country consisted of traditional export commodities

+The country the goods were exported to was in the tropical climate

The increased international demand for goods results in greater production

and more extensive use of raw materials and labour, which means the growth

of domestic employment


5)Выберите из трех предложений то, которое содержит бессоюзное присое-

динение придаточного предложения

+The output of an agricultural commodity this year depends on decisions the

farmer made last year

There are not enough resources to produce sufficient quantities of commodities

to satisfy human needs

The central economic problem for society is how to reconcile demand for goods

and services and the resources which can be allocated for the production of

these goods and services


6)Выберите из трех предложений то, которое содержит бессоюзное подчи-

нение придаточного предложения

+Armed with this basic data you are now ready to get the software you need

There are plenty of things that the authorities must do before serious negotiations

can begin

A peak moment was when the agreement was signed in August


7)Выберите из трех предложений то, которое содержит бессоюзное подчи-

нение придаточного предложения

+This is exactly the kind of product they excel at

It is impossible for companies hit by fraud to keep it secret

Quality assurance programs run by manufacturers range from excellent to



8)Выберите из трех предложений то, которое содержит бессоюзное подчи-

нение придаточного предложения

+The fact he is against the merger does not rule it out

The railway strike caused many workers in other trades to be idle

One-fifth of the population is known to be gardeners


9)Выберите из трех предложений то, которое содержит бессоюзное подчи-

нение придаточного предложения

+You don’t have to talk to everybody in the group you want to poll

A distrust of projects that are too simple is important

Optimum planning enables a firm to arrive at the best possible deployment of

its resources


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