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Buckwheat Kasha recipe

Rice Kasha with Cheese recipe

Semolina Kasha recipe

Mushroom soup recipe

Sauerkraut Schi with Mushrooms recipe

Ingredients: 50 g dry mushrooms,1 ea carrot, 1 ea onion, 2 ea parsley roots, 10 ea pepper peas,1 tb flour, salt, sugar, oil

Method: Soak mushrooms in water for 2-3 hours, then boil them in the same water(they are ready when they drown on the bottom). wash them by running water. Cut mushrooms in strips and fry in oil. Strain mushroom water through 3-4 layers of gauze. Chop sauerkraut finely, stew with a little sugar, 1/2 tb oil, 3 tb water on average heat until it is soft and tender. Chop all other vegetables and roots finely and fry in oil. Put sauerkraut`, mushrooms and fried vegetables in mushroom water. Fry flour on dry pan until it is golden. Pour in a little water and having stirred thoroughly, add to schi. Season schi on your taste. You can use potatoes, but don't add flour then. Serve with chopped greens.

Ingredients: 15 ea fresh (dry) mushrooms (Boletus), 5 ea potatoes, 2 ea onions,1 ea carrot, 1 ea parsley-root, 1 ea celery-root, 2 ea bay leaves, 1 tb flour, 3 l water, salt, pepper, greens, vegetable oil

Method: If you have fresh mushrooms, put clean mushrooms in cold water for 1-2

hours changing water 3-4 times. For dry mushrooms, put them in warm water and boil for 1,5 hours. Or you can put them in warm water for an hour and then boil for 40 minutes. Having prepared mushrooms, chop them, cut carrot into thin rounds. Put mushrooms, carrot and roots into water and boil for half an hour. Chop onions and fry with vegetable oil. Cube potatoes and add them, onions, salt, pepper and bay leaves into the pan. Boil for 15 minutes. Then take a cup of broth and add flour, mix very well so that there are no flour lumps in it. Pour it into the pan and boil for 5 minutes. Now add chopped greens. Gribnoy soup is served hot or cold with sour cream.

Garnish & Kasha (Porridge) Recipes:

Abbreviations: ea - Each, tb - Table spoon, sm - Small, c - Cup, ts - Tea spoon, lg - Large. Recipes coutesy of RusCuisine.Com

Ingredients: 1/2 c semolina, 3 c milk, 1 tb butter, 2 ts sugar, salt

Method: Bring milk to boil, stir in semolina gradually. Add butter, sugar and salt. Bring to boil and cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes. Serve with jam, honey or fruits.

Ingredients: 1 1/2 c rice, 3 c water, 200 g grated cheese, 2 tb butter, salt

Method: Wash rice under running water. Fry it in butter until light brown. Pour over water and bring to boil, salt and cook on low heat for 40 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle with grated cheese.

Ingredients:100 g buckwheat, 2/3 c water, 25 g butter

Method: In the Rus kasha was always made in earthenware crockery. Fill 3/4 of a pot with buckwheat groats, add salt, butter. Pour over boiling water up to the top. Stir in carefully. And put into the well heated oven for 3-4 hours. One hour before finishing, cover the pot with a large pan and turn upside down. A half an hour before serving, put wet fabric round in order that kasha falls off from the pot sides. Serve with cold baked milk or butter.

www. RusCuisine.Com.

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