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B. Number

ME and Early NE Verb

Лекция 9


Unlike the morphology of the noun and adjective, which has become much simpler in the course of history, the morphology of the verb displayed two distinct tendencies of development: it underwent considerable simplifying changes, which affected the synthetic forms and became far more complicated owing to the growth of new, analytical forms and new grammatical categories. The evolution of the finite and non-finite forms of the verb is described below under these two trends.


A. Simplifying Changes in the Verb Conjugation. Finite Forms. Number, Person, Mood and Tense

The decay of OE inflections, which transformed the nominal system, is also apparent in the conjugation of the verb — though to a lesser extent. Many markers of the grammatical forms of the verb were reduced, levelled and lost in ME and Early NE; the reduction, levelling and loss of endings resulted in the increased neutralisation of formal oppositions and the growth of homonymy.

The changes in the verb conjugation since the OE period can be seen from comparing the paradigms of the verbs find and look in the table below to the paradigms of the verbs in OE.


Conjugation of Verbs in Middle English and Early New English

  Strong Weak
  ME Early NE ME Early NE
Infinitive finde(n) find looke(n) look
Present tense        
Sg 1st finde find looke look
2nd findest/findes findest lookest /lookes lookest
3rd findeth/findes finds /findeth looketh /lookes looks /looketh
Pl finde(n)/ findeth/findes find looke(n) /looketh /lookes look
Subjunctive   find   look
Sg finde   looke  
Pl Imperative finde(n) find(e) findeth/finde   find looke(n) look(e) looketh /looke  
Participle I finding(e)/ -ende finding looking(e)  
  /findind(e)   /-ende/-ind(e) looking
  /findand(e)   /-ande  
Past tense        
Indicative   found   looked
Sg 1st fand   looked(e)  
2nd founde/fand   lookedest  
3rd fand   looked(e)  
PL founde(n)   looked(en)  
Subjunctive   found   looked
Sg founde   looked(e)  
PL founde(n)   looked(en)  
Participle II founden found looked looked


ME forms of the verb are represented by numerous variants, which reflect dialectal differences and tendencies of potential changes. The Early ME dialects supplied a store of parallel variant forms, some of which entered literary English and — with certain modifications — were eventually accepted as standard.


Number distinctions were not only preserved in ME but even became more consistent and regular; towards the end of the period, however, — in the 15th c. — they were neutralised in most positions.

In the 13th and 14th c. ending -en turned into the main, almost universal, marker of the pl forms of the verb: it was used in both tenses of the Indicative and Subjunctive moods.

However the ending -en was frequently missed out in the late 14th c. and was dropped in the 15th. All number distinctions were thus lost with the exception of the 2nd and 3rd p., Pres. tense Indic, mood: the sg forms were marked by the endings -est and –eth/-es and were formally opposed to the forms of the pl. Number distinctions in the 2nd p. existed as long as thou, the pronoun of the 2nd p. sg was used.


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