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Question and Answer Exercise

Reading Aloud

Typical Techniques

Key Features



The basic premise of the Direct Method is that students will learn to communicate in the target language, partly by learning how to think in that language and by not involving L1 in the language learning process whatsoever. Objectives include teaching the students how to use the language spontaneously and orally, linking meaning with the target language through the use of realia, pictures or pantomime (Larsen-Freeman 1986:24). There is to be a direct connection between concepts and the language to be learned.



Richards and Rodgers (1986:9-10) summarize the key features of the Direct Method thus:


(1) Classroom instruction is conducted exclusively in the target language.


(2) Only everyday vocabulary and sentences are taught.


(3) Oral communication skills are built up in a carefully traded progression organized around

question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes. This method states that the printed word should be kept away from the second language learner for as long as possible.


(4) Grammar is taught inductively.


(5) New teaching points are taught through modeling and practice.


(6) Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary is taught by association of ideas.

(7) Both speech and listening comprehension are taught. Speaking is taught first before reading or writing.

(8) Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized.



Diane Larsen-Freeman, in her book Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (1986:26-27) provides expanded descriptions of some common/typical techniques closely associated with the Direct Method. The listing here is in summary form only.


(Reading sections of passages, plays or dialogs out loud)


Students take turns reading sections of a passage, play, or dialog out loud. At the end of each student's turn the teacher uses gestures, pictures, examples, or role play to help the students make meaning of the text.
Objective: Orally and silently read a range of contemporary and classical grade appropriate texts for enjoyment and information.


(Asking questions in the target language and having students answer in full sentences)

The teacher asks questions of any nature and the students answer. In preparation for this activity the teacher models, extensively, the use of complete answers to questions. Once doing this activity the teacher expects full sentences as answers to each question. Students can also be given the opportunity to ask the questions.
Objective: Experiment with words and sentence patterns to create interest and variety.

(3) Student Self-Correction

(Teacher facilitates opportunities for students to self correct using follow-up questions, tone, etc)


The teacher when provided with the opportunity should have the students self-correct by offering them a choice between what they said and the proper pronunciation. For example if the student says, "I have cree apples," the teacher should say, "Do you have cree apples or three apples?"
Objective: Reflect on speaking behaviors and strategies.


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