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Relative Generalisation Absolute Generalisation

The oppositional theory, a paradigmatic generalization

Analysis of article categorial features in the light of

Situational estimation of article uses

As to the situational estimation of the article uses, we must point out that the basic principle of their dif­ferentiation here is not a direct consideration of their mean­ings, but disclosing the informational characteristics that the article conveys to its noun in concrete contextual conditions. Examined from this angle, the definite article serves as an indicator of the type of nounal information which is present­ed as the "facts already known", i.e. as the starting point of the communication. In contrast to this, the indefinite article or the meaningful absence of the article introduces the central communicative nounal part of the sentence, i.e. the part rendering the immediate informative data to be conveyed from the speaker to the listener. In the situational study of syntax the starting point of the com­munication is called its "theme", while the central in­formative part is called its "rheme".

In accord with the said situational functions, the typical syntactic position of the noun modified by the definite article is the “Thematic” subject, while the typical syntactic position of the noun modified be the indefinite article or by the meaninful absense of the article is the “rhematic” predicative.

The oppositional examination of any grammatically relevant set of lingual objects is of especial importance from the point of view of the systemic conception of language, since opposi­tions constitute the basis of the structure of grammatical paradigms. It is easy to see that oppositionally, the article determination of the noun should be divided into two binary correlations connected with each other hierar­chically.

It is the oppositional description of the English articles that involves the interpretation of the article non-use as the zero form of the article, since the opposition of the positive exponent of the feature to the negative exponent of the feature (i.e. its absence) realizes an important part of the integral article determination semantics.


+ -

The A (N) /O

Identification Non- Identification

+ -

A(N)/O O


As a result of the correlation of the meanings of articles with the meanings of functional determiners, within the system of the deter­miners two separate subsets can be defined, one of which is centred around the definite article with its individualizing semantics (this — these, that — those, my, our, your, his, her, its, their), and the other one around the indefinite ar­ticle with its generalizing semantics (another, some, any, every, no). Thus, the article deter­mination of the noun is a specific grammatical category.

The status of the combination of the article with the noun should be defined as basically analytical, the article construction as such being localized by its segmental properties between the free syntactic combination of words and the combination of a grammatical affix with a notional stem in the morphological composition of an indivisible word. The article itself is a special type of grammatical auxiliary.

In conclusion to the general consideration of the morphological categories of English nouns with regard to the peculiarities of their realization it is necessary to empha­size that the paradigm of English nouns, though reduced to minimum, remains synthetic in nature. Correspondingly, the morphological nounal categories of Case and Number find their realization in the system of synthetic inflectio­nal devices.


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