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Media centers and organizations

Country study United Kingdom


Lesson 7 Media of the United Kingdom


Media of the United Kingdom consists of several different types of media communications: television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and Internet-based web sites.


The UK also has a strong music industry.

The UK has a diverse range of providers, the most well-know is the British Broadcasting Corporation (Британская радиовещательная корпорация BBC).


a) London dominates the media sector in the UK: national newspapers and television and radio are largely based there.

b) Manchester is also a significant national media center.

c) Edinburgh and Glasgow, and Cardiff, are important centers of newspaper and broadcasting production in Scotland and Wales.


1) There are five major nationwide television channels in the UK: BBC One, BBC Two, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5.

2) The UK now has a large number of digital channels: a) six from the BBC, b) five from ITV, c) three from Channel 4 and etc.


(British Broadcasting Corporation), founded in 1922, and is the oldest and largest broadcaster in the world.

It operates numerous television and radio stations in the UK and abroad.

ITV (Independent Television) is a commercial public service TV network in the United Kingdom. Launched in 1955 to provide competition to the BBC.


News Corporation is the globe’s leading publisher of English-language newspapers and their digital brands, with operations in the U.K., the United States, Australia and across Europe and Asia.

It owns a number of national newspapers, the most popular tabloid is The Sun and the longest-established daily "broadsheet" is The Times.


• In 2009 it was estimated that individuals viewed 3,5 hours of television per day and listened 2,5 hours of radio.

• In 2010 82.5% of the UK population were Internet users.


The UK publishing sector includes:

books, directories, databases, journals, magazines, business media and newspapers.


Their turnover is around £20 billion and employs are around 167,000 people.


Traditionally British newspapers have been divided into "quality", serious-minded newspapers and the more popular, "tabloid" varieties.


Trinity Mirror operates 240 local and regional newspapers in the UK, such as the Daily Mirror and the Sunday Mirror.


a) The Sun is a daily newspaper in the UK, takes a quarter of the market (in 2008).

b) The News of the World is well-knownin a Sunday newspaper market, and traditionally focused on celebrity stories (but it was closed in 2011).

c) The Daily Telegraph is the highest-selling of the "quality" newspapers.

d) The Guardian is a more liberal "quality" broadsheet.

e) The Financial Times is the main business newspaper, printed on salmon-pink broadsheet paper.


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