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The choice of text-books and timetable are usually left to the headmaster. The content and method of teaching is decided by the individual teacher

They are charged with the provision and day-to-day running of the schools and colleges in their areas and the recruitment and payment of the teachers who work in them.

It is concerned with the formation of national policies for education. And it is responsible for the maintenance of minimum national standard of education.

The aim of education in general is to develop to the full the talents of both children and adults for their own benefit and also society as a whole.

Country study United Kingdom


Lesson 8 The system of education and the oldest universities of Great Britain


The educational system of Great Britain has developed for over a hundred years. It is a complicated system with wide variations between one part of the country and another.


All children and young people between the ages of 5 and 16 in England, Scotland and Wales, and 4 and 16 in Northern Ireland, must, by law, receive full-time education.


The education service:

The Department of Education and Science (DES)


Local Education Authorities (LEAs)





The Nursery schools

A nursery school is a school for children between the ages of three and five, staffed by qualified teachers and other professionals who encourage and supervise educational play rather than simply providing childcare.


The infant school

The first school is the infant school, for children between five and seven. At this stage the children become acquainted with the Reading, Writing and Arithmetic in the form of games.



The Junior school

The Junior school is for children aged seven to eleven. Towards the end of their fourth year in the junior school, a certain percentage of English schoolchildren still have to write their “11+” Examinations


Secondary Schools

The grammar school provided a traditional literary and scientific education up to the age of eighteen, it gives pupils the more academic education, and prepares them for entry to universities.

The secondary modern school provides a general education, including much instruction of a practical sort, up to the age of fifteen only, when the children leave school to go to work.

The Technical school providing technical education up to the age of eighteen, was established by the Educational Act of 1944, but as yet there are very few schools of this type.


Comprehensive school

Comprehensive schools admit children of all abilities and provide a wide range of secondary education for all or most of the children in a district (район). The comprehensive system aims to develop the gifts of all children to the full, and to raise the standards of all children.


State and Public schools

The great majority of children (about 9 million) attend Britain’s 30,500 state schools. No tuition fees are payable in any of them. A further 600,000 go to 2,500 private schools, often referred to (относится) as the “independent sector” where the parents have to pay for their children.


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