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Classification of Modern Germanic Languages and their Distribution



The Role of the Discipline in Training the Teacher of a Foreign Culture


Learning the history of English will enable the student to give answers to a considerable number of practical and theoretical questions. (See Section 1). At the same time, this discipline is not limited to only mere statements of linguistic facts as it is believed to be able to explain them. In studying the history of the English language students are faced with problems concerning the driving forces or causes of language evolution. These causes are believed to be of two kinds, external and internal or extralinguistic and purely linguistic. As for the former, they may include such historic events as social changes, wars, conquests, migrations, cultural contacts and the like. In other words, changes in society or cultural changes are always reflected in the language proving once again the idea that language and culture are inseparable as, on the one hand, language is a part of culture, but, on the other, culture as a whole is transmitted very largely through language. Therefore, knowledge of cultural backgrounds in the language evolution is essential for the student as a translator of a foreign culture in general.    



Classification of languages means their placement into families or phyla [‘failə] on the basis of lexical or typological similarity or shared ancestry. Languages may thus be classified either genetically or typologically. A genetic classification assumes that certain languages are related in that they have evolved from a common ancestral language. This form of classification employs ancient records as well as hypothetical reconstructions of the earlier forms of languages, called protolanguages. Typological classification is based on similarities in language structure.

As for the English language, genetically (historically) it belongs to the Germani c or Teutonic group of languages of the Indo-European linguistic family. Old Germanic languages comprised 3 groups: East Germanic, North Germanic and West Germanic. East Germanic languages no longer exist, as they are dead. Only one language belonging to this group is known, Gothic, as a written document came down to us in this language. It is a translation of the Bible made in the 4th century A.D. by the Gothic Bishop Ulfilas from the Greek language.

Modern Germanic languages embrace 2 groups: North Germanic and West Germanic as they have survived until today. The table below illustrates their division and distribution. Researchers are not unanimous in their estimation of the number of Germanic languages and their distinction. Until recently Dutch and Flemish were named as separate languages, now there is a common term for them – the Netherlandic (Netherlandish) (Note 7) language as spoken in The Netherlands, together with the same language in northern Belgium, which is popularly called Flemish. In the European Middle Ages, the language was called Dietsc, or Duutsc, historically equivalent to German Deutsch and meaning simply “language of the people,” as contrasted with Latin, which was the language of religion and learning. The form Duutsc was borrowed into English and gives modern “Dutch.” The official name of the language is Nederlands, or Netherlandic. In the Netherlands it is also called Hollands (Hollandish), reflecting the fact that the standard language is based largely on the dialect of the old province of Holland (now North Holland and South Holland). Frisian and Faroese are regarded as dialects since they are spoken over small politically dependent areas (Note 8); British English and American English are sometimes thought to be 2 independent languages. By one estimate, the number of people speaking Germanic languages amounts to 440 million (T.A. Rastorguyeva) plus an indefinite number of bilingual nations with English spoken as one of the official languages.


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