The oblique cases of personal pronouns in combination with the adjective self could also serve as reflexive pronouns, e. g.; возвратный,
if hwa hw et lytles eni es biwistes him selfum earcode... ‘If any one provided himself with some small portion of food...’
There were two demonstrative pronouns in OE: the prototype of NE that, which distinguished three genders in the sg and had one form for all the genders in the pl. (see Table 6) and the prototype of this with the same subdivisions: pes Masc., peos Fem., pis Neut. and pas pl. They were declined like adjectives according to a five-case system: Nom., Gen., Dat., Acc., and Instr. (the latter having a special form only in the Masc. and Neut. sg). 103
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