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And away they ran, past waltzing lamp-posts and houses and fences and trees. (K. Mansfield)

Get the hell in here.

Come in.

Please, come in.

Certain types of texts which due to the choice and arrangement of language means are distinguished by the pragmatic aspect of communication (FS)

Stylistics is


Kicked the bucket

Joined the majority

In he rushed.

He rushed in.


With the change of wording a change in meaning (however slight it might be) takes place inevitably.

The structuralist and poetician Roman Jakobson states that apart from other functions of language (referen­tial, emotive, pragmatic, etc.) there is one function that stands out in respect of its particular appeal to stylisticians. This is the poetic function, which Jakobson defines thus: 'the poetic function projects the principle of equivalence from the axis of selection into the axis of combination'.

equivalence = connection between language units;

axis of selection = the choice from the pool of possible language units;

axis of combination = combination of language units across the line

W. H. Auden ‘In Memory of W. B. Yeats’

He_____in the dead of winter.

He disappeared in the dead of winter.

1/ rhythm

2/ alliteration [d]

3/ assonance [i ]

4/ conceptual metaphor: death is a journey

- 'a linguistics of the effect of the message, of the output of the act of communication' (Riffaterre);

- 'a language science which deals with the results of the act of communication' (Galperin);

- 'a linguistic discipline which studies nominative and communicative language units and the principles according to which the units of all language levels are selected for achieving a certain pragmatic aim in different communicative situations' (Vorobyova)

Stylistics - the effect of choice, combination and usage of different language elements in rendering thought and emotion under different conditions of communication

1. We hope to arrive at approximately four o 'clock

2. We'll be there about four.

3. We'll turn up fourish.

objects of investigation:

1/ special language media which due to their ontological features secure the desirable effect of the utterance (EM and SD);

the issues of Stylistics :

- language potentialities which may ensure effective speech activity of the speaker;

- synonymous ways of rendering ideas:

- emotional and evaluative colouring of words and sentences:

I am firm.

You are obstinate.

He is pig-headed.

- the stylistic functions and t he pragmatic aim of the language units;

- expressive resources of language (EM and SD):

- the aesthetic function of language in literary texts;

- style as the individual manner of expression of an author in his use of the language;

- textual interpretation and stylistic analysis

Why should we do stylistics?

- to explore creativity in language use

- to explore and understand different text types

- to develop analytical capacities

- to arouse interest in language


- to deal with all the variety of language means existing in the source and target language

- to be aware of the stylistic choice in the source and target language

to be yellow =

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Stylistics and other disciplines | Types of Stylistics
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