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Last but not least, forgive and forget, good as gold, dead as a doornail, cool as a cucumber, still as a stone Dior Alliteration Anapaest Dactyl Iambus With the ordor of the forest, Whence these legends and traditions Should you ask me whence these stories, Bicket - kick it Berry-merry Duty-beauty Dreams—streams According to the position of the stress Types of rhymes - male (masculine/single): - female (feminine / double): - dactylic (triple): tenderly – slenderly; battery — flattery 2. according to the structure: - simple rhymes (single words): stone-alone-own - compound rhymes ( word-group): bucket- pluck it favourite - savour it - eye-rhyme - t he endings are pronounced quite differently, but the spelling of the endings is similar Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods, Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods. R. Burns
The source of the eye-rhyme is to be searched for in the remote past when many of the modrn homographs were also homophones. Many words that never sounded alike came to be used as eye-rhymes due to analogy: home-come, now - grow - inner / internal rhyme - the final word rhymes with a word inside the line I am the daughter of earth and water. ( Shelley) - blank verse - rhymeless verse (Shakespeare’s tragedies) With the dew and damp of meadows… (H.W. Longfellow) Rhythm = an even alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables in lines metre = a strict regularity of stressed and unstressed syllables (patterns)
foot = a combination of one stressed and one or two unstressed syllables in lines (a unit of metre) types 1. Trochee 4. Amphibrach II. Sound-instrumentation Instrumentation - the art of selecting and combining sounds in order to make utterances expressive and melodic - type of phonetic foregrounding - a stylistically motivated repetition of consonants (at the beginning of words) “You, l ean, l anky l ath of a l ousy bastard! “ ( S. O’Casey) - in advertising: slogans Dune – the moment, the memory, the dream. ( Vogue) - in titles of books: Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club (Ch. Dickens) Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) - in set expressions: =repetition of similar vowel sounds Tell this soul with sorrow l a den, if within the distant Ai den, I shall clasp a s ai nted m ai den, whom the a ngels n a me Lenore. Clasp a rare and radiant m ai den, whom the a ngels n a me Lenore? (E. A. Poe)
Брож у ли я вдоль у лиц ш у мных, Вхож у ли во многол ю дный храм, Сиж у ль меж ю ношей без у мных, Я преда ю сь своим мечтам. А.С.Пушкин 3. Onomatopoeia = a combination of sounds, which imitate natural sounds types - nonlexical = clusters of sounds, without linguistic structure
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