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The use of a proper name for a common noun.

He is the Napoleon of crime C.Doyle)

But he kept snowing her, in this Abraham Lincoln, sincere voice. ( Salinger)

Ви ж просто Шаляпін, такий голос маєте!

2.the use of common nouns as proper names - speaking / token / talking names: Mr. Murdstone; Mrs. Snake; Miss Toady

Лазар ненавидів тюремного наглядача, якому тюрма дала прізвище Морда.

is used - as a means of characterisation

Personification - ascribing human behaviour and thoughts to inanimate objects

She had been asleep, always, and now life was thundering imperatively at all her doors. (J. London)

Сонце стояло якесь безпомічне і нерішуче. Боялось навіть моргнути.

is used - to create imagery

Allegory = the expression of an abstract idea through a concrete image

1. proverbs/sayings: It’s time to turn swords into ploughs.

All is not gold that glitters.


3.fairy tales

Epithet - interaction of logical and emotive meanings which produces a subjective evaluation

The iron hate in Soul pushed him on again. (M.Wilson)

logical attributes vs. epithets proper

blank sheet of paper – blank look

iron gate – iron lady

I got up and started towards the door in a dead silence. (R. Chandler)


I. Semantically

1. dead / associated / fixed / conventional / standing epithets: true love, Merry Christmas, fair lady, dark forest - is devoid of stylistic meaning

2. affective/emotive epithets: gorgeous, atrocious;

3. unassociated / figurative:

a ghost-like face

It was a sad old bathrobe (J.Salinger)

helpless loneliness

II. Structurally

1.simple: an angry sky;

2.compound: a heart-burning desire

3.two-step structures: a pompously majestic female

4.phrasal /clausal: a don’t-care attitude,

head-to-toe beauty, go-to-devil request,

I-don’t-want-to-do-it feeling

підхід “одна баба сказала”,

робота “ не бий лежачого”

5. inverted/reversed/metaphorical (expressed by an “of-phrase) :

a toy of a girl

the toy of the girl (ordinary noun phrase) - the toy of a girl (inverted epithet)

A ghost of a smile appeared on Soames’s face. (J. Galsworthy)

is used - to convey the subjective attitude of the writer

metaphor vs. metonymy


2. one semantic domain: dressed in silk

3. widening of lexical meaning (The hall applauded)

4. one object doesn’t exclude the other (The blue nose came into the room.)

5. the function of identification/nomination (the theme): The bottle-neck coloured.


1. likeness/similarity

2. two semantic domains: Love is a red rose.

3. narrowing of lexical meaning. (He is a bear)

4. one image excludes the other (the sky lamp of the night = the moon)

5. the predicative function (the rheme): She was a fox. But this fox was especially cunning.

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Інформаційні бази | Indicates the feature of comparison (semantically more definite)
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