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PRACTICE 1 - The science of law


International Law by Malcolm N. Shaw. Published October 13th 2003 by Cambridge University Press.

International Law by Antonio Cassese. Published February 10th 2005 by Oxford University Press, USA.



Answer the following questions using the information from this text:

1. How can you define the International law? What is International law?

2. What is necessary to do to understand the nature of the International legal system?

3. What is the origin of contemporary International law?

4. What are the sources of International law?

5. What was the role of International organization and agencies in changing the principle that states are the main subjects of International law?

6. Define the role of the United Nations in creating International law?

7. What elements does International law consist of?

8. What is the object of the rules that constitute International law?

9. What are the domains of the International law?

10. What is the contemporary role of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights nowadays?


1. Translate the following words and word combinations or find Russian equivalents:

case precedent; rules governing behavior between people; nature of crime charged; to account for our actions which hurt others; law is the rule of action; regulation of human relations; legislature passing laws; public opinion directing legislators; reformation; restraint; retribution; general deterrent; specific deterrent; transgression; probation.

2. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1) No nation which does not have an informed populace in jurisprudence can be strong and tree.

2) Law may be regarded as rules governing behavior between people.

3) Purposes for law include: (a) to regulate human relations; (b) to determine ownership/control of property; (c) to fix parameters of freedom in community and relationship by restraining anarchy.

4) Legislature passes laws; public opinion directs legislators.

5) Law can be spoken of in many different ways: political, criminal, civil, and equitable are recognized divisions.

6) Legal theories define jurisprudence as science of the law. It encompasses more than this. The Latin term juris means just or right. Prudentia, also Latin, means practical skill in the management of business affairs.

7) Purposes for law: (a) equality of treatment; (b) protection of rights; (c) protection of property; (d) freedom to pursue happiness; (e) equality of process; (f) and existence of a problem solver.

8) When we fail to observe the rules of law, we need compulsion. The Law does it by punishment, with five justifications: reformation, restraint, retribution, general deterrent, specific deterrent.

3. Find English equivalents for the following Russian expressions and words:

принцип господства права; статутное право; законодательный орган; обязывающая сила прецедентов (лат.); право справедливости; попытка подсудимого выговорить себе более мягкий приговор; обвинительный приговор; оправдательный приговор; нарушение закона; предупрежде­ние, предостережение; исправление документа, преступника; лишение cвободы; кара; общая правовая санкция; конкретная правовая санкция.


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