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The structure of chromosomes and genes

Historical background

The terms chromosome and gene were used long before biologists really understood what these structures were. When the Austrian monk and biologist Gregor Mendel (1822–1884) developed the basic ideas of heredity, he assumed that genetic traits were somehow transmitted from parents to offspring in some kind of tiny "package." That package was later given the name "gene." When the term was first suggested, no one had any idea as to what a gene might look like. The term was used simply to convey the idea that traits are transmitted from one generation to the next in certain discrete units.

The term "chromosome" was first suggested in 1888 by the German anatomist Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz (1836–1921). Waldeyer-Hartz used the term to describe certain structures that form during the process of cell division (reproduction).

One of the greatest breakthroughs in the history of biology occurred in 1953 when American biologist James Watson and English chemist Francis Crick discovered the chemical structure of a class of compounds known as deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA). The Watson and Crick discovery made it possible to express biological concepts (such as the gene) and structures (such as the chromosome) in concrete chemical terms.

According to the classical cytological studies, each chromosome structurally consists of a limiting membrane called pellicle, an amorphous matrix and two very thin, highly coiled filaments called chromonema or chromonemata. Each chromonemata is 800A 0 thick and contains 8-microfibriis, each of which in its turn contains two double helics of DNA. Both chromonematae remain intimately coiled in spiral manner with each other and have a series of microscopically visible bead-like swelling along its length called chromomeres. The early geneticists have attached great significance to the chromomeres and errorneously considered them as hereditary unit, hereditary or Mendelian factors or genes; but modern cytological investigations have confirmed that the chromomeres are not genes but the regions of super-imposed coils.

The recent cytological findings have also condemned the view that chromosomes have pellicle, matrix and chromonemata.

A chromosome is an organized structure of DNA and protein that is found in cells. A chromosome is a single piece of coiled DNA containing many genes, regulatory elements and other nucleotide sequences. Chromosomes also contain DNA-bound proteins, which serve to package the DNA and control its functions. The word chromosome comes from the Greek chroma - color and soma - body due to their property of being very strongly stained by particular dyes. Chromosomes vary widely between different organisms. The DNA molecule may be circular or linear, and can be composed of 10,000 to 1,000,000,000 nucleotides in a long chain. Typically eukaryotic cells (cells with nuclei) have large linear chromosomes and prokaryotic cells (cells without defined nuclei) have smaller circular chromosomes, although there are many exceptions to this rule.

Today we know that a chromosome contains a single molecule of DNA along with several kinds of proteins. A molecule of DNA, in turn, consists of thousands and thousands of subunits, known as nucleotides, joined to each other in very long chains. A single molecule of DNA within a chromosome may be as long as 8.5 centimeters (3.3 inches). To fit within a chromosome, the DNA molecule has to be twisted and folded into a very complex shape. Each chromosome has a constriction point called the centromere, which divides the chromosome into two sections, or “arms.” The short arm of the chromosome is labeled the “p arm.” The long arm of the chromosome is labeled the “q arm.” The location of the centromere on each chromosome gives the chromosome its characteristic shape, and can be used to help describe the location of specific genes.

The arrangement of packets of genetic information in a chromosome is as follows:

Furthermore, cells may contain more than one type of chromosome; for example, mitochondria in most eukaryotes and chloroplasts in plants have their own small chromosomes. The following are the different types of chromosomes

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