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ID is different in every country

Study the following information.


An identity document, or also called a piece of identification (ID), is a document which evidences aspects of a person's identity. The use of identity cards is supported by law enforcement officials who claim that it can make surveillance and identification of criminals much easier. Identity cards can be a useful administrative tool that can increase efficiency in dealings with both the government and private companies. Cards may help reduce immigration service bureaucracy and false identification. Law enforcers can locate and identify people who either do not know or cannot communicate their names and/or addresses (e.g., due to Alzheimer's disease, amnesia or heavy intoxication).

It is important to keep in mind that every country requires different documentation that proves someone's identification (ID). In many countries such as Greece and Spain a national ID card is compulsory. Citizens are expected to have these cards on them at all times. However, in other countries ID cards are not required. Police and officials in these countries often use another system to identify people, such as asking for two pieces of ID.

Find Ukrainian equivalents for these types of ID:


Government-issued Photo ID card

Driving license/Driver's license

Birth certificate

Permanent residence card

Social security card

Medical/Health card

Voter registration card

2. Below you will find information/security items that may appear on documentation. Match the items on the left with their fits on the right.

Maiden name a series of thick and thin black lines that holds computerized information
Photograph date when the ID holder was born: day/month/year: 23/05/1970 (23rd May 1970) month/day/year: 05/23/1970 (23rd May 1970) year/month/day: 1970/05/23 (23rd May 1970)
Valid until/expiry date date when documentation was created
Height blue, brown, green, black, grey
Signature markings of a person's thumb or finger tip
Marital status how tall a person is in centimetres or feet and inches
Magnetic stripe a laser photograph which makes a picture or image look life-like
Serial number or PIN (Personal Identification Number) a long black stripe found on the back of a card that can be swiped into a computer for information
Hologram a woman's surname before marriage
Eye colour single, married, divorced (no longer married), separated, common law wife, common law husband
Date of Issue citizenship (native citizen, immigrant, landed immigrant, permanent resident, refugee)
Fingerprint recent picture of ID holder
National status city, country where ID holder was born
Place of birth current job (doctor, teacher, retired)
Sex number that can be entered into government systems to find information about a person
Profession M (male), F (female)
bar code hand-written name of ID holder
Date of birth (DOB) the last date when an ID document can be used



Unit 2 Evolution of Law: Historical Aspect Section 1 Roman Law



1. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentences below:

1.The traditional date for the founding of Rome is_____

a) 650 BC
b) 700 BC

c) 753 BC
d) 356 BC.

2. Romulus and Remus __________.
a) were two consuls who saved Rome from the Carthaginians
b) were two Roman generals who conquered Gaul
c) were twin brothers who were said to have formed the city of Rome
3. The forum was __________.
a) the marketplace and business center
b) Rome's field and track playground
c) an amphitheater
d) an enormous stadium built to hold the chariot races

4. The _____influenced the laws of almost every European country.
a) Hippodrome

b) Justinian Code

c) Hagia Sophia

d) Tribonian

5. The language of the Romans, __________, was the basis of many modern European languages.

a) Roman

b) Spanish

c) Latin

d) Italian

6. The social status in Ancient Rome was divided into______

a) slaves, freedmen and free-born citizens

b) plebeians and patricians

c) senators and gladiators

d) upper class, medium class, lower class

2. Answer the questions:

1. What is the contribution of Roman civilization into the world culture?

2. Why do law students all over the world study Roman law today?

3. Match the following English words and phrases with their Ukrainian equivalents:

to retain прості люди

common people викладати

to compel зберігати

to set forth примушувати

edict розширення

extension починати

to inaugurate указ

4. Mind the pronunciation of the following:

Justinian [ ]

the Mediterranean [ ]

Bologna [ ]

European [ ]

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