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III. Vocabulary study. A. Give the definitions for the following terms or explain in other words

A. Give the definitions for the following terms or explain in other words.


1. democracy

2. rule

3. council

4. ownership

5. authorities

B. Answer the following questions using the information from the text:

1. What are two basic forms of democracy?

2. What way may be the public will exercised in?

3. What does the notion of self-government denote?

4. What are the main functions of the local self-government?

5. What is the form of city government?

6. What is local government responsible for?

7. What is the material and financial ground of the local government?

2. Complete the following sentences according to the information from the text:

1. The acceptance of democratic … such as … and … constitutes the essence of democracy.

2. In indirect or representative … the people elect … and give them … and … to make laws and conduct ….

3. …, establishing, controlling and … are among the main … of the local self-government.

4. Every local government area has its …, elected by the ….

5. … to local budgets constitute the financial base of ….

3. Match the following legal terms with their definitions:

Incomes a) government of the people, by the people, and for the people
self-government b) the chief of local executive branch
Budget c) profits
Democracy d) the rule of people living in a local community
Mayor e) the annual distribution of income and expenditure

1. Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents:

authority, responsibility, jurisdiction, welfare, health authorities, transportation, employment, housing, sewage, fire зайнятість, органи охорони здоров’я, влада, перевезення, добробут, житлово-комунальне господарство, пожежної безпеки, каналізація, відповідальність

2. Read the following exchange between Mayor Samuel Yorty of Los Angeles and Senator Abraham Ribicoff of Connecticut during a Congressional hearing in 1966 and complete the words. Consult the words from the previous exercise:

SENATOR RIBICOFF: As I listened to your testimony, Mayor Yorty, I have made some notes. This morning you have really waived au…..ty and res…s…..ty in the following areas: schools, w..f…, t….p….t…, e..l..ment, h…th, h..s…, which leaves you as the head of the city basically with a ceremonial function, police and recreation.

MAYOR YORTY: That’s right, and fire.



SENATOR RIBICOFF: Collecting s…g.?

MAYOR YORTY: Sanitation; that’s right.

SENATOR RIBICOFF: In other words, basically you lack j….d..t…,..th….y, …..si….y for what makes a city move?

MAYOR YORTY: That’s exactly it.

3. Complete the following sentences by translating the words and expressions in brackets:

1.The functions of (місцевої влади) can be divided into two main groups: objective and administrative functions. 2. Various (комунальні служби) are matters of governmental concern. 3. Every local government area has its council, elected by (мешканцями). 4. (Рада) passes local normative/non-normative acts, the laws of the city, sets the tax rate on property and (розподіляє) money among the various local departments. 5. (Доходи) to local budgets constitute the financial base of local (органів влади).

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