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TABLE I (Civil procedure)

Excerpts from the Twelve Tables

Task 10. Insert the prepositions if necessary.

Task 9. Match the synonyms.


Another code of early law is the Code of Hebraic, or Mosaic Law1 of about 1400 BC. The Mosaic Law or Law of Moses is the law given through Moses to the Israelite people (the original Jewish people) per the Mosaic Covenant and consigned in the Torah (or Five Books of Moses, the Pentateuch). In the Torah and the Christian Testaments, it is simply called "the Law".

Depending on context and in widening order, Mosaic law may refer to the observance of:

  • The Ten Commandments, basis for the 613 Commandments
  • The 613 Commandments (613 Mitzvot), basis for the Biblical law
  • The Biblical law, the legal aspects of the Torah
  • The Torah, the founding texts of Judaism, first part of the Tanakh

Less commonly, Mosaic law may also refer to the observance of:

  • The Tanakh, the Bible used in Judaism
  • The Halakha, collective body of Jewish religious law, the Jewish law
a code a hand-book
to set up to compile
to undergo changes thriving
highly developed to reveal
to show to establish
a reference book to be influenced by
to draw up a set of laws
to fulfill to write a code


1. These legal principles are still … use.

2. These codes are based … Roman law principles.

3. Roman law developed … the Law of the Twelve Tables.

4. … this way local rules became a part of Roman law.

5. These laws deal... commerce.


Task 11. Read & comprehend the text.

Si in jus vocat, ito. Ni it, antestamino. Igitur em capito.

If someone is called to go to court, he has to go. If he doesn't go, a witness should be called. Only then should he be captured.

Si calvitur pedemve struit, manum endo iacito. Si morbus aevitasve vitium escit, iumentum dato. Si nolet, arceram ne sternito.

If he shirks or flees, he should be captured. If illness or old age is an impediment, let him be given a carriage. If he doesn't want it, it should not be covered.

Adsiduo vindex adsiduus esto. Proletario iam civi quis volet vindex esto.

Only a landowner should be surety for another landowner. But any citizen can be surety for a proletarian.

Rem ubi pacunt, orato. Ni pacunt, in comitio aut in foro ante meridiem caussam coiciunto. Com peroranto ambo praesentes. Post meridiem praesenti litem addicito. Si ambo praesentes, solis occasus suprema tempestas esto.

When parties have made an agreement, announce it. If they don't agree, they shall state their case in the Forum before noon. They shall plead together in person. After noon, let the judge pronounce. If both are present, the case shall end at sunset.

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