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Status of a stream



Class Complex


Class ostream


Standard streams

Topic 16. STREAMS


Along with <stdio.h> library, containing input/ouput functions printf, scanf, etc., C++ language has also the library <iostream.h>. In this library there are classes and functions for information input and output. To use this library the program should contain the statement

#include <iostream.h>


Advantages of <iostream.h>

1. The syntax is more simple and more elegant that syntax of printf and scanf.

2. Formatted output can be easily redefined.

3. Th library <iostream.h> has a wide hierarchy of classes for buffered and non-buffered output.



In C++ language there are 4 predefinned objects for input/output:

· cin - standard input (usually keyboard), corresponding to stdin in C language;

· cout - standard output (usually screen), corresponding to stdout in C language;

· cerr - standard file for error messages (the screen by default), corresponding to stderr in C language;

· clog - full buffered cerr object.


For input and output following operators are used:

>> - overloaded input operator “get”

<< - overloaded output operator “put”.

These operators if necessary can be overloaded (redefined) for user defined classes.




stream output in C++ output in C
cerr<<”Error” printf(“Error”);
cerr<<”Error number”<<i<<”\n”; printf(“Error number %d\n”,i);

In C++ language there is standard predefined class for output


ostream& operator<<(char*);

ostream& operator<<(int);

ostream& operator<<(long);

ostream& operator<<(double);

ostream& put(char);



The operator << has two operands: the first operand is of class ostream, the second is the value for output. Operator << (“put”) returns the reference to ostream object. It is necessary for so called cascade output:


This line is interpreted as



From declaration of ostream class it can be seen that operator << is overloaded for all predefined data types: char, int, long and double.

16.2.1.Overloading << for user defined classes


Consider previously implemented class for Complex numbers. It can be modified for standard output into cout with the help of overloaded operator <<.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <iostream.h>


double Re;

double Im;


Complex(double r, double i) {Re=r; Im=i;};

Complex Add(Complex a,Complex b);

Complex& Assign(Complex a);

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, Complex x);

friend istream& operator>>(istream& s, Complex& a);


ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, Complex x)


return s<<"("<<x.Re<<","<<x.Im<<")";


Now we can print complex numbers in the form (re,im), for example:



Complex x(3,4);



In fact we expanded class ostream with our own operator << for Complex objects.

Input is similar to output. There is class istream, which supplies operator >> (“get”) for standard data types of C language:

class istream
istream& operator>>(char*);
istream& operator>>(char&);
istream& operator>>(int&);
istream& operator>>(long&);
istream& operator>>(lfloat&);
istream& operator>>(double&);
istream& get(lchar& c); // character
istream& get(char* p, int n); // character string



C++ stream input C input
int x; int x;
float y; float y;
cin>>x>>y; scanf(“%d &f”,x,y);


User can add his own operator >> for new classes.


EXAMPLE: input operator for Complex class.


istream& operator>>(istream& s, Complex& a)
// a is expected in form (re,im)
double re,im;
char c;
int ok=0;
if (c=='(') {
if (c==',') {
if (c!=')') {
cerr<<"Wrong complex number"<<"\n";
if (ok) {a.Re=re; a.Im=im;}
return s;


Operators << and >> for Complex class cann be tested with the help of a following program:

Complex a(0,0);
Complex b(0,0);
Complex c(0,0);
cout<<"Please enter the first number in form (re,im):";
cout<<"And now the second number in form (re,im):";
return 0;


Every stream is connected with error states. They are described as follows in clas ios (stands for input/output status).

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