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Exercise 1. Read the dialogue and translate it into Ukrainian. Then dramatize it in parts

Unit 1



Let’s get acquainted


Vocabulary: greetings, personal information, family and relatives, idioms and sat-expressions of the topic under consideration.

Grammar: to be, to have, Pronouns.

Language practice: introductions and socialising.


A: Hallo, I’m David. David Johnes.

B: Oh, nice to meet you! And my name is Martin Anderson.

A: Pleased to meet you too.

B: Let me introduce my wife - Helena Maria Christensen.

A: Helena Ma …. I am sorry. I didn’t quite catch your name.

C: Call me Helena.

A: Sure! So, guys, you don’t seem to be English. Where are you from?

B: Oh, my wife and I are Danish. As a matter of fact, I was born in England, but I lost my parents when I was a baby and lived in Denmark with my grandmother, so that Danish is really my native language.

A: So, how are you getting on? When did you arrive?

B: We arrived in England last February. We were both sick on the journey. To make matters worse, I left my camera on the ship.

A: Have you two settled down already?

C: Yes, we were lucky enough to find a house in the suburbs of London. Our two children have joined us.

A: And what are you?

B: Well, I am an engineer and have worked for several years at a factory. My wife is working as a part-time nurse in a hospital …..


Exercise 2. Dramatize the dialogue in different moods. As if you were:

- a grandpa and a rock-musician;

- a naughty student and a nun;

- a serious banker and a strip-dancer.


Exercise 3. Ask your partner his/her name, country of residence, city (village) and address.


For example: - Hello, my name is Jane. I am 18. I come from Ukraine. I live in Number 2, Shevchenko Street, Kirovohrad.

- Hi, I am John and I am 20. I am from England. I live in Number 4, Green Road in London.

- Nice to meet you, John?

- I am glad to meet you too. How are you Jane?

- Oh, I am great, thank you. And you?

- I am fine, thanks.


J Well done!!!

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