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Borispil Airport

Answer the questions.

1. When is the term “airship hangar” used?

2. How were the first hangars used?

3. How were other early hangars constructed?

4. What kind of hangars do most airports have today?

5. What is one of the most important sides of the airport work?

6. What do the layout and number of the hangars designs depend on?

7. What demands should maintenance hangars meet?

Boryspil International Airport is the largest airport in Ukraine. It is located 34 km from Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, 5 km from the town of Boryspil.

The airport provides 24-hour service and is designed to accommodate all current types of aircraft.

Due to growth of international, political and economic relations independent Ukraine becomes more and more attractive to businessmen and tourists from all the countries of the world. Boryspil Airport is the main gate of Ukraine.

The new terminal of Boryspil Airport was opened in 1965 and its architectural and technical achievements were unique for that time.

The airport consists principally of the landing area (or flying field), the terminal area and the control of air traffic in the airspace round the airport (the terminal air traffic control (ATC)).

Modern equipment for passengers and baggage handling, aviation security control completely meet ICAO standards.

The airport infrastructure includes:

- the main complex (aerodrome and its equipment, aviation security control facilities, communication means);

- the terminal complex for passengers and baggage handling;

- cargo complex for air cargo handling.

The refurbished and modernized International Airport is capable of handling 30 passenger departures per hour, or a total traffic of approximately 200 000 passengers per year.

New departure gates have been created, connected via enclosed link-ways 2 air bridges, with a ramp descending to the apron for those passengers boarding planes via buses.

Baggage of departing passengers proceeds from the check-in area via one to two conveyors to the new baggage processing area. Along the way, baggage passes through an online security X-ray system, thus making Boryspil Airport to comply fully with the new ICAO standards on 100% hold baggage screening.

International arrivals have been moved from the previous international terminal to the ground floor of the Ukraine Hall providing a considerable increase in space available for immigration and customs processing, and baggage retrieval. Two baggage carousels in the arrival’s area ensure that passengers receive their baggage in a timely and efficient manner.

The airport provides 24 hour service and is designed to accommodate all current types of aircraft.

There is coach service between Boryspil and Kyiv. Coaches now operate to meet all departures and arrivals of Ukrainian International Airlines flights at Boryspil Airport. Subsequently, all passengers travelling to or from Kyiv may book just their flights but also a seat on a coach.

Birds can cause crashes if they get pulled into the engines, and staff works to keep them away from the runways. They use guns with blank cartridges to frighten the birds away.

New ideas of the airport development appear and put into practice, technical potential is renewed, and all this gives hope that in the future we will keep the leading position among the airports of Ukraine.

We hope that in the nearest future citizens and other foreign guests can take advantage of all the advanced services of Boryspil International Airport in Ukraine.

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