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Choose the right answer. 1. The USA is situated in the central part of

1. The USA is situated in the central part of …

a) the South American continent;

b) the North American continent;

c) the South-West American continent;

d) the North-East American continent.


2. It is washed by … in the East, and by … in the West.

a) the Pacific Ocean; the Arctic Ocean;

b) the Atlantic Ocean; the Indian Ocean;

c) the Atlantic Ocean; the Pacific Ocean;

d) the Pacific Ocean; the Indian Ocean.


3. … are the only countries bordering on the USA.

a) Mexico to the North and Canada to the South;

b) UK to the West and Canada to the South;

c) Canada to the North and Mexico to the South;

d) Mexico to the East and Canada to the West.


4. Hawaii, which became the 50th state in 1959, is situated in ….

a) The Atlantic Ocean;

b) The Arctic Ocean;

c) The Pacific Ocean;

d) The Indian Ocean.

5. The climate of the USA is … in different regions of the country:

a) the same;

b) continental;

c) not homogeneous;

d) subtropical.

6. The USA is federation of … states.

a) fifteen;

b) fifty;

c) five hundred;

d) fifty–five.


7. The seat of the central government is ….

a) Washington;

b) New York;

c) Los Angeles;

d) Chicago.


8. The legislative branch is represented by ….

a) the Senate;

b) the House of Representatives;

c) the Congress;

d) the President.


9. The executive branch of the power is headed by ….

a) the Congress;

b) the President;

c) the Democratic Party;

d) the Republican Party.


10. American Congress includes two houses ….

a) the House of Lords and the House of Commons;

b) the House of Representatives and the Senate;

c) the House of Lords and the House of Representatives;

d) the Senate and the House of Commons.


4.Translate the sentences into English:

1. США – це назва країни, що складається з 50 штатів, об’єднаних у федеративну республіку.

2. Ця країна займає центральну частину Північної Америки і простягається з заходу на схід від Тихого до Атлантичного океану.

3. До складу США також входять Аляска на півночі і Гаваї у Тихому океані.

4. США межують з Канадою на півночі і Мексикою на півдні.

5. Якщо ми подивимось на карту США, то побачимо низини і гори.

6. Клімат країни дуже різноманітний.

13. США є лідером у світі з видобутку міді та нафти.

8. Хоч американці за походженням в основному європейці та африканці, тут представлені всі раси й нації, включаючи китайців і корінних американців – індійців.

9. Промислові підприємства країни випускають літаки, автомобілі, радіоприймачі й телевізори, зброю, меблі тощо.

10. Згідно з Конституцією в США є три гілки влади: виконавча, очолювана Президентом, законодавча, яку здійснює Конгрес, і судова.


5. Explain …


- why the climate of the USA varies greatly in different regions of the country;

- why the population of the USA is not homogeneous.

6. It is interesting to know…

1. Christopher Columbus never knew that he’d discovered a new continent. He reached a chain of islands in the Caribbean which he called the West Indies because he thought he had discovered a west passage to India.

2. The first known European settlement in the New World was established in Greenland about 985 by the descendants from a line of Viking chieftains.

3. The distance that Columbus covered on his way from Spain to Bahamas was about 6,275 kilometres (3,900 miles).

4. Hunting deer or bucks was a big business in the colonies. Indians and colonies often counted a person’s wealth in buckskins or bucks.

5. George Washington set a precedent refusing to run for the third term.

The unwritten rule was broken only by Franklin Roosevelt who was elected President four times.

6. The simple obelisk built in honour of G. Washington is often called the pencil.

7. The ”Potomac” means ”the river of the meeting of the tribes”.

8. America is the motherland of jazz, rock and roll, nylon and Coca-Cola.

9. The famous ship ”Mayflower” set sail to Virginia but was blown off its course and reached land on the shores of Cape Cod in present day Massachusetts.

10. Alexander Graham Bell first displayed his electric telephone in 1876 at the Exhibition in Philadelphia.


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