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Three out of every 10 women

Guessed correctly.

Reading. Read the article through once, quickly, to see if you

Think ahead. Look at the title and guess what the article is about.



an oculist a throat-specialist
a physician an orthopaedist
a surgeon a gynaecologist
a dentist/stomatologist a pathologist
a pediatrician a radiologist
a therapeutist a cardiologist
an obstetrician a dermatologist
a neurologist a geriatrician

39. SPECIALISTS. Where can you find these patients? Match the patients with the correct wards or departments.


1. Intensive Care Unit

2. Casualty and Emergency Department

3. Paediatric Ward

4. Maternity Unit

5. Orthopaedic Ward

6. Surgical Ward

7. Geriatric Ward

8. Ophthalmic Ward

9. Gynaecological Ward

a. Mary who has just had a baby

b. John who has broken his leg

c. My grandmother who is suffering from pneumonia complications

d. Peter who will have his appendix removed

e. Betty's mother who is suffering from women's disease

f. My mother who will be operated on for an eye cataract

g. Samuel who is unconscious

h. Paul who has just been in a car crash

i. Your son who has measles

40. SPECIALISTS. Give the name of the people defined below.


1. a family doctor g _ _ _ _ _ _ p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ er

2. someone who looks after sick people in hospital _ _ _ s _

3. sick person who has to stay in hospital і _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4. sick person who has to visit hospital regularly for

treatment o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5. someone who operates on sick people _ _ _ _ _ o _

6. person badly injured in an accident, fire, war _ a _ _ _ _ _ _

7. person who helps at the birth of a baby m _ _ _ _ _ _

8. person who specializes in one area of medicine _ p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


The deadly risk facing



Every year, a staggering 50,000 deaths are caused by high blood pressure. But because it has few symptoms most of us have no idea we could be affected.


We're all well aware that high blood pres­sure or hypertension is something we should worry about. But for three out of 10 of you reading this article, the reality is far more serious. You could already have high enough blood pressure to put you at very real risk of potentially fatal conditions such as heart disease and stroke.

The tragedy according to the experts, is that lack of awareness means many people are suffering and dying needlessly 'If everyone's blood pressure was controlled - and with the right treatment it can be in nearly every case - we could prevent around 100,000 strokes and heart attacks and 50,000 deaths every year,' says Graham MacGregor, Professor of CardiovascularMedicine at St. George’s Hospital and Chairman of the Blood Pressure Association.

A major World Health Organisation study found half of all cardiovascular diseases are caused by high blood pressure. If you ask the average woman what her blood pressure reading is, however, she probably won't have the faintest idea. If you know yours, you should congratulate yourself as you're in the minority. In fact, according to a recent Gallup poll, almost three-quarters of the people interviewed had no idea what their blood pressure level was, and only a scant 16% knew what a healthy reading should be.

High blood pressure rarely has any external symp­toms, all the damage is internal, as the force of blood pumping at high pressure through your arteries strains your heart and weakens your blood vessels. The result is damaged, clogged arteries, which increases your risk of heart and kidney disease and makes you six times more likely to have a stroke or heart failure as your heart struggles to pump adequate supplies of oxygenated blood around the body.

On the face of it, controlling your blood pressure should be simple. Regular checks to identify those who have high or borderline pressure, together with medication or lifestyle changes to lower it, would be effective for most of us. Yet an incredible 80% of those with high blood pressure aren't being trea­ted for it. 'The reasons are complex,' says Professor MacGregor 'Some haven't been tested, as there's no national screening programme. Some are tested and aren't concerned enough to make lifestyle changes or take any medication. Others aren't being given the correct medication.'

While some GPs certainly need to be more alert to the dangers of high pressure. Professor MacGregor believes the onus is really on us. “We have to face the fact that half of us are going to have a stroke or heart attack.’, he says. “It’s time individuals took more responsibility for their own blood pressure. The only way you’ll know if it’s high or not is to have it measured. So make an appointment with your doctor and get it checked. Find out what the figures mean, and if your blood pressure is on the high side, talk to your doctor about ways to lower it.

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