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I carry some things ashore 11 страница

I thought of the sailors who must have been on board (я подумал о моряках, которые должны были бы быть на борту), and wondered if any had escaped (и задавался вопросом, спасся ли кто-нибудь). It seemed impossible (казалось невозможным) that any could have reached the shore through the furious sea (что кто-то смог добраться до берега через свирепое море) that was raging during the storm (которое бушевало во время шторма; rage — ярость, гнев, бешенство; to rage — беситься, злиться; быть в ярости, в гневе; бушевать, свирепствовать /о буре, эпидемии, страстях и т. п./).

"Oh, that one had been saved (вот если бы кто-нибудь спасся)!" I cried as I walked up and down the shore (восклицал я, ходя из стороны в сторону по берегу).

I wrung my hands (я ломал: «скручивал» руки; to wring — крутить, скручивать, выламывать; to wring one's hands — ломать себе руки), my lips were firmly set (мои губы были жестко сомкнуты: «крепко установлены»), my eyes were full of tears (мои глаза полны слез).

"Oh, that one had been saved!" I cried again and again (снова и снова).

It was thus that after so many lonely years without seeing a friendly face (было так = дело в том, что после столь многих одиноких лет, не видя дружеского лица) I longed to have at least one companion to talk with and to share my hopes and fears (я очень хотел иметь хотя бы одного товарища, чтобы говорить с ним и разделить мои надежды и страхи).

The sea was now quite calm (море было теперь довольно спокойным). Even among the rocks the water was smooth (даже между рифов вода была гладкой).

Seeing everything thus favorable (видя, что все было таким благоприятным), I made up my mind to get my canoe and go out to the wreck (я решил взять мое каноэ и отправиться к кораблю, потерпевшему кораблекрушение).

I hurried back to my castle (я поспешил обратно в замок) to get things ready for my voyage (чтобы приготовиться к моей поездке).

I packed a big basket with bread (я наполнил: «упаковал» большую корзину хлебом; to pack — упаковывать, запаковывать, укладывать вещи; тюковать); I filled a jug with fresh water (я наполнил кувшин пресной водой); I put a compass in my pocket (я положил в карман компас) that I might have it to steer by (который мог понадобиться, чтобы с его помощью править /судном/); I threw a bag full of raisins upon my shoulder (я перекинул сумку, полную изюма, через плечо; to throw — бросать).

Loaded with all these necessary things (нагруженный всеми этими нужными вещами), I went round to the place where my canoe was hidden (я пошел к месту, где было спрятано мое каноэ). I found her half full of water (я нашел его наполовину заполненным водой), for she had been lying there neglected for a long time (так как оно лежало там пренебрегаемое = без ухода долгое время).

With much labor I bailed the water out of her (с большим трудом я вычерпал из него воду) and got her afloat (и поставил на воду; afloat — наплаву). Then I loaded my cargo into her (затем я погрузил на него мой груз), and hurried home for more (и поспешил домой за следующим/за бóльшим /грузом/).

My second load (вторым грузом/второй загрузкой) was a bag full of rice (была сумка, полная риса), the umbrella to set up over my head for shade (зонт, чтобы установить его над головой для тени), another jug of water (другой кувшин воды), a cheese (сыр), a bottle of milk (бутылка молока), and about two dozen barley cakes (и около двух дюжин ячменных лепешек).

All these I carried around to my canoe (все это я отнес на каноэ). If there were men on board the wreck they might be in need of food (если на борту потерпевшего крушение корабля были люди, они могли бы нуждаться в еде: «быть в нужде еды»).

When I had arranged everything in good order (когда я все привел в хороший порядок; to arrange — приводить в порядок, расставлять; устраивать, организовывать, подготавливать; принимать меры; range — ряд, линия), I started out (я отправился в путь).

I kept the canoe quite close to the shore (я держал каноэ довольно близко к берегу) until I had rounded the point past which the dangerous current flowed (пока я не обогнул мыс, мимо которого текло опасное течение; point — точка; острие, выступающая часть; мыс). Being then in smooth water (будучи затем в тихой: «гладкой» воде), I struck boldly out toward the wreck (я направился отважно к остову разбитого судна; to strike — ударять; to strike out — направляться; to strike out for the shore — направиться к берегу).

Soon, however, upon looking a little ahead of me (вскоре, тем не менее, глядя немного вперед передо мной), I saw the second current flowing in a great eddy past a long line of half-hidden rocks (я увидел второе течение, текущее большим водоворотом мимо длинной линии полускрытых /водой/ скал).

As I looked on these rapid currents (когда я смотрел на эти быстрые потоки), my heart began to fail me (мое сердце начало отказывать мне). I knew that if I should be driven into one of them, it would carry me a great way out to sea (я знал, что если бы я попал: «был загнан/отнесен» в один из них, он вынес бы меня далеко в море). It would carry me so far that I should never be able to get back again (он вынес бы меня так далеко, что я ни за что не смог бы приплыть обратно).

Yet I was determined to persevere in my venture (и все же я был настроен упорно продолжать мое путешествие; to persevere — упорно добиваться, стойко, упорно продолжать).


discover [dIs'kAvq], burst [bq:st], lightning ['laItnIN], thunder ['TAndq], heard [hq:d], Bible ['baIbl], threw [TrH], raincoat ['reInkqut], caught [kO:t], distress [dIs'tres], anchor ['xNkq], during ['djuqrIN], firmly ['fq:mlI], many ['menI], jug [GAg], steer ['stIq], dozen ['dAz(q)n], arrange [q'reInG], rapid ['rxpId], driven ['drIv(q)n], determined [dI'tq:mInd], persevere ["pq:sI'vIq]



ONE day in May a great storm burst upon the island. All day and far into the night the rain fell and the wind blew, the lightnings flashed, and the thunder rolled.

But I was used to such storms, and I minded it but little. I stayed home in my castle, and felt very thankful that I had a place so safe and dry and comfortable. I sat up quite late, reading my Bible by the light of a little lamp I had made, and thinking of my strange lot in life. Suddenly I heard a sound which I felt sure was the noise of a gun fired at sea.

I started up quickly. I threw on my raincoat and mounted to my lookout on the top of the great rock.

The rain had stopped and the wind was going down. It was now past midnight, and very dark.

A moment after I had reached my place there was a flash of light that caused me to stop and listen for another gun.

In a few seconds I heard it. It seemed to come from that part of the sea where I was once caught by the strong current and driven far out in my boat.

I knew at once that the shots were fired from some ship in distress. Perhaps she was being driven upon the shore by the wind and waves. Could I do anything to help the poor men on board?

With great labor and danger to myself I gathered some sticks and brush into a pile on the rock and set it on fire.

The wood was not dry, but when the fire was once kindled it blazed up fiercely and cast a light over all the rocks and trees about me.

I felt sure that if there were sailors on the ship, they could not help but see it. And no doubt they did see it, for I soon heard another gun.

All night long I kept the fire burning; but no other sound besides the wind did I hear.

When it was broad day and the mists had cleared away, I turned my spyglass toward that part of the sea from which the sounds came.

Far away from the shore there was surely something; but whether it was a wreck or a ship under sail, I could not tell. The distance was too great.

I watched it from time to time all day. It did not move.

"It must be a ship at anchor," I said to myself.

Early the next morning I took my gun and went down toward that side of the island where the current had once caught me. When I had come to the shore there, I climbed upon some rocks and looked out over the sea.

The air was very clear now, and I could plainly see the ship.

She was not at anchor. She was fast on some great rocks of which there were many in that part of the sea.

I saw that the masts of the vessel were broken, and that her hull was lying more than halfway out of the water.

I thought of the sailors who must have been on board, and wondered if any had escaped. It seemed impossible that any could have reached the shore through the furious sea that was raging during the storm.

"Oh, that one had been saved!" I cried as I walked up and down the shore.

I wrung my hands, my lips were firmly set, my eyes were full of tears.

"Oh, that one had been saved!" I cried again and again.

It was thus that after so many lonely years without seeing a friendly face I longed to have at least one companion to talk with and to share my hopes and fears.

The sea was now quite calm. Even among the rocks the water was smooth.

Seeing everything thus favorable, I made up my mind to get my canoe and go out to the wreck.

I hurried back to my castle to get things ready for my voyage.

I packed a big basket with bread; I filled a jug with fresh water; I put a compass in my pocket that I might have it to steer by; I threw a bag full of raisins upon my shoulder.

Loaded with all these necessary things, I went round to the place where my canoe was hidden. I found her half full of water, for she had been lying there neglected for a long time.

With much labor I bailed the water out of her and got her afloat. Then I loaded my cargo into her, and hurried home for more.

My second load was a bag full of rice, the umbrella to set up over my head for shade, another jug of water, a cheese, a bottle of milk, and about two dozen barley cakes.

All these I carried around to my canoe. If there were men on board the wreck they might be in need of food.

When I had arranged everything in good order, I started out.

I kept the canoe quite close to the shore until I had rounded the point past which the dangerous current flowed. Being then in smooth water, I struck boldly out toward the wreck.

Soon, however, upon looking a little ahead of me, I saw the second current flowing in a great eddy past a long line of half-hidden rocks.

As I looked on these rapid currents, my heart began to fail me. I knew that if I should be driven into one of them, it would carry me a great way out to sea. It would carry me so far that I should never be able to get back again.

Yet I was determined to persevere in my venture.


I MAKE ANOTHER VOYAGE (я предпринимаю еще одно путешествие)


WITH very great care I steered my canoe out to sea (с большой осторожностью я направил мое каноэ в море). I kept just within the edge of the current on my right hand (я держался точно у края потока по правую руку; within — в, внутри; edge — кромка, край; грань, граница). It carried me along at a great rate (он нес меня на большой скорости; rate — норма; ставка, тариф; темп; скорость, ход /как физическая характеристика/), but I did not lose control of the canoe (но я не терял управление каноэ).


In about two hours I came up to the wreck (примерно через два часа я добрался до судна, потерпевшего кораблекрушение). It was a sad sight to look at (это было грустное зрелище: «это было грустное зрелище, чтобы смотреть на него»).

The ship lay partly on her side (корабль частично лежал на боку), and was jammed fast between two great rocks (и был крепко зажат между двумя большими рифами).

She looked like a Spanish ship (он выглядел, как испанское судно). She had been badly broken by the waves (он был сильно поломан волнами), and everything on her decks had been swept away (и все с палуб было смыто /в море/; to sweep — мести; to sweep away — сметать).

As I came close to her (когда я подплыл к нему поближе), a dog looked over her side and barked at me (пес выглянул через борт и залаял на меня; side — сторона, бок). When I called him he jumped into the sea and swam out to the canoe (когда я позвал его, он прыгнул в море и поплыл к каноэ).

I lifted him on board (я поднял его на борт), and found that he was almost dead with hunger and thirst (и обнаружил, что он был почти мертв от голода и жажды).

I gave him a barley cake (я дал ячменную лепешку), and he devoured it like a half-starved wolf (и он сожрал ее, как полумертвый от голода волк; to starve — умирать от голода). I then gave him a little water (затем я дал ему немного воды), but not too much lest he should harm himself (но не очень много, чтобы он не повредил себе = чтобы ему не стало плохо). He drank (он пил), and then looked up as if asking for more (а затем посмотрел вверх, как бы прося еще).

After this I went on board (после этого я взошел на борт). A sad sight met my eyes (печальный вид встретил мои глаза; to meet — встречать). For in the cookroom I saw two sailors who had been drowned (потому что в камбузе я увидел двух моряков, которые утонули), with their arms fast around each other (с руками крепко вокруг друг друга = крепко обнявшись).

I suppose (я предполагаю) that when the ship struck (что когда корабль ударился = сел на мель; to strike — ударять) the waves dashed all over her (волны хлынули через него) and the men had no way of escape (и у людей/экипажа не было никакого пути спасения). Those who were not swept overboard (кого не смыло за борт: «кто не был смыт за борт»; to sweep — мести, сметать) were drowned between decks (утонули между палубами).

Besides the dog there was no other live thing on board (кроме собаки, не было никого другого живого существа на борту).

I found some chests that had belonged to the sailors (я нашел несколько ящиков, которые принадлежали морякам). With much labor I got two of them into the canoe without stopping to look inside of them (с большим трудом я затащил два из них на каноэ, не останавливаясь, чтобы посмотреть внутрь их).

Besides these chests (кроме этих ящиков), I took a fire shovel and tongs (я взял лопату для огня = камина и щипцы), which I needed very much (которые мне были очень нужны). I found, also, two little brass kettles (я нашел также два маленьких латунных чайника; brass — латунь, желтая медь), a gridiron (рашпер /решетка для поджаривания мяса/; grid — решетка, сетка; iron — железо), and a large copper pot (и большой медный горшок/большую медную кастрюлю).

The tide was now setting in toward the island again (прилив направлялся к острову опять). So, with the few goods I had found and the poor dog, I started for home (поэтому с немногими вещами, которые я нашел, и бедным псом я отправился домой; goods — товар; товары; вещи, имущество).

By keeping on the outside of the eddying current (держась снаружи крутящегося потока; eddy — маленький водоворот, воронка; to eddy — крутиться в водовороте) I had no trouble in bringing the canoe safe to land (у меня не было трудностей привести каноэ невредимым к суше). The sun was almost down (солнце почти зашло) when I anchored her in a little inlet just off the point of rocks (когда я поставил его на якорь в маленькой бухте как раз скалистым мысом).

I was so tired (я был таким уставшим) that I could do nothing more that day (что в тот день я больше не мог ничего делать). So, after eating my supper (поэтому, съев ужин), of which I gave the dog a good share (из которого я дал собаке хорошую долю), I lay down in the canoe and went to sleep (я лег в каноэ и заснул; to lie — лежать; to lie down — ложиться).

I slept very soundly (я спал очень крепко; sound — здоровый, крепкий; глубокий /о сне/), and did not wake until morning (и не просыпался до утра).

In looking over my goods (осматривая товары/вещи), I made up my mind to store them in my new cave in the woods (я решил хранить/складировать их в моей новой пещере в лесу). For that was much nearer than my home castle (потому что она была гораздо ближе, чем мой родной замок).

When I opened the chests (когда я открыл ящики) I found several things that I was very glad to get (я обнаружил несколько вещей, которые я был очень рад получить).

In one I found two jars of very good sweetmeats (в одном я нашел две банки очень хороших засахаренных фруктов; jar — банка; кувшин; кружка; мера жидкости /= 8 пинтам = 4,54 л/). They were so well corked (они были так хорошо закупорены) that the salt water had not harmed them (что соленая вода не повредила им). There were two other jars of the same kind (были еще две другие банки того же рода = две другие подобные банки); but they were open at the top (но они были открыты сверху /у крышек/), and the water had spoiled the sweetmeats (и вода испортила засахаренные фрукты/конфеты).

In the other chest there were some good shirts (в другом ящике было несколько хороших рубашек), which I needed very much (которые мне были очень нужны). There were also about a dozen and a half of white linen handkerchiefs (там было также около полутора дюжин: «дюжины с половиной» белых льняных платков). I was very glad to find these (я был очень рад найти их), for they would be pleasant to wipe my face with on a hot day (потому что ими будет приятно вытереть лицо в жаркий день).

In a secret drawer of the first chest (в потайном ящичке первого ящика; drawer — выдвижной ящик; to draw — тянуть, тащить) I found three bags of Spanish money (я обнаружил три мешочка испанских денег). I counted eleven hundred pieces of silver (я насчитал одиннадцать сотен серебряных монет).

At the bottom of one of the bags there were six Spanish gold pieces, each worth about fifteen dollars (на дне одной сумки было шесть испанских золотых монет, каждая стоимостью примерно пятнадцать долларов). These were wrapped up in a piece of paper (они были завернуты в кусок бумаги).

At the bottom of the other bag there were some small bars of gold (на дне одной сумки было несколько небольших слитков золота). I suppose there was at least a pound of these yellow pieces (я предполагаю, там был по крайней мере фунт этих желтых слитков).

After all, I got very little by this voyage (в конце концов: «после всего», я получил очень мало от этого путешествия). I had no use for the money (я не мог использовать эти деньги: «не имел использования для денег»). It was worth no more to me than the dust under my feet (они обладали для меня не большей ценностью, чем пыль под моими ногами). I would have given it all for a pair of good shoes or some stockings for my feet (я бы отдал это все за пару хороших туфель или хороших чулок для моих ног).

After I had carried everything to my cave (после того, как я отнес все в мою пещеру) I took the canoe back to her old harbor on the farther side of the island (я отвел каноэ обратно в заводь на дальней стороне острова). Then I returned to my castle (затем я вернулся в замок), where I found everything in good order (где нашел все в хорошем порядке).

And now I began to live easily again (и теперь я снова начал жить вольготно; easily — легко; свободно, без труда). I was as watchful as before (я был столь же осторожен, как и раньше), and never went from my castle without looking carefully around (и никогда не уходил из замка, как следует не осмотревшись; carefully — тщательно, аккуратно; внимательно; заботливо; care — забота).

I seldom went to the other side of the island (я редко ходил на другую сторону острова). When I visited my cave in the woods (когда я навещал мою пещеру в лесу), or went to see my goats (или отправлялся посмотреть на моих коз), I took good care to be well armed (я заботился: «брал хорошую заботу», чтобы быть хорошо вооруженным).


lose [lu:z], control [kqn'trqul], sailor ['seIlq], handkerchief ['hxNkqtSi:f], gridiron ['grIdaIqn], worth [wq:T], wrap [rxp]




WITH very great care I steered my canoe out to sea. I kept just within the edge of the current on my right hand. It carried me along at a great rate, but I did not lose control of the canoe. In about two hours I came up to the wreck. It was a sad sight to look at.

The ship lay partly on her side, and was jammed fast between two great rocks.

She looked like a Spanish ship. She had been badly broken by the waves, and everything on her decks had been swept away.

As I came close to her, a dog looked over her side and barked at me. When I called him he jumped into the sea and swam out to the canoe.

I lifted him on board, and found that he was almost dead with hunger and thirst.

I gave him a barley cake, and he devoured it like a half-starved wolf. I then gave him a little water, but not too much lest he should harm himself. He drank, and then looked up as if asking for more.

After this I went on board. A sad sight met my eyes. For in the cookroom I saw two sailors who had been drowned, with their arms fast around each other.

I suppose that when the ship struck the waves dashed all over her and the men had no way of escape. Those who were not swept overboard were drowned between decks.

Besides the dog there was no other live thing on board.

I found some chests that had belonged to the sailors. With much labor I got two of them into the canoe without stopping to look inside of them.

Besides these chests, I took a fire shovel and tongs, which I needed very much. I found, also, two little brass kettles, a gridiron, and a large copper pot.

The tide was now setting in toward the island again. So, with the few goods I had found and the poor dog, I started for home.

By keeping on the outside of the eddying current I had no trouble in bringing the canoe safe to land. The sun was almost down when I anchored her in a little inlet just off the point of rocks.

I was so tired that I could do nothing more that day. So, after eating my supper, of which I gave the dog a good share, I lay down in the canoe and went to sleep.

I slept very soundly, and did not wake until morning.

In looking over my goods, I made up my mind to store them in my new cave in the woods. For that was much nearer than my home castle.

When I opened the chests I found several things that I was very glad to get.

In one I found two jars of very good sweetmeats. They were so well corked that the salt water had not harmed them. There were two other jars of the same kind; but they were open at the top, and the water had spoiled the sweetmeats.

In the other chest there were some good shirts, which I needed very much. There were also about a dozen and a half of white linen handkerchiefs. I was very glad to find these, for they would be pleasant to wipe my face with on a hot day.

In a secret drawer of the first chest I found three bags of Spanish money. I counted eleven hundred pieces of silver.

At the bottom of one of the bags there were six Spanish gold pieces, each worth about fifteen dollars. These were wrapped up in a piece of paper.

At the bottom of the other bag there were some small bars of gold. I suppose there was at least a pound of these yellow pieces.

After all, I got very little by this voyage. I had no use for the money. It was worth no more to me than the dust under my feet. I would have given it all for a pair of good shoes or some stockings for my feet.

After I had carried everything to my cave I took the canoe back to her old harbor on the farther side of the island. Then I returned to my castle, where I found everything in good order.

And now I began to live easily again. I was as watchful as before, and never went from my castle without looking carefully around.

I seldom went to the other side of the island. When I visited my cave in the woods, or went to see my goats, I took good care to be well armed.


I HAVE A QUEER DREAM (я вижу странный сон)


TWO years passed without any alarms (два года прошли без каких-либо тревог; alarm — /боевая/ тревога), and I was beginning to think that nothing would ever again happen to disturb the quiet of my life (и я начинал думать, что ничто никогда не случится опять, что могло бы нарушить спокойствие моей жизни).

One night in the rainy season of March I could not sleep (одной ночью в дождливый мартовский сезон мне не спалось: «я не мог спать»). I lay for hours in my hammock and was not able to close my eyes (я лежал часами в гамаке и не мог: «не был способен» сомкнуть глаз).



I was thinking, thinking, thinking (я думал, думал, думал).

I thought of all that had ever happened to me both before and after my shipwreck (я думал обо всем, что случилось со мной до и после кораблекрушения; both — оба; both… and… — как … так и …; и … и …).

I thought of my first happy years on the island (я думал о первых счастливых годах на острове).

I thought of the fear and care that I had lived in ever since I saw the first footprint in the sand (я думал о страхе и заботах, в которых я жил постоянно с того времени, как я увидел первый отпечаток ноги в песке).

Then I thought of my great desire to see my native land once more (затем я подумал о моем большом желании увидеть мою родную землю еще раз), and to have friends and companions (и чтобы у меня были друзья и товарищи) with whom I could talk (с которыми я мог бы поговорить).

These thoughts brought to mind the savages of whom I had so great a dread (эти мысли вызвали в уме: «привели на ум» дикарей, которых я столь боялся), and I began to ask myself a thousand questions about them (и я начал спрашивать себя = задавать себе тысячу вопросов о них).

How far off was the coast from which they came (как далеко был берег, с которого они приплывали)?

Why did they come to my island from so great a distance (почему они приплывали на мой остров с такого большого расстояния)?

What kind of boats did they have (что за лодки были у них)?

With such thoughts as these I lay awake until far in the night (с такими мыслями я лежал, бодрствуя, допоздна в ночи). My pulse beat fast (мой пульс бил часто), my breath came hard (дыхание было прерывистым: «приходило тяжело»), my nerves were unstrung (нервы были ослабленными/ненатянутыми = расшатанными; unstrung — ослабленный, ненатянутый /о струнах, луке/ расшатанный /о нервах/; string — веревка; to string — натягивать /струну, тетиву/).

At last (наконец), worn out by my very restlessness (измученный самим моим беспокойством; to wear — носить /одежду, обувь/; изнашивать), I fell asleep (я погрузился в сон).

The same thoughts must have followed me into my dreams (те же самые мысли, должно быть, преследовали меня в снах: «последовали за мной в сновидения»), but they took a different form (но они приняли иную форму).

I dreamed (мне снилось) that I was sitting on the seashore (что я сидел на берегу моря) with my gun on my lap (с ружьем на коленях) and my umbrella by my side (и зонтиком возле меня).

I was thinking, thinking, thinking (я думал, думал, думал). I had never been so sad and lonely (я никогда не был столь грустным и одиноким).

I was thinking of the home I was never to see again (я думал о доме, который мне не суждено было больше: «никогда» увидеть), and of the friends who perhaps had forgotten me (и о друзьях, которые, возможно, забыли меня; to forget — забывать).

Suddenly, as I lifted my eyes (вдруг, когда я поднял глаза), I thought I saw two canoes coming toward the island (мне показалось, что я увидел два каноэ, движущиеся к острову). I ran and hid myself in a grove by the shore (я побежал и спрятался в леске у берега; grove — лесок, роща; to run — бежать; to hide — прятать).

There were eleven savages in the canoes (в лодках было одиннадцать дикарей), and they had with them another savage whom they were going to kill and eat (и с ними был другой дикарь, которого они собирались убить и съесть).

But I thought in my sleep that this savage suddenly sprang up and ran for his life (но я подумал во сне = мне приснилось, что этот дикарь вдруг вскочил и побежал /спасая/ свою жизнь; to spring — прыгать, скакать; to spring up — вскакивать).

I thought that he came running to the little grove, to hide himself in it (я подумал, что он прибежал в маленький лесок, чтобы спрятаться в нем).

Seeing him alone (видя его одного), I arose and met him (я встал и встретил его; to arise — подниматься). I smiled kindly (я улыбнулся по-доброму/ласково), and tried to make him know that I was his friend (и попытался дать ему понять, что я был его другом).

He threw himself on the ground at my feet (он бросился на землю у моих ног; to throw — бросать). He seemed to be asking my help (казалось, он просил помощи: «он казался быть просящим моей помощи»).

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