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Ex.13 Compare network topologies (in English)




Ex.9 Choose one of the devices (e.g. a repeater) and enumerate its main functions.


Ex.10 Read and translate into Russian:




The term topology refers to the arrangement or physical layout of computers, cables, and other components on the network.

All network designs have three basic topologies: bus, star and ring.

The bus topology is also known as a linear bus. This is the simplest and most common method of networking computers. It consists of a single cable called a trunk (also backbone or segment) that connects all of the computers in the network in a single line.

Computers on a bus topology network communicate by addressing data to a particular computer and putting that data on the cable in the form of electronic signals.

In the star topology, computers are connected by cable segments to a centralized component, called a hub. Signals are transmitted from the sending computer through the hub to all computers on the network.

The star network offers centralized resources and management. However, because each computer is connected to a central point, it requires a great deal of cable in a large network. Also, if the central point fails, the entire network goes down. If one computer, or the cable connecting it to the hub, fails only the failed computer will not be able to send or receive data.


The ring topology connects computers on a single circle of cable. There are no terminated (to terminate [´tƏ:mıneıt] – заканчивать, завершать, выходить) ends. The signals travel around the loop on one direction and pass through each computer. Each computer acts like a repeater. The failure of one computer can impact (to impact [ım´pækt] - влиять) the entire network.

One method of transmitting data around a ring is called token passing. The token is passed from computer to computer until it finds one with data to send. The sending computer changes the token, puts an address on the data, and sends it around the ring. The signal passes each computer until it finds the one with an address matching the address on the data. After verification, the sending computer creates a new token and releases it on the network.


Ex.11 Translate into English:

Расположение, основной, линейный, общий (популярный), магистраль, определенный, передавать, управление, требовать, выходить из строя (давать сбой), получать, посылать, петля (цикл), направление, находить, соответствовать, проверка, создавать, маркер, влиять.


Ex.12 Translate into English:

1. В топологии «шина» используется один кабель, именуемый магистралью или сегментом, вдоль которого подключены все компьютеры сети.

2. В кольцевой сети сигналы передаются по кольцу в одном направлении и проходят через каждый компьютер.

3. При выходе из строя одного компьютера прекращает функционировать вся сеть.





Text A. The MS Network.

Text B. Internet Protocols.


Ex.1 Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:

1. (to) offer [´ɔfƏ] – предлагать

2. (to) expand [ıks´pænd] – расширять

3. goal [ɡƏul] - цель

4. (to) achieve [Ə´ʧi:v] – достигать

5. custom [´kʌstƏm] – заказной, настраиваемый, выборочный

customer – потребитель, заказчик, покупатель

6. mailbox [´maılbɔks] – почтовый ящик

7. bulletin [´bulıtın] board– доска объявлений, электронная доска объявлений

8. chat [ʧæt, ʧʌt] – «беседа»

9. event [ı´vent] – событие

10. celebrity [sı´lebrıtı] – знаменитость

11. (to) add [æd] - добавлять

add-in – добавление, расширение, дополнительный ресурс

12. benefit [´benıfıt] – польза, выгода, преимущество

13. online service – онлайновая служба, диалоговая служба

14. in-depth [ın´depθ] – детальный, тщательный

15. “newsgroup” [´nju:zɡru:p] – группа новостей, (сетевая теле) конференция

Ex.2 Read and translate the text:

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