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Ex. 96 Choose the appropriate conjunction before a time-clause according to the structure and meaning of the sentence

Ex. 94 Put when or until according to the structure and meaning of the sentences

Ex. 93 Choose the correct tense-form according to the type of the subordinate clause: of time or condition, on the one hand, or an object clause, on the other

1.If you there first, keep a seat for me. (get) 2.I'll see you again when I next in London, (be) 3.1 don't know when I a job. (find) 4. Give her some more chocolate if it her quiet, (keep) 5. I'll open the window when it raining, (stop) 6. You can borrow my coat if you it back, (bring) 7. If you a seat/ I'll see if the doctor's free, (take) 8. All right. I'll apologize if it you feel better, (make) 9.Can you tell me when Mr Ellis here next, (be) 10. Come back again soon if you a chance, (get) 11.I don't know when he (come), the-weather is so nasty. 12. Ask him if he (go) to the Mediterranean.


1. Cook asparagus... you can easily put a sharp knife through the middle of the stems. 2 If you need unsalted butter, pour boiling water over salted butter which has been cut into pieces, and then put it all into the fridge.... the butter is hard,the salt will be left in the water. 3.... you only need the yellow skin of a lemon, cut it with a potato peeler. This will cut it thinner than a knife. 4. If you are cooking whole onions, remember that they won't make you cry.. they lose their roots. So peel them from the top and cut the roots off last. 5. Serve wine very cold. Keep it on ice... the moment you pour it. 6.... a melon is ready to eat, the end opposite the stem will be fairly soft.


Ex. 95 Reply to the questions using the given prompts as subordinate clauses of time with the conjunction 'as soon as'

e.g. 1. When are we going to eat?

We '11 eat as soon as John gets back.

1.When are we going to eat? a) I finish reading it.

2.When are you going to do your homework? b) John gets back.

3.Aren't you going to leave soon? c) this programme finishes.

4.When can you lend me that book? d) I get free weekend.

5.When are you going to come and visit us? e) I get my typewriter back.

6.When are you going to finish that report? f) the babysitter arrives.


1.Don't turn off the gas (until, while) the kettle boils. 2. I'll wait here (when, until) you get back. 3. Give me a ring (when, while) you hear the news. 4. I won't leave the house (until, while) the postman calls. 5. I won't speak English perfectly (until, after) I study it. 6. Where will he stay (when, while) he goes to New York? 7. They'll give her the message (as soon as, until) she arrives. 8. I'll give you some medicine (while, before) you go to bed. 9. I'm worried about the children. I'll stay up (until, before) you come back. 10. We must do something (before, since) it's too late. 11. I don't want to go without you, I'll wait (until, when) you are ready. 12. I'm going out now. If anybody phones (while, when) can you take a message. 13. We won't have dinner (until; before) Dad arrives.

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