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On Saturday… she was stopped entering the shop.

On Friday…Gilly went shopping in Harrods.



1. Have you heard of Harrods? What do you know about it?

2. Do you like what Gilly is wearing? Why do you think she wasn’t allowed into Harrods on Saturday?




3. Read the text to check your guess.



As fashion-conscious Gilly Woodward left Harrods last Friday, she felt proud of the £90 designer jeans that she had just bought. But when Gilly returned to the store the next day to do some shopping, she was barred from entry because she was wearing the same jeans.

Gilly had been staying with friends in London for a few days. She explained what had happened.

‘I was walking through the swing doors, when suddenly I was stopped by a large, uniformed security guard. He pointed at my knees, and said that my jeans were torn and I couldn’t enter. I tried to tell him that I had bought them in Harrods the day before, and that the torn jeans were fashionable. But he didn’t listen. He told me to get out. By this time, a crowd of people had gathered. I left immediately because I had never felt so embarrassed in my life.’

A spokesperson from Harrods said that the dress code was introduced in 1989, and it states: no beachwear, no backpacks, no torn denims.


4 What is your opinion on a store that has such a dress code? Do you know any stores, restaurants, or any public places where there is any kind of dress code?


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Дата добавления: 2014-12-27; Просмотров: 3514; Нарушение авторских прав?; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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