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Compare the types of ladders used in Ukraine and the USA. Write the annotation to the text

Write the annotation to the text.

Exercise 13. 1. Single out the main questions that are dealt with in the text.

Exercise 12. Translate the following sentences.

Exercise 11. Fill in the gaps.

Group antonyms in pairs.

Maximum, bad, strength, to permit, adjustable, top, adequate, worst, light, reliable, wet, hotter, minimum, to forbid, regular, long, unnecessary, inadequate, nonadjustable, more, bottom, good, unreliable, advantage, short, weakness, best, dry, irregular, colder, disadvantage, less, necessary, heavy.


Exercise 9. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the word “to treat”.

1. The firm has always treated its workers well. 2. She treats us like children. 3. This delicate glass must be treated with care. 4. The newspapers treated the story in a sensational way. 5. He treated my request unfairly. 6. Your employer will treat your suggestions as a joke. 7. My sister is being treated for a heart condition. 8. Put your money away, let me treat you. 9. I’m going to treat myself to a holiday in the Seychelles next year. 10. This car is being specially treated against rust.


Exercise 10. Make word combinations with the word “ladder”.


Fire service ladders perform two main …. They are used to save lives …extinguish fires. They are similar in …, design, purpose with other ladders. But … ladders must be constructed under rigid …. Ladders can be made of wood, …, plastic. After every use ladders should … cleaned. To remove oily and greasy … one must use solvent cleaners. Movable … should be lubricated at least every …months with waterproof grease. Firefighters should … for damaged or weakened parts of … ladder during each cleaning period.


1. Пожежники використовують багато пристроїв та інструментів. 2. Пожежні драбини виконують різні функції. 3. Висувна драбина складається з двох або більше секцій. 4. Драбини виготовляються з дерева, металу, пластмаси. 5. Рухомі частини драбини змащуються кожні 6 місяців. 6. При очищенні драбини пожежники шукали пошкоджені та ослаблені частини. 7. Розчинні очищувачі використовуються для видалення залишків масла. 8. Пожежники зараз видаляють бруд з драбини щіточками та водою. 9. Одноколінна драбина використовувалася для швидкого доступу до вікон та даху двоповерхових будівель. 10. Пожежники повинні чистити драбини після кожного використання.

2. Give definitions of such terms: straight ladder, aerial ladder, roof ladder, extension ladder.

Exercise 14. Translate the sentences. Pay attention to the word “it”.

1. Whose fire suit is it? It’s mine. 2. It’s the fire inspector. 3. The government became very unpopular since it was elected. 4. You can have one more day off and that’s it. 5. It will soon be breakfast time. 6. The worst of it is that we’ll have to get the repairs done again. 7. It makes me thick the way he is always complaining. 8. It’s easy for you to criticize, but could you do any better? 9. It was Jane, who bought dinner yesterday. 10. It surprised me to hear he was leaving. 11. Would it be possible to borrow your car? 12. What it’s like being married? 13. It doesn’t matter. 14. It’s snowing. 15. I hate it when I have to speak French over the phone. 16. I liked it when she kissed me. 17. It’s no use worrying. 18. How is it going? 19. It proved difficult to reach an agreement. 20. It’s 112 miles from London to Birmingham.

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