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V. Discuss this question with your partner

III. Choose the correct word.

II. Complete the sentences as in the text.


1. The United Nations use three measures: …

2. Most of the world’s population lives in…

3. Disasters and diseases cause suffering to …

4. When peace came to former colonies, these countries fell …

5. Debts and unfair trading of undeveloped countries are the cause of …

6. It is hard for poorer countries to compete with …

1. Many African countries were nations/colonies of European
countries until the 20th century.

2. If your debt stopped/cancelled, you don’t need to pay the money back.

3. A privileged/reluctant person is able to have things that others cannot have.

4. Political stability/instability happens when a country’s political system does not work properly.

5. A grant/loan is money given to someone (or a country) without having to pay it back.

6. If you are reluctant/willing do something, you don’t really want to do it.

7. Another word for help is aid/hamper.

8. When something aids/hampers you, it stops you from doing what you want to do.

9. Capital/primary goods are goods which are used in order to
produce other goods or things which can be consumed without being

10. Mature/Reluctant means fully developed.

11. Capital/Primary goods are the factories and machinery that an economy needs in order to produce other goods.

12. Human aid/capital is the educational level and the health of the working population.

IV. Now read the text again and choose the best answer А, В or
С to complete each sentence.

1. The majority of people in the world live...

A. in developed countries.

B. in less developed countries.

C. on less than a dollar a day.

2. Natural disasters and diseases...

A. happen more often in less developed countries.

B. are worse in less developed countries.

C. have a serious impact on the economy of less developed

3. Children often can’t get an education because...

A. there’s not enough human capital.

B. governments don’t wish to provide it.

C. their families are poor.

4. Political instability...

A. prevents investment.

B. causes war.

C. causes corruption.

5. The poorest 60 countries...

A. receive many hundreds of billions of dollars in aid annually.

B. receive less money in aid than they spend on repayments.

C. spend less money on repayments than they receive in aid.

6. Less developed countries are not able to spend enough money

A. primary goods.

B. capital goods.
C.imported goods.

— Less developed countries have received aid (loans and grants) for
decades. However, their economies have not grown. Why do you think
this is?

VI. Say what you have learned about:

— Developed and developing countries

— Natural disasters

— Political instability

— Complex issues that hamper economic growth

— Trap of debts

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