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Look at the words below and try to guess their meanings using the the explanations on the left. Write their Russian equivalents in the gaps

Although they are more often used in poetry than in prose, onomatopoeic words are also common in fiction. A knowledge of some 2 simple rules, may help you guess their meanings without looking up in a dictionary. Read the information below and do the exercises that follow.











Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.


1 Please never ever interrupt me when I’m in a meeting.

On no account …. am I (ever) to be interrupted when I’m in a meeting.

2 Nobody from this school has ever written a better composition.

Never …………………………………………………… written a better composition.

3 Such was the demand for tickets that people queued day and night.

The demand for tickets …………………………………that people queued day and night.

4 The money is not to be paid under any circumstances.

Under …………………………………………………………. to be paid.

5 Three days passed before we arrived at the first oasis.

Not until ……………………………………………………… at the first oasis.

6 Little did Brenda know what she was letting herself in for.

Brenda ……………………………………………………… what she was letting herself in for.

7 It was only when I stopped that I realised something was wrong.

Only ………………………………………………. that something was wrong.

8 The accused never expressed regret for what he had done.

At …………………………………………………… regret for what he had done.

9 Exhaustion prevented any of the runners from finishing the race.

So ……………………………………………………. of them finishing the race.

10 It’s not common for there to be so much rain in March.

Seldom ………………………………………………….. so much rain in March.


168 Besides lexical and syntactic stylistic devices authors resort to other expressive means: phonetic, graphical (phonographical) and morphological. Some of them are given below.

Phonetic means:

Onomatopea -the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (such as buzz, hiss, ding-dong, tinkle, tinkle, etc.).

Alliteration -the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words or stressed syllables, like in Shakespeare’s “These are c ertain s igns to know/ F aithful f riend f rom f lattering f oe.”

Graphical (phonographical) means:

Italics (italicized words) - a type of printed letters that lean to the right, often used to emphasize particular words.

Words in bold type or in bold -printed in letters that are darker and thicker than ordinary printed letters.

Graphon – intentional non-standard spelling. E.g. I know these Eye -talians! Here the part in bold is designed to receive emphasis in pronunciation thus expressing the speaker’s contempt or a likewise feeling.

Capitalisation – capital letters also serve the purpose of emphasising the word or words. E.g. I AM sorry.

postrophe (‘) which stands for the missing letter. E.g. “Father,” said one of the children at breakfast, “I want some ‘am, please.”

Repetition of letters. E.g. ‘ Appeeeee Nooooyeeeeerr.

Exclamation mark (!)

Morphological means:

Diminutive suffixes – doggy, girlie, piggy, Mikey, etc.

Nonce words – words or phrases which are invented by the author for a partuclar occasion and used only once.



The most common examples of onomatopoeic words are verbs that imitate sounds made by animals, people, things, natural phenomena, etc. There are a couple of rules to be

remembered. If the vowel sound in a word is short, it usually signifies a short sharp sound. For example, Choose the image you want by clicking twice. If the sound is long, the word serves to imitate a longer and slower sound. E.g. He splashed cold water on his face.


Words beginning with:

gr - suggest something unpleasant or miserable:

groan- to make a long deep sound because you are in pain, upset, or disappointed; ………………………………………………..

grumble – complain in a bad-tempered way;


grunt – make low, rough sounds like pigs do;


grow l - if an animal growls, it makes a long deep angry sound.............................................................................................


sp - have with water, liquids or powders:

spit - to force a small amount of the liquid in your mouth out of your mouth ………………………………………………….................

spray – send liquid through the air in tiny drops ……………………………………………...........................................

sprinkle - to scatter small drops of liquid or small pieces of something ………………………………………………......................

cl suggest something sharp or metallic:

click- to make a short sharp sound …………………………......

clang – make a loud ringing noise


cip-clop – horses go clip-clop on the road


clank – make a dull metallic sound, not as loud as clang.


wh- suggest the movement of air:

whistle - to make a high or musical sound by blowing air out through your lips …………………………………………………........

whirr – to make a sound like a bird’s wings


whiz - to move very quickly, often making a sound like something rushing through the air..................................................

Words ending in:

- ash suggest something fast and violent:

smash - to break into pieces violently or noisily


crash - to strike suddenly violently and noisily


zzle, -ckle, - ggle suggest something light and repeated:

trickle -if liquid trickles somewhere, it flows slowly in drops or in athin stream ………………………………………………….........

giggle – laugh in a light or silly way


sizzle –to make a hissing sound like something cooking in fat


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