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Complete the dialogue by choosing the most appropriate word from the box

Choose the most appropriate continuation (1-10) for each sentence (a-j).

Read the dialogue and decide which answer (A,B or C) best fits each space.


Jane: Well, did you see ‘Western Warrior’ at the cinema?

Ben: Yes, and I thought it was very good (1) …….indeed …… A lot of people had warned me that the plot got a bit far-fetched (натянутый), but I didn’t notice anything like that (2) ……… What about you?

Jane: No, I’m afraid I wasn’t interested (3) ……. I find these action films (4) ……….. unbelievable and over the top (чрезмерный). Give me ‘Love on the Danube’ any day. I could watch that film (5) ……………….

Ben: Well, I (6) …. Hope you’ll come with me to see ‘The Fall of Julian’.

Jane: It hasn’t exactly done very well, has it?

Ben: (7) …………… makes you think that? I heard it’s been very popular. Some newspaper critics have (8) ……………….suggested it’ll win several Oscar awards.

Jane: Well, I think it’s (9) ……… not possible to predict these things. You never know what the judges will go for. Last year I was certain that ‘The Leaping Lady’ would sweep the board, but in the end it got no awards (10) ………………….


1 A certainly B indeed C surely
2 A at all B by no means C absolutely
3 A whatever B slightly C in the least
4 A very B sheer C utterly
5 A over and over again B whatsoever C at the very moment
6 A would B do C utterly
7 A Whatever B Whatsoever C Whoever
8 A quite B utterly C even
9 A completely B simply C utterly
10 A whatsoever B at least C indeed



a) All of the trains were delayed by fog. …. 4….

b) It wasn’t so much my qualifications that impressed them. …..

c) I found that I was spending more time staying late at the office.

d) I don’t find that the buses are especially late, actually, ……..

e) Actually my fridge is in quite good condition, considering its age. …..

f) I don’t find watching television particularly relaxing……..

g) I’ve decided to buy a new stereo after all……

h) This book didn’t teach me everything I know about cooking……

i) The flight itself didn’t bother me at all. …..

j) Actually I wasn’t in the office yesterday. …..



1 Where I am going to get the money from is another matter.

2 What I really need is a new washing machine.

3 It must have been my assistant whom you dealt with.

4 It was after 10.00 when I finally got home.

5 What really gets on my nerves is people who push into the queue.

6 It was when I got off the plane that I felt ill.

7 What I did in the end was to ask for a pay-rise.

8 It was Sarah who taught me how to make bread.

9 It was because I spoke well at the interview that I got the job.

10 What I like most is a long walk in the country.





whatever whatsoever why all as again what is utter at


David: I can’t make any sense of this letter from the council …. at .. all. It’s ……. nonsense, if you ask me. ……. the council can’t write in plain English is beyond me. ……. I really hate is this long-winded (многоречивый), complicated English. In my opinion, what they’re doing …….. systematically destroying the language with this new jargon – ‘input’, ‘time-window’, ‘feasibility study’ - ……….. are they talking about? ……….. we get is the same meaningless drivel (пустая болтовня) over and over again. Listen to this: ‘Difficult ………….. it may be for all parties concerned, this is the most valuable solution on offer.’ I have no idea, none …………….. what it means.

Eve: Oh, for heaven’s sake, shut up!


212 Evaluation of a piece of literary work requires an insight into its form and content as an organic whole. Structurally, a piece of fiction, whether short or long, may fall, though not necessarily, into identifiable meaningful sequences which constitute its plot. Read the corresponding pages for more information about plot and plot structure in Interpreting Fiction by.V. Borisova and Attractively Shor t by T.G. Vasilyeva et al. and do the following:

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