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Use the proper idiomatic expressions in the sentences below

Fill in the gaps with the proper idiom or word-combination.

List other ways of describing successful and unsuccessful relationships.

Make some true statements about yourself using some of the above expressions.

Decide whether the following comments are positive or negative.

II. Vocabulary Exercises

They’re always at each other’s throats.

They’re devoted to each other.

I can’t stand him.

We’re firm friends.

We’ve never really hit it off.

That’s a very condescending attitude.

I’ve got a soft spot for him.

He’s fallen for her.

She broke the engagement off.

I think we’ve grown apart.

He walked out on her.

He’s constantly nagging me.

I’ll always stand by you.

I’m quite fond of her.

We’ve fallen out.

They’re like chalk and cheese!

In the UK you can have either a religious or _____________ when you get married.

The way Hannah slams the door really ____________.

We played some games to __________ and get the party going.

Joe isn’t exactly a friend of mine. He’s more of an ____________.

There ca be problems sustaining a relationship if people come from different social and cultural ___________.

With the increase in the ______________, the number of one-parent families has shot up.

Are Dave and Ann still going out? > Haven’t you heard? They _________ a couple of months ago.

We never argue. In fact, we get on like a ______________ all the time.

It was so easy to ______________ as everyone was so helpful and hospitable.

I’m afraid. I’m not very ______________ tonight. I’ve got a lot on my mind.

Lucie and I get on really well. We’ve got so much _____________.

Damien’s mother wasn’t capable of looking after him so he lived in a series of ___________ for the next few years.

Andy and Sue are only staying together ____________ the children.

Max hasn’t been ____________ with his neighbours since their tree fell into his garden and caused all that damage.

Why is bill spending so long in the bathroom? > He’s got a ___________ with his new girlfriend this evening.

On the surface they seemed to be a _____________couple but in fact they were always having rows.

Jamie’s only five but he’s mad about football, just like his dad. You know what they say - ___________.

I’ve got two sisters who are older than me and then my younger brother Mark who’s twenty-two. He’s the _________________.

They’ve got two daughters and they look just the same. They’re like__________________.

Sam isn’t the best person for the job but his father made him head of marketing in the family business. As you know _________________.

My brother and his girlfriend have finally decided to ______________. They’re getting married in the spring.

I get in very well with my brother now but we used to ____________ when we were younger.

Everyone expected Susan to go to university like the rest of us, but she got a job in a casino on a ship. She’s ______________.

My son’s in trouble with the police. I normally have no sympathy with people who break the law but it’s different when it’s your own ____________.


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