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STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

a. What did you think when you read the headline?

b. What do you think about the idea of WiTricity?

c. Is your room full of plugs, cables and wires?

d. How much of a breakthrough do you think WiTricity is?

e. Do you think WiTricity means we will be living in a science fiction world?

f. Will WiTricity make your daily life easier?

g. What else would you like to send through the air, besides electricity?

h. Do you already make use of wi-fi devices?

i. What do you think of the name “WiTricity”?

j. Do you think WiTricity will result in people using less power?

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

a. Did you like reading this article?

b. Do you have problems moving your vacuum cleaner around the house?

c. Do you ever get fed up with electric wires?

d. How many plugs do you thin there are in your house?

e. Would you sleep better at night knowing WiTricity has reduced the risk of electrical fires?

f. Why do you think Nikola Tesla’s idea of wireless electricity never came to fruition?

g. What would you call your autobiography and why?

h. Are you looking forward to the age of wireless homes and offices?

i. Do you think WiTricity could cause problems to your health?

j. Did you like this discussion?

AFTER DISCUSSION: Join another partner / group and tell them what you talked about.

a. What was the most interesting thing you heard?

b. Was there a question you didn’t like?

c. Was there something you totally disagreed with?

d. What did you like talking about?

e. Which was the most difficult question?


Your government wants to give $100,000,000 to a company to research WiTricity. Should the company get the money?

Team up with classmates who have the same role as you. Develop your roles and discuss ideas and “strategies”.

Role A – WI-TRICITY INVENTOR You think your invention is one of the greatest ever. It will revolutionize the way we live. There will be huge energy savings. Fewer people will die in house fires. Old and disabled people will be able to move around more. THINK OF MORE REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD GET THE CASH
Role B – OLD PERSON You can’t wait for WiTricity. You have great trouble bending down to put plugs in sockets. You have tripped over wires many times and broken bones. There was nearly an electrical fire in your house last year. THINK OF MORE REASONS WHY WI-TRICITY WILL HELP YOU
Role C – SAFETY EXPERT You are 100% convinced that WiTricity is a huge danger. The amount of electricity in the air will cause many health problems. It will also cause more fires as the WiTricity builds up in heat patches. The idea should be abandoned. THINK OF MORE REASONS WHY WI-TRICITY IS BAD
Role D – ENVIRONMENTALIST You think the government should not waste money on making the lives of rich people more comfortable. This will only encourage laziness and poor health. This grant should go to aid poor people in developing countries. THINK OF REASONS WHY THE INVENTORS SHOULD NOT GET THE CASH

Change roles and repeat the role play. Comment in groups about the differences between the two role plays.

In pairs / groups, discuss whether you really believe in what you said while you were in your roles.

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