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Pointing devices


The mouse is a pointing device that combines the traditional cursor movements with the means to select an object on the display screen. For example, when confronted with choices on a menu, you point to the selection of your choice by positioning the cursor with the mouse, and then you press a button on the mouse to select your choice. In word processing, a tech­nique called pointing and dragging can be used to select a large block of text, such as a sentence or paragraph. This is done by pointing at the first character in the sentence or paragraph and keeping a mouse button depressed while you drag the pointer to the last character in the sentence or paragraph. The result is a highlighted block of text that can be manipulated with other commands, such as move or delete.

The original mouse was part of a re­search and development effort by Doug Engelbart at the Stanford Research Insti­tute in 1967. He was working on ways to make computers easier to use and un­derstand. The original mouse was about the size of a baseball, moved on large wheels, and had three control buttons. Its appearance led to its name. The cord looked like a tail, the three buttons looked like two eyes and a nose, and the wheels elevating the body looked like feet. Today’s mice are smaller and more elegantly designed, but the name re­mains the same.

Touch technology The most natural of all pointing devices is your finger. Pointing with a finger is used in two important pointing meth­ods: touch screens and touch pads. The idea behind touch technology is to make a computer system easier to use. Touch technology senses the location of your finger as it nears or touches a screen or a touch-sensitive pad. For example, a touch screen might contain a menu with several selections. When you touch the part of the screen that corresponds to the selection of your choice, you activate the program that takes you to that selec­tion.

One method for implementing touch screens involves crisscrossing the moni­tor screen with invisible beams of infra­red light. When you touch a point on the screen, your finger interrupts the hori­zontal and vertical infrared beams. Another method involves over­laying the screen with a thin layer of plastic that has the sensing grid built into it.

Touch screens are easy to use, espe­cially in situations where you need infor­mation quickly. For example, Walt Disney’s Experimental Prototype Com­munity of Tomorrow (EPCOT) centre combines infrared touch technology with colour video monitors to create an easy-to-use interactive visitor informa­tion system. Visitors can gain access to a wide variety of information about the park, its attractions, and their locations by simply touching one of the many video monitors located throughout the centre.

Touch technology is limited because of its poor resolution. In addition, touch-screen systems are relatively expensive. Fingers are simply too large for great accuracy, so an electronic pen, also called a stylus, often has to be used to accomplish detailed work.

Pens An electronic pen utilizes radio waves to communicate with a grid of wires un­derneath a liquid-crystal display screen. Radio waves are sent to the tip of the pen and returned for position analysis. An electronic pen looks and feels like a pen yet contains no batteries or wires, and does not need to be connected to the computer. As the tip of the pen nears the screen, the location of the pen is deter­mined by which wires in the grid detect the pen. Software can then interpret the movement and meaning of the pen strokes.

Using a pen provides an alternative to the keyboard and mouse pointing de­vice because the pen can combine the functions of both devices. Instead of pointing at a command with the mouse cursor, you point at the on-screen com­mand with the pen. Scrolling is done by flicking the pen on a scroll bar. Selection is done by drawing left and right brackets with the pen. The pen also allows you to write on the screen, and software trans­lates your hand-printed or written char­acters into text through a process known as handwriting recognition.

Handwriting recognition Handwriting recognition is the pro­cess of recognizing characters (e.g., let­ters, numbers, and punctuation) printed or written on a display screen and translat­ing them into digital codes that are redisplayed as text on the screen.

The first step in the recognition pro­cess is to analyze the strokes as they are received from the pen. A shape recog­nizer tries to determine the geometry and topology of the input, and, if neces­sary, resorts to comparing input charac­ter shapes against a set of prototypes for each character.

Using a pen-based computer is similar to writing on a notepad. To take notes, for example, you would use the electronic pen to write on the display. Edit­ing the text would be accomplished in much the same manner as is done today on paper. To insert a word, you draw a caret between two words and write in your insertion. Deleting text would be as simple as drawing an X through un­wanted text. Pen-based computers can be used in settings in which desktop or portable computers with keyboards are awkward or impractical, such as meet­ings, or when standing, walking, or mov­ing about.



3.3 Give English equivalents of the following words and expressions.


Портативний комп’ютер, пристрій керування позицією, сенсорний екран, сенсорна сітка, одержати доступ, електронне перо, розпізнавання рукописного тексту, натискати клавішу, переміщування, сенсорна клавіатура, інфрачервоне світло, низька роздільна здатність, вилучати, прокручувати, вставити слово, таким же чином, вставлення/вставка, сенсорна технологія.


3.4 Give synonyms of the following verbs. Make up sentences with some of these verbs.


Accomplish, select, point, manipulate, contain, use, need, near, connect, determine.


3.5 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. You can use some words more than once.


  handwriting recognition a mouse the trackball a joystick an electronic pen  


1. A pointing device that combines the traditional cursor movements with the means to select an object on the screen is called ________________.

2. ____________________ can combine the functions of the keyboard and the mouse.

3. ____________________ is often found in video and arcade games.

4. The pointing device that has become popular with the widespread use of portable computers is __________________.

5. The most common pointing device is _______________.

6. The process of recognizing characters printed or written on a display screen is called _________________.


3.6 Here are some basic mouse actions. Match the terms in the box with the explanations below.


  Click double click drag  



1. Position the pointer on something, then rapidly press and release the mouth button twice. (You do this to load the program, open a document or select text or graphics.)

2. Position the pointer on something, hold down the mouse button and move the mouse to a desired position, then release the button. Do this to move an image to a new location on the screen.

3. Position the pointer on something, then press and release the mouse button. (You do this to place the insertion point, to choose an option, or to close a window)


3.7 Answer the questions.


1. What is the purpose of a pointing device?

2. What pointing devices are you familiar with?

3. What is the origin of the mouse?

4. How does the mouse function?

5. What is the idea behind the touch technology?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of touch technology?

7. Is handwriting recognition software widely used today or is it still in the developing stage?

8. What are the two methods for implementing touch screens?

9. In what situation can pen-based computers be used?


4.1 Read and translate the following words and word-combinations.


Magnetically charged ink, predominantly, visually impaired, breakthrough, technology, formidable, interlace, expose, the optical image, the greyscale scanner, tiny photoreceptors, a separate transcribing steps, approximately, a technique for compacting data, a set of external speakers, video capture board, disk storage space, interaction with computers, expressive and effective


4.2 Learn key words and word-combinations.

batch-processing program – програма, що виконується в пакетному режимі

character recognition – розпізнавання символів

convert images into digital data – перетворити зображення в цифрові дані

convert scanned text into a file – перетворити сканований текст у файл

digital data – цифрові дані

digital representation – цифрове представлення

digitized image – цифрове зображення

dots per inch (dpi) – точок на дюйм

feed (v)– подавати

magnetic ink – магнітне чорнило

optical character recognition – оптичне розпізнавання символів

rectangular array of dots – прямокутний масив точок

translate characters into – перекладати символи в


4.3 Read the text about scanners. First read it all the way through. Underline the basic methods of character recognition and compare your ideas with a partner.


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