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What is a processor.



1.1 Read and translate the following words and expressions.


A functional unit, a unique set of operations, the instruction set, a step–by–step operation, a regular heartbeat, the operation of the processor, an original instruction, the entire computer system, logical and computational capabilities, a current instruction, the size of pathways, the specific requirements, a specific integrated –circuit chip, controller functions, graphics processing.


1.2 Learn key words and word – combinations.


application – specific integrated circuit (ASIC) – спеціалізована інтегральна схема

arithmetic /logic unit (ALU) – арифметично –логічний пристрій

carry out the instruction – виконувати команду

central processing unit (CPU) – центральний процесор

clock(n) – годинник: тактовий генератор

computer speed – швидкодія комп’ютера

control unit – пристрій керування

DSP (digital signal processor) – процесор цифрового опрацювання сигналів

execute (v) – виконувати

heartbeat (n) – тактовий імпульс

instruction set – набір команд

interrupt (n) – переривання

machine instruction – машинна команда

machine language – машинна мова

operand (n) – операнд

operation(n) – команда; операція

pathways (n) – приватна шина

peripheral (n) – зовнішній пристрій

register (n) – регістр

resume (v) – продовжувати; відновлювати

retrieve(v) – знаходити, вилучати

step-by-step – покроковий

storage location – комірка пам’яті

timer (n) – таймер; годинник

word size – довжина слова

workspace (n) – робоча ділянка


1.3 Read and translate the text.



A processor, also called a central processing unit or CPU, is a functional unit that interprets and carries out instructions. This is the central nervous system of the computer, and it is often contrasted to the devices that surround the processor and memory, such as keyboards, display screens and disk which are known as peripherals. Every processor comes with a unique set of operations such as ADD, STORE, or LOAD that represent the processor instruction set. Computer designers are fond of calling their computers machines, so the instruction set is sometimes referred to as machine instructions and the binary language in which they are written is called machine language.

An instruction is made up of operations that specify the function to be performed and operands that represent the data to be manipulated. For example, if an instruction is to perform the operation of adding two numbers, it must know (1) what the two numbers are and (2) where the two numbers are. When the numbers are stored in the computer's memory, they have an address to indicate where they are, so if an operand refers to data in the computer's memory, it is called an address. The processor's job is to retrieve instructions and data from memory and to perform each operation. Having done that, it signals memory to send it the next instruction.

This step-by-step operation is repeated over and over again at speeds measured in millionths of a second. A timer called a clock releases precisely timed electrical signals that provide a regular heartbeat for the processor's work. Megahertz (MHz ), which means million cycles per second, are used to measure the computer speed. For example, in a 50-MHz processor, the computer's clock ticks 50 million times every second.

A processor is composed of two functional units—a control unit and an arithmetic/logic unit—as well as a set of special workspaces called registers.

The control unit is the functional unit that is responsible for supervising the operation of the processor. It makes the connections between various functional units of the computer system. It calls into operation each unit that is required by the program currently in operation. While working the processor can be interrupted. An interrupt is a signal that tells the processor to put aside what it is doing and transfer control to another instruction. The processor resumes its original instruction when the interrupt is finished.

The control unit retrieves instructions from memory and determines their type or decodes them. It then breaks each instruction into a series of simple small steps or actions. By doing this, it controls the step-by-step operation of the entire computer system.

The arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) is the functional unit that provides the computer with logical and computational capabilities. Data are brought into the ALU by the control unit, and the ALU performs whatever arithmetic or logic operations are required to help carry out the instruction.

Arithmetic operations include adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. Logic operations make a comparison and take action based on the results. For example, two numbers might be compared to determine whether they are equal. If they are equal, processing will continue; if they are not equal, processing will switch to another instruction.

A register is a storage location inside the processor. Registers in the control unit are used to keep track of the overall status of the program that is running. Control unit registers store information such as the current instruction, the location of the next instruction to be executed, and the operands of the instruction. In the ALU, registers store data items that are added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, and compared. Other registers store the results of arithmetic and logic operations.

An important factor that affects the speed and performance of a processor is the size and number of the registers. Technically, the term word size (also called word length) describes the size of an operand register, but it is also used more loosely to describe the size of the pathways to and from the processor. Currently, word sizes in computers range from 16 to 64 bits. If the operand registers of a processor are 32 bits wide, the processor is said to be a 32-bit processor.

Some processors are designed to add additional functions to the central processor. Math coprocessors relieve the central processor of the intensive numeric calculations required in scientific and technical applications. Due to advances in technology coprocessors are located on the central processor chip.Digital signal processors (DSPs) assist the central processor in working with sound, speech, music, and image processing.

Other processors are designed to fill the specific requirements of an application. These processors are based on application-specific integrated circuits (ASIC ). An early example of a product that uses an ASIC is the digital wrist-watch. The functions that a wristwatch performs are simple and easy to understand. Although a general-purpose processor could easily handle the functions of a watch, there is no need to do so, as it is much more economical to develop a specific integrated-circuit chip to do the job. A more recent example of ASIC combines all of the electronics of a personal computer (excluding microprocessor and memory) in a single chip. Today's specialized processor chips permit designers to build large amounts of computing power into all sorts of products, such as controller functions in appliances and automobiles, computer networking, speech recognition and synthesis, and graphics processing.


1.4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


  the Control Unit the ALU registers the CPU a clock MHz  


1.________ performs mathematical calculations and logical operations.

2.The high-speed units of memory used to store and control information are called ________.

3.________ examines the instructions in the user’s program, interprets each instruction and the rest of the components to be activated to execute the functions specified.

4.________ provides pulses at fixed intervals to measure and synchronize circuits and units.

5.The clock speed is measured in ________ and refers to the frequency at which pulses are emitted.

6.________ controls the interpretation and execution of computer instructions. It functions by breaking down a complex task into a number of discrete, simple steps.


1.5 Put the verb into the correct form.


1. The speed of the microprocessor ________in MHz. (measure)

2. The CPU ________ into a single microprocessor chip. (build)

3. The first microcomputers, also known as PCs, ________ for single users only, and this clearly ________ them from minicomputers. (be, distinguish)

4. Today the division between “minis” and “micros” ________. (disappear)



1.6 Use the information in the text and match the terms in the box with the appropriate explanation or definition below.


  the CPU a clock a register peripherals an interrupt machine language  


1. Physical units attached to the computer.

2. The “brain” of the computer.

3. A high –speed unit of memory used to store and control information.

4. The binary language in which the instructions are written.

5. A signal that causes a processor to suspend the current instruction and transfer control to another instruction.

6. A computer circuit that uses regular electrical pulses to trigger time and synchronize various events within a computer.


1.7 Answer the questions.


1. What is the nerve centre of the computer?

2. What functions does the CPU perform?

3. What devices are called peripherals?

4. What parts does the CPU consist of?

5. What is the Control Unit responsible for?

6. How important is an interrupt in the computer’s operation?

7. What functional unit provides the computer with logical and computational capabilities?

8. What units of memory are responsible for storing and controlling information?

9. What does the abbreviation ASIC stand for?


2.1 Read and translate the following words and expressions.


A series of sells, a piece of information, storage capacity, electrical refreshing, memory cells, a two –dimensional array, a grid of rows and columns, a bus –oriented computer, the size of available memory, a variable –length piece of memory, a fixed –length piece of memory, a memory management technique.


2.2 Learn key words and word –combinations.


access time – тривалість доступу

access speed – швидкість доступу

accessibility (n) – доступність

address bus – адресна шина

cache(n) – швидкодіюча буферна пам’ять; кеш –пам’ять

cell (n) – комірка

control bus – контрольна шина

data bus – шина даних

DDR (Direct Disk Recorder) – пристрій прямого запису на диск

DRAM (dynamic RAM) – динамічна оперативна пам’ять

memory hierarchy – ієрархія пам’яті

memory(n) – пам’ять

nonvolatile(adj) – енергонезалежний

paging – сторінкова організація

RAM disk – псевдодиск; віртуальний диск

RAM(random access memory) – оперативна пам’ять

ROM(read –only memory) – ПЗП; постійна пам’ять

routine (n) – операція

segmentation (n) – сегментація

storage capacity – місткість запам’ятовувального пристрою

swap (v) – перевантажувати

transfer (n) – передача (даних); пересилання; перехід

volatile (adj) – енергозалежний


2.3 Read and translate the text.


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