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F. Clauses with the -ed and -ing forms of the verb can also be used to express non-defining information. Rewrite the following using relative clauses

C. Use a relative clause to join each pair of sentences to form one new sentence. Start your new sentence with the phrase given.

1. The notion of intelligence has a profound effect on one's social status, education opportunities, and career choices. This aspect is frequently misunderstood by the general public.

The notion of intelligence _____________________.

2. Multiple intelligences theory aroused much interest among educators. It was developed as an account of human cognition.

Multiple intelligences theory ____________________.

3. It was surprising to learn that Gardner's "Frames of Mind" did not arouse much interest within the discipline of developmental psychology.

Gardner's "Frames of Mind" _______________________.

4. Traditional aptitude tests have been much criticized recently. In the 1950s and 1960s they were believed to predict a student's future progress.

Traditional aptitude tests _______________________.

5. The cognitive tasks are advised to be performed in the morning, if you are a morning type. They require considerable complex thinking.

The cognitive tasks ____________________________.

6. In mid-afternoon you'd probably better do simple, repetitive task -such as filing, sorting or photocopying. They are not complex or don't require you to draw too much on your memory.

In mid-afternoon you'd ____________________.

7. Not surprisingly, we are least alert during the early morning hours, because specifically at 3am-6am our ability to think clearly and react quickly is lowest.

We are least alert ________________________.

D. Could you omit the relative pronoun in any of the sentences you have rewritten?

E. Sentences using defining relative clauses can often be expressed more concisely using clauses with only the -ed or -ing form of the verb. Rewrite the following sentences to make them shorter. The first one is done for you as an example.


Psychologists consider that learners should develop their cognitive skills which contribute to better learning.

Psychologists consider that learners should develop their cognitive skills contributing to better learning.

1. On average we tend to do best on cognitive tasks- things which require great mental effort during morning hours.

2. I prefer to be spontaneous and open-minded, I don't want pre-formed conclusions which fill my mind.

3. Multiple intelligences theory that is framed in light of the biological origins includes the list of eight intelligences.

4. Teachers who mobilize the full range of human intelligences are more successful in the tailoring the lesson.


Framed in light of the biological origin, MI theory includes the list of eight intelligences.

MI theory, which is framed in light of the biological origin, includes the list of eight intelligences.

1. Written in 1993, Gardner's work "Frames of Mind" contributed to understanding of cognitive skills.

2. Working discriminately on the things that counted: assignments and exams, Mark McArdle succeeded and held the first-class degree.

3. Encouraged by his family, Mark graduated from university with a First.

4. Requiring considerably complex thinking, the cognitive tasks are advised to be performed in the morning.


ІІ. Stative Verbs

A. These sentences from the article contain ‘stative verbs ’. These are either not normally used in the continuous form or change their meaning when used in the continuous.

1. Gardner believed that his book “Frames of Mind” would be of interest to developmental psychologists.

2. The theory of Multiple intelligences seems to harbour a number of educational implications that are worthy of consideration.

3. Each person possesses all eight intelligences.

4. Musical intelligences is the ability to sense rhythm, pitch, and melody.

Look through the list of common stative verbs below and classify them into these groups.

1. verbs related to the senses

2. verbs related to thinking

3. verbs related to possession

4. verbs related to emotional states

5. verbs related to appearance

6. others

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