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Vocabulary extension III

New money riff-raff upper crust stuck-up

1 They're probably called the........................ because they like to spend hours sitting at a pine dinner table over their fettucine discussing the latest book or exhibition.

2 Pink Rolls Royces are much more likely to be owned by...................... than the old aristocracy.

3 I don't know why they allow such......................... in a lovely classy restaurant like this.

4 Although her dad's a duke, she's not at all...........................

5 Karl was glad to have escaped the...........…......... attitudes of the small town he had grown up in and to be living in the much more liberal atmosphere of a city.

6 Her parents sent her to a private school mainly because they did not want her to grow up talking in a way that they considered.........................................

7 The expression................................ derives from the fact that the most important people in the medieval dining hall were given the best or top part of a loaf of bread.

8 Maria's parents, Lord and Lady De Vere, are very upset that she wants to marry someone whom they consider to be an ignorant...................................

2.2. What does the language used in the sentences below tell you about the speakers?

1 The whole family used to gather together and listen to the wireless every Sunday evening.

2 We all still dress for dinner even when no one is expected. One has to do one's best to keep up standards.

3 Old Jack has bought a spiffing new motor.

4 Your new mobile is wicked - I'll text you from uni this afternoon.

5 We wasn't doing nothing, was we, Tracey?


2.3. The comic novels by the writer PG. Wodehouse about a `toff' called Bertie Wooster make extensive use of a now rather dated upper-class dialect of English. What do you think the underlined words, typical of these novels, mean?

1 Don't be such a chump! Aunt Angela won't bite you!

2 You must help me, old sport. I'm in an awful fix.

3 I'm short of money now but I'm hoping an old uncle, who's rolling in stuff,will kick the beam soon and leave me his fortune.

Free time: relaxation and leasure

I. Some adjectives to describe relaxation and leasure pursuits:

adjective meaning possible examples
rewarding gives you a lot of positive experiences doing voluntary work, helping charities
fruitful produces good results collaborating / cooperating with someone in an activity
lucrative makes a lot of money selling your own arts or crafts, writing computer games
therapeutic makes you healthy in body and/or mind gardening, yoga, meditation
relaxing/calming Reduces stress, gives a peaceful feeling reading, listening to music
time-consuming takes a long time to do being president of a club, being a member of committee

I enjoyed being secretary of the sports club but it was very time-consuming. I had to give up two evenings a week to do it.

The conservation work I do is very rewarding. I feel I'm doing something good and useful. Photography has been a lucrative pursuit for her. She often sells her pictures to magazines. Painting is such a therapeutic activity. It makes me feel good, and teaches me patience.

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