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Word Building 1

Ex.5.4. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. There is an example at the beginning. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1) We are facing surging (surge, participle) property prices now.

2) He said he was feeling ____________ (revenge, adjective) and finally swore to beat him in revenge for this.

3) Expenditure has been ____________ (drastic, adverb) reduced.

4) We need severe punishments to ____________ (deterrent, verb) people from dealing in drugs.

5) This ___________ (a person guilty of felony) is convicted of arson.

6) This tax will be a ___________ (incentive, opposite (prefix is needed)) to industrial development.

7) He only came with great/with a marked ____________(reluctant, noun).

8) They ___________ (reluctant, adverb) agreed.

9) His ____________ (bold, noun) is notorously famous.

10) The political idea that peace can be continued by allowing one’s enemies to have what they demand is called _______________ (to appease, noun). In Britain the word is especially used in association with Britain’s policy of ____________ (to appease, noun) towards Hitler before World War II.

11) She is always ___________ (zeal, adjective) in performing her duties.

12) He was ___________ (incarceration, verb) in the castle dungeon for years.

13) I only have a few minor ___________ (to quibble, noun) about your essay – basically it’s very good.

14) The company is facing an unexpected ___________ (to dip, noun) in profits.

15) How can we ___________ (remedy, verb) this injustice?

16) The government must take _____________ (remedy, adjective) action against unemployment.

17) Our ____________ (to perceive, noun) of the world around us are constantly changing.

18) She ____________ (bold, adverb) refused to accept his proposition.

19) A person who commits crimes repeatedly is called a _____________ (recidivism, noun).

20) The new law will have only a _____________ (margin, adjective) effect on the lives of most people.

21) Western society has _______________ (margin, verb) elderly people to a considerable extent.


Ex.5.5. Get ready for a discussion based on the article above. Make a list of questions, ask your group mates to answer them and answer their questions in your turn. Let one of you be the Leader deciding who should speak. Do not forget to express your personal opinion, as well as to use the ‘new words’.

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