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Note 1)a Rip Van Winkle company – one of the strolling companies playing Rip Van Winkle only 2)the Bard = the Bard of Avon – Shakespeare 3)I did not know – I did not recognize 4)to be in line with – to accept the views of, agree 5)had she not slighted this necessary requirement – if she had not slighted this necessary requirement
2.Answer the questions. 1)According to the author, what is the greatest means that helps the actors to achieve the most impressive results? 2)If an actor is deficient in the matter of enunciation, does it mean he will be a complete failure? 3)Give some remarkable examples of the eloquence of silence from the text. 4)What inability can spoil a good actor or actress? 5)“A look often speaks volumes and reveals what the tongue could not – “the silent rhetoric of persuading eyes”. The voice is important only when in use; the eye is never at rest”. Do you agree with it? 6)The author states: “It is the eye that is the mind’s signal and the soul’s interpreter”. Is it the only means of disclosing the “tumult that rages within”?
3.Find in the text the formal variants of these neutral words: face, sad, pronunciation, likely, expressiveness, eyes, brightness, the sky, greed, actor.
4.Replace the italicized words with words and word combinations from the text. 1)After a period of training Julia Marlowe appeared in many plays. 2)The countenance of an actor shows “the events of the soul”. 3)Some actors’ voices possess qualities unpleasant to the ear. 4)Three hours passed by before the next act. 5)His state of mind explains the murders he commits in the next act. 6)The actress’ inability to enter into the life of the play spoilt its effectiveness. 7)Many actors lack the perfection essential of a finished artist.
5.These are names of characters in popular fiction. They are so well-known (even by those who have never read or even heard of the original work) that they are often used in ordinary conversation. Put each one in its correct place in the sentences below.
a)During the war he was sent on dangerous secret missions abroad. Very exciting! He was a sort of _. b)I think Alan should go on a diet and get more exercise. He’s beginning to look like _. c)He still has very youthful enthusiasms, and he’s as slim and fit as he was 20 years ago. He’s a _. d)There are times when most of us would like to escape from all the pressures of city life and live a more simple, basic kind of _ existence. e)Come on! I’ve never met anyone so reluctant to spend money, you _! f)He’s not very practical. What he needs is someone to look after him and do everything for him. He needs a _. g)The firm is doing very badly and facing bankruptcy. I don’t think it can survive. We don’t just want a new director. We want a _. h)Well, yes, he was a criminal and he stole a lot of money, but he helped a lot of people with it. He was a bit of a _.
6.Instructions as above.
a)He’s a strange person. Usually he’s very pleasant and reasonable, but there are times when he gets very bad-tempered and almost violent. He’s got a _ personality. b)How on earth did you guess his nationality, occupation and all those other things about him just from his appearance? You’re a proper _. c)I don’t like this new government proposal to put details of everyone’s private life on computers. I can see it will mean greater efficiency and all that, but, well, it’s a bit like _, isn’t it? d)I think the neighbour’s kids should be allowed a bit of freedom to wear what they like and get dirty having fun, not made to look like _. e)She’s really exploited by her family. They make her do everything for them, cook, clean... She’s a sort of _. f)He’s a body-builder and weight-lifter. Have you seen him in a swimsuit? He looks like _. g)He sounds very impressive when he talks about his adventures and achievements, but it’s all fantasy. He’s a _ character. h)Come on, _, wake up! It’s nearly lunch-time.
7.The following are parts of newspaper reviews of visual and performing arts and literature. Identify the subject of each (film, novel, etc.) and mark at least six words which helped you to decide.
a)The first movement is dominated by the strings with only occasional percussion participation. So many bows dancing in unison made this a visual as well as an aural delight and I abandoned my score to watch. In the second movement the wind section takes command, and with such vigour that the baton seems to struggle to keep up rather than the reverse. For once I did not envy the man on the rostrum, and was content with my seat in the stalls.
b)His favourite medium is now oil, and the canvas which dominates this show, a still-life of bottles, is a masterpiece of representational skill (his early abstracts and collages were never good). His technique is superb. The brushstrokes are invisible, the bottles real. Every section of his palette is used. I shall never again think of bottles as colourless. Every hue of the spectrum is there.
c)Her weaknesses are characterisation and dialogue. Her strengths are plot and feeling for place. Her characters are two-dimensional, their words wooden, but the events are plausible and the places vividly depicted. The setting is now Mexico City, now Tokyo, now Johannesburg. The twist at the end defies prediction. For once the blurb on the back is true. It says, ’Unputdownable’.
d)This new young choreographer has given us an exciting and unconventional piece. Called simply Mixture, it is indeed influenced by classical, folk, progressive and even tap and ballroom besides. The men are agile and athletic, the girls loose-limbed and supple. The leaps are high, the pirouettes prolonged. What more can you want? The night I went they received a standing ovation.
e)First-night nerves are notorious, but I have never heard so many lines fluffed, so many cues missed. The promoter was busy last night and the director (and doubtless the backers) in tears. I do not expect this piece to have a long run, but critical reception and box-offices success are often two very different things and, if it does survive, it will have been saved by a number of well-played supporting roles and a stunning set. But the final final curtain cannot, I think, be far off. III 1.Which do you think is more important in an actor’s performance – the voice or the eye? Or maybe something else? Give an example from your own experience.
2.Write a review of a play or a film. Be sure to describe the actors’ performance. Some of these expressions might help: … was directed by … … is based on the life of a notorious bank robber/the author’s experience in … It is based on a book of the same name. … tells the story of…, and as the story unfolds, we see … It stars X in the title role of the Y. It’s set in rural England at the beginning of the 19th century. It is about A’s relationships with her ex-husband. In the end B … What we don’t learn until the end is that …There are several flashbacks to when he was a child …
1. Воронина Л.Н., Михайлова Т.М. Великобритания. Искусство. М.: Просвещение, 1978. 2.Искусство США. Живопись. Скульптура / Сост. И.П. Турошев. М.: Просвещение, 1986. 3.Современные американские пьесы. М.: Просвещение, 1981. 4.Чтение ради пользы и удовольствия: Учеб. пособие /Сост. Д.Н.Белл, Б.Н.Белл. М., Высш. шк., 1977. 5.Юмористические рассказы английских и американских писателей. / Сост. Г.М.Беляев, Р.И. Сорокина. М.: Просвещение, 1978. 6.Baker’s Dozen: Thirteen Stories by Modern British and American Writers. Moscow, 1979. 7. Carroll L. Alice in Wonderland. Moscow, 1967. 8.Challenge to Think. Oxford Univ. Press, 1986. 9. Duffy G., Roehler L.K. Improving classroom reading instruction: A decision making approach. 3rd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 1993. 10. Fielding H. Briget Jones’s Diary. Picador, 1997. 11. Grellet F. Developing Reading Skills: A practical guide to reading comprehension exercises. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1981. 12.International Student Handbook. Pacific Intercultural Exchange. 13. Jones C., Bastow T. Inside Out. Student’s Book Advanced. Oxford, 2001. 14. Maugham W.S. Theatre. М: Междунар. отношения, 1979. 15. McConochie S.A. Twentieth Century American Short Stories. М.: Высш. шк., 1979. 16. Milan D. Developing reading skills. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991. 17.Schooling // Guardian Education. April, 20, 1993. 18.Theatre World: Reader for Art Students. Moscow, 1978.
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Учебно-методическое пособие к курсу «Практикум по культуре речевого общения» В двух частях Часть первая
Редактор Л.М. Малинина Ответственный за выпуск Т.В. Поплавская
Компьютерный набор Т.А. Сысоева
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