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Read the text with a dictionary and answer the questions that follow it. Text 2. From the history of Minsk

Text 2. From the history of Minsk


1. Use the text to complete the sentences from the text:

1. Belarus was a part of ….

2. … was the official state language of the Grand Duchy in the 13th−17th centuries.

3. Belarus regained its … in 1990.

4. Belarus was proclaimed ….

5. The Belarusian language was greatly influenced by ….

6. Belarus was... by many wars.

7. The territory of Belarus appeared under Russian rule followed by....

8. The publication of … helped to lay the foundation of modern Belarus as a nation.


2. Decide if the following statements are false or true:

1. The Lithuanian Statute was written in the middle Belarusian language.

2. The first Dictionary of the Belarusian Language was published in 1870.

3. The BSSR was proclaimed in 1918.

4. The advantageous geographical position was the reason of many wars, invasions and aggressions.

5. Belarusian culture flourished to its highest level during the period when Belarus was a part of Rečpaspalitaya.

6. In 1991 Belarus became a member of the USSR.

7. The fist Constitution of the republic was adopted in 1918.

8. The reason of many wars was its rich deposits of oil and gas.


3. Answer the questions on the text:

1. Was Belarus an independent state before 1918?

2. What stages did the GDL pass?

3. What language was the official state language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania?

4. What does the Lithuanian Statute mean?

5. Why was the Belarusian language influenced by other languages?

6. When was Belarus joined Russia?

7. When was Belarus proclaimed a republic?

8. What was the reason of many wars?

9. When did Belarus proclaim its sovereignty?



Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

to come into existence – существовать

to derive – извлекать, происходить(от)

an invader – захватчик, оккупант

a devastation – опустошение

to befall – случаться, происходить


More than 900 years ago on the banks of the Nemiga and Svisloch rivers came into existence the city of Minsk or Mensk as it used to be called before.

The name of the city is believed to be associated with the river Menka that flowed into the river Ptych not far from the city. But the legends say that the city derives its name from the word “mena” as in the ancient times there was a barter market in the newly-founded settlement on the right bank of the Svisloch.

Mensk was first mentioned as a town in the Principality of Polotsk in a chronicle in 1067 in connection with a battle on the Nemiga between Prince Vseslav of Polotsk and Prince Yaroslav’s sons: Yzyaslav, Vsevolod and Svyatoslav. As a result of this battle Mensk was ruined with all men killed, women and children taken to prison.

In 1084 Mensk was burnt yet another time by the Great Russian Prince Vladimir Monomakh.

In the 12th century the Polotsk Principality was divided into 6 independent principalities among Prince Yzeslav’s sons. Thus Mensk became the centre of a principality.

In the late 13th century the Principality of Mensk became part of the Great Duchy of Lithuania. The 14th–15th centuries were very important in the life of Mensk and its inhabitants. It was the period when the Belarusian nation was formed with its national language and culture.

But in 1569 the Lithuanian Princes united with the Polish kingdom and formed a joined state Rzečzpaspalitaya. It was at that period that Mensk was renamed into Minsk.

In 1793 the eastern and central parts (later all the territory) of Belarus joined the Russian Empire. In 1795 it was turned into a gubernia (province) with Minsk as its centre. Only in 1919 Minsk became the capital of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Throughout the 17th–18th centuries the Upper Town remained the town’s main administrative, trade and cultural centre. Minsk rapidly grew and developed. But in 1812 the Napoleon troops burnt the city again.

In the 20th century the foreign invaders not once occupied the Belarusian capital: in 1918 it was occupied by Germany, in 1919–1920 by Poland. The most horrible disaster befell the city of Minsk in 1941–1944 in the years of fascist invasion.

Not only wars were responsible for Minsk’s numerous devastations. Fires caused a great damage to the city too. Especially damaging was the 1881 fire. Since then only stone and brick buildings have been constructed in the centre of Minsk.

And every time our people rebuilt the city, it became more beautiful than before.


Answer the questions on text 2:

1. When was Minsk founded?

2. What is the name of the city associated with?

3. When did Minsk become the centre of the independent principality?

4. When was Mensk renamed into Minsk?

5. What caused a great damage to the city during the 20th century?


Chapter 8. Great Britain. London


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