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Explain why and how hi-jackers stole office-furniture

Consider the following points. Share your ideas with a partner or a small group. Be prepared to explain your answers to the class.


Exercise 4

Match each of the phrases on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right. Five of the phrases have more than one explanation. Fill in the grid below.

1. insurance a. agreement that in return for regular small payments, a company will pay compensation for loss, damage, injury, death
2. insurance claim b. independent firm who asses the damage to property
3. insurance premium c. person who calculates losses for an insurance company
4. depreciation d. policy which covers all possible normal dangers with the exception of war, Act of God, etc.
5. underwriters e. person who is insured by an insurance company
6. adjusters f. rate payable for an insurance policy
7. all-risks policy g. system of protection against loss in which a number of individuals agree to pay certain sums for a guarantee that they will be compensated for any specified loss by fire, accident, death, etc.
8. policy holder h. person or agent who underwrites insurance
9. take out a policy i. reduction in value, writing down the capital value of an asset over a period of time in a company’s accounts
10. premium j. sign the contract for an insurance and start paying the premiums
    k. insurance which covers all risks
    l. asking an insurance company to pay compensation for damage
    m. people who take the risks of insurance; if there are no claims they make a profit; if there are a large number of claims, they make a loss.
    n. decrease of value of property through wear, deterioration or going out of use
    o. payment made by the insured person to the users
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
A, …                  


2. Suppose you are a police officer. Recount the case of hi-jacking.

3. Andersons have just been on to W. Buckhurst. Now he briefs Peter Wiles about the situation.

4. Report the situation as if you were the driver of the hi-jacked lorry.

5. Recount the situation as if you were a hi-jacker.

6. Act on behalf of Peter Wiles and report the situation to Hector Grant.

7. Make a presentation Mr. Roberts could have delivered about the case in question. Explain why the insurers were not liable in the case of the damaged cargo.

8. Report on your visit to Moorland Valley as if you were Christopher Thorn, focus your attention on the difference in opinion between Christopher Thorn and Mr. Roberts on the value of damage to the equipment.

9. Act out the dialogue between

a. Peter Wiles and William Buckhurst

b. Peter Wiles and Christopher Thorn before his trip to Moorland Valley

c. Christopher Thorn and Mr. Roberts

d. Peter Wiles and Christopher Thorn after his trip to Moorland Valley

* Краткая характеристика компании

* International Subscriber Dialing – Международный телефонный справочник

* survey sample – обследуемая группа

* живет на широкую ногу

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