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Customer meetings

Department, group or team meetings

The Operations meeting

Operations meetings are normally held between the managers of the IT operational departments, teams or groups, at the beginning of each business day or week. The purpose of this type of meeting is to make staff aware of any issue relevant to Operations (such as change schedule s, business event s, maintenance schedules, etc.) and to provide an opportunity for staff to raise any issues of which they are aware. This is an opportunity to ensure that all departments in a data centre are synchronized.

In geographically dispersed organizations it may not be possible to have a single daily Operations meeting. In these cases it is important to coordinate the agenda of the meetings and to ensure that each meeting has two component s:

  1. The first part of the meeting will cover aspects that apply to the organization as a whole, e.g. new policies, changes that affect all regions and business event s that span all regions.
  2. The second part of the meeting will cover aspects that apply only to the local region, e.g. local operation s schedules, changes to local equipment, etc.

The Operations meeting is usually chaired by the IT Operations Manager or a senior Operations Manager and attended by all managers and supervisors (except those whose shift s are not on duty). It is also helpful to have at least one representative from the Service Desk at the meeting so that they are aware of any situations that could give rise to incident s.

Opportunities to improve services or processes should be captured, if raised, and forwarded to the team responsible for Continual Service Improvement.

These meetings are essentially the same as the Operations meeting, but are aimed at a single IT department, group or team. Each manager or supervisor relays the information from the Operations meeting that is relevant to their team.

Additionally, these meetings will also cover the following:

  • A more detailed discussion of incidents, problem s and changes that are still being worked on, with information about:
    • Progress to date
    • Confirmation of what still needs to be done
    • Estimated completion times
    • Request for additional resource s, if required
    • Discussion of potential problems or concerns
  • Confirmation of staff availability for roster duties
  • Confirmation of vacation schedules.

From time to time it will be necessary to hold meetings with customer s, apart from the regular Service Level Review meetings. Examples include:

  • Follow-up after serious incidents. The purpose of these meetings is to repair the relationship with the customers, but also to ensure that IT has all the information required to prevent recurrence. Customers also have the opportunity to provide information about unforeseen business impact s. These meetings are helpful in agreeing actions for similar types of incident that may occur in future.
  • A customer forum, which can be used for a range of purposes, including testing ideas for new services or solutions, or gathering requirement s for new or revised services or procedure s. A customer forum is generally a regular meeting with customers to discuss areas of common concern.

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