![]() КАТЕГОРИИ: Архитектура-(3434)Астрономия-(809)Биология-(7483)Биотехнологии-(1457)Военное дело-(14632)Высокие технологии-(1363)География-(913)Геология-(1438)Государство-(451)Демография-(1065)Дом-(47672)Журналистика и СМИ-(912)Изобретательство-(14524)Иностранные языки-(4268)Информатика-(17799)Искусство-(1338)История-(13644)Компьютеры-(11121)Косметика-(55)Кулинария-(373)Культура-(8427)Лингвистика-(374)Литература-(1642)Маркетинг-(23702)Математика-(16968)Машиностроение-(1700)Медицина-(12668)Менеджмент-(24684)Механика-(15423)Науковедение-(506)Образование-(11852)Охрана труда-(3308)Педагогика-(5571)Полиграфия-(1312)Политика-(7869)Право-(5454)Приборостроение-(1369)Программирование-(2801)Производство-(97182)Промышленность-(8706)Психология-(18388)Религия-(3217)Связь-(10668)Сельское хозяйство-(299)Социология-(6455)Спорт-(42831)Строительство-(4793)Торговля-(5050)Транспорт-(2929)Туризм-(1568)Физика-(3942)Философия-(17015)Финансы-(26596)Химия-(22929)Экология-(12095)Экономика-(9961)Электроника-(8441)Электротехника-(4623)Энергетика-(12629)Юриспруденция-(1492)Ядерная техника-(1748) |
Formaldehyde Solution
Частные фармакопейные статьи для ЛС альдегидов и углеводов (ЕР) Formalin NOTE: The name Formalin as a synonym for Formaldehyde Solution may be used freely in many countries,including the United Kingdom, but in other countries exclusive proprietary rights in this name are claimed. CH2O 30.03 Action and use Used in the treatment of warts. DEFINITION Formaldehyde solution (35 per cent) contains not less than 34.5 per cent m/m and not more than 38.0 per cent m/m of formaldehyde (CH2O; M r 30.03) with methanol as stabiliser. CHARACTERS A clear, colourless liquid, miscible with water and with alcohol. It may be cloudy after storage. IDENTIFICATION A. Dilute 1 ml of solution S (see Tests) to 10 ml with water R. To 0.05 ml of the solution add 1 ml of a 15 g / l solution of chromotropic acid, sodium salt R, 2 ml of water R and 8 ml of sulphuric acid R. A violet-blue or violet-red colour develops within 5 min. B. To 0.1 ml of solution S add 10 ml of water R. Add 2 ml of a 10 g / l solution of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride R, prepared immediately before use, 1 ml of potassium ferricyanide solution R and 5 ml of hydrochloric acid R. An intense red colour is formed. C. Mix 0.5 ml with 2 ml of water R and 2 ml of silver nitrate solution R2 in a test-tube. Add dilute ammonia R2 until slightly alkaline. Heat on a water-bath. A grey precipitate or a silver mirror is formed. D. It complies with the limits of the assay. TESTS Solution S Dilute 10 ml, filtered if necessary, to 50 ml with carbon dioxide-free water R. Appearance of solution Solution S is colourless (Method II, 2.2.2). Acidity To 10 ml of solution S add 1 ml of phenolphthalein solution R. Not more than 0.4 ml of 0.1M sodium hydroxide is required to change the colour of the indicator to red. Methanol 9.0 per cent V/V to 15.0 per cent V/V, determined by gas chromatography (2.2.28) using ethanol R1 as internal standard. Internal standard solution. Dilute 10 ml of ethanol R1 to 100 ml with water R. Test solution. To 10.0 ml of the solution to be examined add 10.0 ml of the internal standard solution and dilute to 100.0 ml with water R. Reference solution. To 1.0 ml of methanol R add 10.0 ml of the internal standard solution and dilute to 100.0 ml with water R. The chromatographic procedure may be carried out using: — a glass column 1.5 m to 2.0 m long and 2 mm to 4 mm in internal diameter, packed with ethylvinylbenzene-divinylbenzene copolymer R (150 μm to 180 μm), — nitrogen for chromatography R as the carrier gas at a flow rate of 30 ml to 40 ml per minute, — a flame-ionisation detector, maintaining the temperature of the column at 120°C and that of the injection port and of the detector at 150°C. Inject 1 μl of the reference solution. Adjust the sensitivity of the detector so that the heights of the peaks in the chromatogram obtained are not less than 50 per cent of the full scale of the recorder. The test is not valid unless the resolution between the peaks corresponding to methanol and ethanol is at least 2.0. Inject separately 1 μl of the test solution and 1 μl of the reference solution. Calculate the percentage content of methanol. Sulphated ash (2.4.14). Not more than 0.1 per cent, determined on 1.0 g. ASSAY Into a 100 ml volumetric flask containing 2.5 ml of water R and 1 ml of dilute sodium hydroxide solution R, introduce 1.000 g of the solution to be examined, shake and dilute to 100.0 ml with water R. To 10.0 ml of the solution add 30.0 ml of 0.05M iodine. Mix and add 10 ml of dilute sodium hydroxide solution R. After 15 min, add 25 ml of dilute sulphuric acid R and 2 ml of starch solution R. Titrate with 0.1M sodium thiosulphate. 1 ml of 0.05M iodine is equivalent to 1.501 mg of CH2O. STORAGE Store in a well-closed container, protected from light, at a temperature of 15°C to 25°C.
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