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Grammar Practice Section. 1. No tense change – past simple, past perfect a

Reported speech. 1. Match the sentences with the explanations.



1. no tense change – past simple, past perfect a. The employer asked what computer applications the candidate used.
2. no tense change - information is still true b. He said the hacker who illegally accessed our databases was arrested the day before.
3. no tense change – always true c. He asked the technician to debug the program.
4. no change - modal verb d. They told the manager to update the database.
5. change of reference to people, places, time, things e. The CEO said that our stock control had been computerized completely.
6. tense change – move back in time f. It was confirmed that the new computer equipment was improving the performance of all the departments.
7. reported question g. He said computers are getting smaller and smaller.
8. reported request h. He said there is always a bug in any program.
9. reported command i. The technician said the company should install new antivirus software.
10. passive reporting verb j. She pointed out that people used prototypes of computers in ancient times.



2. Report the following sentences trying to use various reporting verbs.

  1. Shadow data contains the remnants of computer data that was written previously to a track.
  2. In recent years flat screens have become increasingly popular.
  3. Prices for flat screens are falling.
  4. The world's first computer printer was a mechanically driven apparatus invented by Charles Babbage.
  5. Would you mind printing this out for me?
  6. Many computer systems allow the user to install or create any user interface they desire.
  7. Carelessly-arranged computer screens and keyboard could lead to ergonomics problems such as eyestrain and repetitive strain injuries while using a keyboard for long periods.
  8. A hacker broke into our security system last week.
  9. I found the problem when I was launching this program.
  10. As technology improved during the 1990s, the usefulness and popularity of laptops increased.
  11. What basic functions does a computer perform?
  12. The 2000s saw the rise of multi-core processors and flash memory.
  13. Do not interrupt the spelling checker while it is running.
  14. You've saved this file in the wrong directory.
  15. If you buy a modem make sure it conforms to Hayes™ standards.
  16. He reconfigured the field structure in the file.

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