| Номер термина
Accelerated test
| 10.7
Active reserve
| 7.8
Ageing failure
| 3.20
Analytical-experimental reliability assessment
| 9.5
Analytical reliability assessment
| 9.4
Assessed reliability measure
| 6.5
Assigned lifetime
| 4.10
Assigned operating time
| 4.9
Assigned storage time
| 4.11
Combined redundancy
| 7.16
Compliance test
| 10.3
Continuous redundancy
| 7.13
| 3.2
| 3.1
| 1.1
Design failure
| 3.17
Determination test
| 10.2
Down state
| 2.4
| 7.7
| 1.3
Efficiency ratio
| 6.29
Element under redundancy
| 7.4
Experimental reliability assessment
| 9.6
Explicit failure
| 3.15
Extrapolated reliability measure
| 6.7
| 3.3
Failure cause
| 3.5
Failure criterion
| 3.4
Failure criticality
| 3.7
Failure effect
| 3.6
Failure intensity
| 6.13
Failure rate
| 6.12
Failure free operation
| 1.2
| 2.2
Faulty state
| 2.2
Field test
| 10.5
Gamma-percentile life
| 6.15
Gamma-percentile lifetime
| 6.17
Gamma-percentile operating time to failure
| 6.9
Gamma-percentile restoration time
| 6.20
Gamma-percentile storage time
| 6.24
Good state
| 2.1
Gradual failure
| 3.12
(Instantaneous) availability function
| 6.26
(Instantaneous) restoration rate
| 6.22
Integrated reliability measure
| 6.3
Intermittent failure
| 3.14
| 3.13
Laboratory test
| 10.4
Latent failure
| 3.16
| 4.5
| 4.6
Limiting state
| 2.5
Limiting state criterion
| 2.6
Loaded reserve
| 7.8
| 1.3
| 5.1
Maintainable item
| 5.4
| 1.4
Maintainability function
| 6.19
Major element
| 7.3
Manufacturing failure
| 3.18
Marginal failure
| 3.8
Mean failure intensity
| 6.14
Mean life
| 6.16
Mean lifetime
| 6.18
Mean maintenance man-hours
| 6.23
Mean restoration man-hours
| 6.23
Mean operating time between failures
| 6.11
Mean operating time to failure
| 6.10
Mean storage time
| 6.25
Mean restoration time
| 6.21
Mean useful life
| 6.16
Mishandling failure
| 3.19
Misuse failure
| 3.19
Nonmaintainable item
| 5.5
Nonrepairable item
| 5.9
Nonrestorable item
| 5.7
Normal test
| 10.6
Observed reliability measure
| 6.6
Operating time
| 4.1
Operating time between failures
| 4.3
Operating time to failure
| 4.2
Operational availability function
| 6.27
Predicted reliability measure
| 6.4
Primary failure
| 3.9
Probability of successful redundancy
| 7.19
Probability of restoration
| 6.19
| 5.2
Reduced reserve
| 7.9
| 7.1
Redundancy ratio
| 7.6
Redundancy without restoration
| 7.18
Redundancy with restoration
| 7.17
Redundant element
| 7.5
| 1.1, 1.2
Reliability assessment
| 9.2
Reliability function
| 6.8
Reliability measure
| 6.1
Reliability specification
| 8.1
Reliability support programme
| 9.1
Reliability test
| 10.1
Reliability test programme
| 10.8
Reliability verification
| 9.3
| 5.3
Repairable item
| 5.8
| 7.2
Residual life
| 4.8
| 5.2
Restorable item
| 5.6
Restoration time
| 4.4
Scope of reliability test
| 10.9
Secondary failure
| 3.10
Segregated redundancy
| 7.12
Shelf life
| 4.7
Simple reliability measure
| 6.2
Sliding redundancy
| 7.15
Specified reliability measure
| 8.2
Standby redundancy
| 7.14
Standby reserve
| 7.10
Steady state availability factor
| 6.28
| 1.5
Storability time
| 4.7
Sudden failure
| 3.11
Survival function
| 6.8
Unloaded reserve
| 7.10
Up state
| 2.3
Useful life
| 4.5
Useful lifetime
| 4.6
Wear-out failure
| 3.20
Whole system redundancy
| 7.11