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Closing an Item

Introducing the First Item on the Agenda

Agreeing on the Ground Rules for the Meeting (contributions, timing, decision-making, etc.)

Allocating Roles (secretary, participants)

Introducing the Agenda

Moving Forward

Dealing with Recent Developments

Reading the Minutes (notes) of the Last Meeting

Giving Apologies for Someone Who is Absent

Stating the Principal Objectives

We're here today to...

I'd like to make sure that we...

Our main aim today is to...

I've called this meeting in order to...

I'm afraid.., (name of participant) can't be with us today. She is in...

Unfortunately, (name of participant)... will not be with us to day because he...

I have received apologies for absence from (name of participant), who is in (place).

To begin with I'd like to quickly go through the minutes of our last meeting.

First, let's go over the report from the last meeting, which was held on (date)

Here are the minutes from our last meeting, which was on (date)

Jack, can you tell us how the XYZ project is progressing?

Jack, how is the XYZ project coming along?

John, have you completed the report on the new accounting package?

Has everyone received a copy of the Tate Foundation report on current marketing trends?

So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, let's move on to today's agenda.

Shall we get down to business?

Is there Any Other Business?

If there are no further developments, I'd like to move on to today's topic.

Have you all received a copy of the agenda?

There are X items on the agenda. First,... second,... third,... lastly,...

Shall we take the points in this order?

If you don't mind, I'd like to go in order today.

skip item 1 and move on to item 3

I suggest we take item 2 last.

(name of participant) has agreed to take the minutes.

(name of participant), would you mind taking the minutes?

(name of participant) has kindly agreed to give us a report on...

(name of participant) will lead point 1, (name of participant) point 2, and (name of participant) point 3.

(name of participant), would you mind taking notes today?

We will hear a short report on each point first, followed by a discussion of...

I suggest we go round the table first.

Let's make sure we finish by...

I'd suggest we...

There will be five minutes for each item.

We'll have to keep each item to 15 minutes. Otherwise we'll never get through.

So, let's start with...

I'd suggest we start with...

Why don't we start with...

So, the first item on the agenda is

Pete, would you like to kick off?

Shall we start with...

(name of participant), would you like to introduce this item?

I think that takes care of the first item.

Shall we leave that item?

Why don't we move on to...

If nobody has anything else to add, lets...

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