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VOCABULARY. Communication activities

Communication activities.


Task 20. Speak about the history of Russian Customs using the information below and some of the verbs from the box:

to set up to found to adopt to come into force to approve to form to sign to celebrate to publish to establish to hold to create to become to appear to exist


1137 - First Customs House in Novgorod

1653 - First Trade Statute

1667 - First Customs Code

1928 - Customs Code of the USSR

1953 - First International Customs Day - January 26

1991 - Decree “On the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation”

1985 - October 25 - Russian Customs Officer’s Day

1993 - Decree of the President setting up the Russian Customs Academy

2010 - The customs union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan


Task 21. Complete the sentences using the Infinitive:

1. To work for the Customs is to...

2. When you work for the Customs it is important to...

3. Customs officers try to...

Task 22. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary ofthe unit.


Task 23. Comment on the following:


“If we open a quarrel between the past and the present we shall find that we have lost the future.” (W.Churchill)


“History is philosophy learned from examples.”


Task24. Say why M. Lomonosov, D.Mendeleev, Y.Derzhavin, S.Vitte deserve to be mentioned in the book about the history of Russian Customs?


Task 25. Write down five words that best describe the history of Russian Customs. Compare your list with your partner’s words. Participate in the class discussion of the words.


Task 26. Matching. The teacher will give you articles and headlines from English language newspapers. Work in groups matching each headline to its story.


Task 27. Complete the following proverbs and give their Russian equivalents.


1. A friend in need _______________________.

2. Actions ______________________words.

3. _______________________ that ends well.

4. As you make your bed __________________.

5. East or West, __________________.

6. __________________ before you leap.

7. Make _______________ while the sun______.

8. ________________ never come alone.

9. Old _____________ are not be caught_______.

10. Second thoughts are _____________________.

11. Birds of feather ________________.

Use these proverbs in short situations of your own.

customs tax таможенная пошлина
an official официальное лицо
to collect взимать, забирать
stamped seal печать на документе
statement заявление
to predate предшестовать
transportation of goods перевозка грузов
frontier граница
frontier towns приграничные города
to purchase приобретать
state государство
merchant; merchandise купец; товар
the Russian Customs Statute Российский таможенный устав
on pain of confiscation под угрозой конфискации
to limit ограничивать
foreign goods иностранные товары
to defend защищать
powerful administrative body мощный административный орган
to contribute вносить вклад
state institutions государственные учреждения
to develop customs laws разрабатывать таможенное законодательство
to initiate начать, инициировать
to issue the Decree издать указ
Trade Statute Торговый Устав
legislation законодательство
Commerce Board торгово-промышленная палата
to work out customs tariffs разрабатывать таможенные тарифы
to come into effect вступить в силу
a public figure общественный деятель
to be in charge of стоять во главе; быть ответственным за
to police охранять, контролировать, патрулировать
modern современный
multi-functioning многофункциональный
functions функции

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