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Loudspeaking telephones

Loudspeaking telephones offer a variety of different functions to the user and in this category of telephone we have the following fa­cilities:

1. Call progress monitor.

2. Group listening.

3. Full handsfree operation.

A telephone with call progress monitoring facilities is equipped with a small loudspeaker and a monitor amplifier. The user presses a button to activate the telephone, seizing the line, and dial tone is applied to the line from the exchange equipment and then fed through the monitor amplifier. The user can dial the distant end, listen to ringing tone and when the distant end answers must then pick up the handset to be able to speak as the only transmitter available is in the handset.

The group listening telephone normally has call progress monitor, but in addition has a circuit to enable the user to press a button on the telephone and broadcast the incoming speech signal to others listening in the room. The circuit may also drive the receiver in the handset simultaneously with the loudspeaker in the base of the telephone. Outgoing speech is only possible through the handset transmitter.

The full handsfree telephone is equipped with both a handset and a separate microphone and loudspeaker for handsfree operation. The microphone and speaker are now all provided as part of the telephone, although some older designs consisted of separate units connected in parallel with the standard telephone.

The design of the handsfree telephone creates particular problems. The level of sound being emitted from the loudspeaker is required to be large enough to fill the volume of air in the room where it is being used, so that users can be anywhere in the room and still hear the incoming speech. The microphone in the telephone will also need to pick up this incoming speech signal from the acoustic feedback. Therefore, to prevent the telephone from howling, attenu­ators need to be switched in to the microphone path. These circuits are often referred to as antilarsen circuits.

Figure 58.13 shows a block diagram of typical handsfree system. When a handsfree telephone connection is established speech sig­nals can be reflected at the two to four wire interface, either in the local exchange or in the digital PBX two to four wire interface, as well as round the local sidetone loop from loudspeaker to micro­phone. Hence oscillations and speech distorting can occur and in the worst case howling.

To have full duplex working on the loudspeaking telephone re­quires very fast switching between the transmit and receive circuits and compensation for background noise. This requirement has led to the development of microprocessor controlled handsfree circuits, where the control algorithms are stored in the microprocessor.


Particular attention must be paid to the acoustic design of the telephone body for handsfree operation. The loudspeaker should be housed in a speaker box and acoustically isolated from the micro­phone as far as possible, to prevent sound raveling through the body of the telephone to the microphone and causing instability. Sound emanating from the back of the speaker can be particularly problematical and many telephones have some sound absorbing material behind the speaker. Microphones for loudspeaking tele­phones tend to be much more sensitive than telephone transmitters in handsets as they are required to detect speech coming from a few feet away in the room.

1 Learn the words & word combinations:

Facilities Средства
Drive Управлять
Separate Отдельный
Loudspeaker Громкоговоритель, (динамик)
Particular Особый
Howling Свист (акустическая обратная связь, микрофонный эффект)
Prevent Предотвращать
Antilarsen Воровать, таскать
As well as… Также
Distort Искажать
Duplex Двусторонний
Emanate Исходить, выделять (о звуке)
Background Фон
Proprietary Частный
Domain Область
Vital Неизбежный (жизненно важный)
Regard Относиться
Match Подходить, соответствовать
Simultaneously одновременно
Feed circuit Схема питания, цепь питания
Winding Обмотка
Ground return 1) замыкания через землю 2) возврат тока через землю
Inductance Индуктивность, самоиндуктивность
Bridge rectifier Выпрямитель по мостовой схеме
Reversal Реверсирование, изменение направления на обратное
Insulation leakage Утечка через изоляцию
LCD display Жидкокристаллический индикатор (дисплей)
Superimpose Налагать, накладывать, наслаивать, совмещать
Sine wave 1) синусоидальная (гармоническая волна) 2) синусоида
Brass disk Латунная тарелка (диск)
Dial pulse Импульс набора номера
Dial Номерной диск (в телефонии)
Governor Регулятор, управляющее устройство
Multifrequency Многочастотный код

2 Find Russian equivalents:

ü To seize the exchange; ü Incoming ringing signals; ü To drive a bell; ü Composite; ü A sine wave; ü The calling number identity; ü Group listening; ü Full handsfree operation; ü Antilarsen circuits; ü A brass disc; ü A ceramic coating; ü A full bridge rectifier; ü Dial pulse or loop disconnect signaling; ü Dial pulses; ü The make break ration; ü Call progress monitor; ü Create.

3 Find English equivalents:

ü Входящий сигнал поступил; ü Ось; ü Смещенный; ü Позиция покоя ü Дополнительные возможности для пользователя; ü Ограничивать; ü Подходящий.

4 Answer the questions:

1 How can you explain the process of signaling?

2 What is a ringing signal in today’s telephone exchanges?

3 What has been the traditional device to alert the caller?

4 What is one of the cheapest forms of device to generate the ringing sound?

5 What are two basic types of address signaling?

6 What is dial pulse or loop disconnect signaling?

7 What functions do loudspeaking telephones offer?

5 Translate in written form points 58.9:

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