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The functions of the gerund in the sentence


The gerund developed from the verbal noun, which in course of time became verbalized preserving at the same time its nominal character.

The gerund is formed by adding the suffix –ing to the stem of the verb, and coincides in form with Participle I.

The gerund may be used in different syntactic functions. A single gerund occurs but seldom; in most cases we find a gerundial phrase or a gerundial construction.

1. The gerund as a subject.

Talking mends no holes.

Waiting for the Professor was a lame excuse for doing nothing.

My answer in the affirmative gave him great satisfaction.

2. The gerund as a predicative.

The only remedy for such a headache as mine is going to bed.

3. The gerund as part of a compound verbal predicate.

a) with verbs and verbal phrases denoting modality the gerund forms part of a compound verbal modal predicate.

We intend going to Switzerland, and climbing Mount Blanc.

Joseph could not help admiring the man.

b) With verbs denoting the beginning, duration, or the end of an action, the gerund forms part of a compound verbal aspect predicate.

She began sobbing and weeping.

In the night it started raining.

Batsheba continued walking.

4. The gerund as an object.

The gerund may be used as a direct object and as a prepositional indirect object.

I simply love riding.

She enjoyed singing and playing to him.

Predicative Constructions with the gerund form a complex object as they consist of two distinct elements, nominal and verbal.

Perhaps, you wouldn’t mind Richard’s coming in.

5. The gerund as an attribute.

In this function the gerund is always preceded by a preposition.

Swithin protruded his pale round eyes with the effort of hearing.

He was born with the gift of winning hearts.

6. The gerund as an adverbial modifier.

In this function the gerund is always preceded by a preposition. It is used in the function of an adverbial modifier of time, manner, attendant circumstances, cause, condition, purpose and concession; the most common functions are those of adverbial modifier of time, manner, and attendant circumstances.

a) As an adverbial modifier of time the gerund is preceded by the prepositions after, before, on (upon), in, at.

After leaving her umbrella in the hall, she entered the living room.

He was born to have three days at home before going back to farm

b) as an adverbial modifier of manner the gerund is used with the prepositions by and in.

She startled her father by bursting into tears.

The was spent in packing.

c) as an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances the gerund is preceded by the preposition without

She was not brilliant, not active, but rather peaceful and statuesque without knowing it.

d) as an adverbial modifier of purpose, the gerund is chiefly used with the preposition for

… one side of the gallery was used for dancing.

e) as an adverbial modifier of condition the gerund is preceded by the preposition without

He has no right to come bothering you and papa without being invited.

f) as an adverbial modifier of cause the gerund is used with the prepositions for, for fear of, owing to.

I feel the better myself for having spent a good deal of my time abroad.

g) as an adverbial modifier of concession the gerund is preceded by the preposition in spite of.

In spite of being busy, he did all he could to help her.


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