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Protective of

Protective towards

As (a) protection (against something)

For protection

Protect against

Doubtful about (doing) something

It is doubtful that

It is doubtful that the missing airmen will ever be found.

2. not sure that something is true or right

'Everything's going to be all right, you'll see.' Jenny looked doubtful.

doubtful if/whether

I'm still doubtful whether I should accept this job.

At first we were doubtful about employing Charlie.

3. unlikely to be successful

Already the whole scheme was looking increasingly doubtful.

4. probably not good

synonym dubious Here the tap water is of doubtful quality.

doubtfully adverb

Protect verb

1. [intransitive and transitive]to keep someone or something safe from harm, damage, or illness

ᅳsee also protection, protective

Are we doing enough to protect the environment?

protect somebody/something from something

The cover protects the machine from dust.

protect somebody/something against something

Physical exercise can protect you against heart disease.

Waxing your car will help protect against rust.

2. [transitive usually passive]if an insurance company protects your home, car, life, etc, it agrees to pay you money if things are stolen or damaged or you are hurt or killed

synonym cover

Unemployment insurance means that you are partially protected if you lose your job.

3. [transitive] to help the industry and trade of your own country by taxing or restricting foreign goods

Protection noun

1. [uncountable] when someone or something is protected

protection of the protection of the environment

protection against/from evidence that vitamin C gives protection against cancer

protection for This law provides protection for threatened animals and plants.

The police were issued with body amour for extra protection.

2. [uncountable and countable] something that protects

Magee pulled up his collar as protection against the breeze.

3. [uncountable]the promise of payment from an insurance company if something bad happens

synonym coverage

4. [uncountable] contraception

Do you have any protection?

5. [uncountable] when criminals threaten to damage your property or hurt you unless you pay them money

protection money

Protective adjective

1. [only before noun] used or intended for protection

protective clothing

2. wanting to protect someone from harm or danger

I can't help feeling protective towards my kids.

He's very protective of his younger brother.

3. intended to give an advantage to your own country's industry

protective tariffs

protectively a dverb


ᅳprotectiveness noun [uncountable]

Contribute verb

1. [intransitive and transitive] to give money, help, ideas etc to something that a lot of other people are also involved in

contribute to/towards

City employees cannot contribute to political campa igns.

contribute something to/towards something

The volunteers contribute their own time to the project.

2. [intransitive]to help to make something happen

Stress is a contributing factor in many illnesses.

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