Account: 100033
| Name: Pavel Volkov
| Currency: USD
| Leverage: 1:100
| 2014 June 18, 16:04
Closed Transactions:
| |
| Open Time
| Type
| Size
| Item
| Price
| S / L
| T / P
| Close Time
| Price
| Commission
| Taxes
| Swap
| Profit
| 2014.03.20 15:49:08
| balance
| Deposit
| 20 000.00
| 2014.04.03 10:07:40
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.66770
| 0.00000
| 1.66670
| 2014.04.03 17:00:00
| 1.65835
| expiration [2014.04.03 17:00]
| 2014.04.03 10:08:51
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd.
| 0.92550
| 0.00000
| 0.92450
| 2014.04.03 17:00:00
| 0.92339
| expiration [2014.04.03 17:00]
| 2014.04.03 10:09:12
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd.
| 0.91850
| 0.00000
| 0.91950
| 2014.04.03 17:00:00
| 0.92365
| expiration [2014.04.03 17:00]
| 2014.04.03 11:56:05
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92180
| 0.00000
| 0.00000
| 2014.04.03 12:01:10
| 0.92246
| cancelled
| 2014.04.03 12:00:05
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92558
| 0.00000
| 0.00000
| 2014.04.03 12:01:31
| 0.92231
| cancelled
| 2014.04.03 13:20:29
| buy
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.65950
| 0.00000
| 1.66050
| 2014.04.07 16:44:31
| 1.66050
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.04.03 15:33:46
| sell
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37910
| 0.00000
| 1.37810
| 2014.04.03 15:35:05
| 1.37810
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.04.03 16:12:15
| buy
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37210
| 0.00000
| 1.37310
| 2014.04.07 14:21:37
| 1.37310
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.04.09 09:54:30
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38350
| 0.00000
| 1.38250
| 2014.04.09 17:00:00
| 1.38126
| expiration [2014.04.09 17:00]
| 2014.04.09 09:55:13
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37500
| 0.00000
| 1.37600
| 2014.04.09 11:00:00
| 1.38051
| expiration [2014.04.09 11:00]
| 2014.04.09 10:06:09
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67850
| 0.00000
| 1.67750
| 2014.04.09 17:00:00
| 1.67529
| expiration [2014.04.09 17:00]
| 2014.04.09 10:07:09
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67050
| 0.00000
| 1.67105
| 2014.04.09 17:00:00
| 1.67558
| expiration [2014.04.09 17:00]
| 2014.04.09 10:16:47
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93950
| 0.00000
| 0.93850
| 2014.04.09 17:00:00
| 0.93532
| expiration [2014.04.09 17:00]
| 2014.04.09 10:20:02
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93160
| 0.00000
| 0.93260
| 2014.04.09 17:00:00
| 0.93551
| expiration [2014.04.09 17:00]
| 2014.04.10 10:00:13
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38800
| 0.00000
| 1.38700
| 2014.04.10 17:00:00
| 1.38620
| expiration [2014.04.10 17:00]
| 2014.04.10 10:01:17
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38100
| 0.00000
| 1.38200
| 2014.04.10 17:00:00
| 1.38639
| expiration [2014.04.10 17:00]
| 2014.04.10 10:03:33
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68150
| 0.00000
| 1.68050
| 2014.04.10 17:00:00
| 1.67622
| expiration [2014.04.10 17:00]
| 2014.04.10 10:05:04
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67380
| 0.00000
| 1.67480
| 2014.04.10 17:00:00
| 1.67650
| expiration [2014.04.10 17:00]
| 2014.04.10 10:06:39
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93910
| 0.00000
| 0.94010
| 2014.04.10 17:00:00
| 0.94079
| expiration [2014.04.10 17:00]
| 2014.04.10 11:19:00
| sell
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.94550
| 0.00000
| 0.94450
| 2014.04.10 12:08:36
| 0.94450
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.04.11 10:10:45
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93320
| 0.00000
| 0.93420
| 2014.04.11 17:00:00
| 0.94045
| expiration [2014.04.11 17:00]
| 2014.04.11 10:11:09
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93320
| 0.00000
| 0.93420
| 2014.04.11 10:11:15
| 0.93805
| cancelled
| 2014.04.11 10:12:02
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68170
| 0.00000
| 1.68070
| 2014.04.11 17:00:00
| 1.67299
| expiration [2014.04.11 17:00]
| 2014.04.11 10:12:38
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.39280
| 0.00000
| 1.39180
| 2014.04.11 17:00:00
| 1.38802
| expiration [2014.04.11 17:00]
| 2014.04.11 10:13:01
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38510
| 0.00000
| 1.38610
| 2014.04.11 17:00:00
| 1.38821
| expiration [2014.04.11 17:00]
| 2014.04.11 12:44:58
| sell
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.94130
| 0.00000
| 0.94030
| 2014.04.11 14:15:56
| 0.94030
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.04.11 14:04:20
| buy
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67410
| 0.00000
| 1.67510
| 2014.04.16 10:57:58
| 1.67510
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.04.14 12:19:06
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38870
| 0.00000
| 1.38770
| 2014.04.14 17:00:00
| 1.38230
| expiration [2014.04.14 17:00]
| 2014.04.14 12:20:14
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67720
| 0.00000
| 1.67620
| 2014.04.14 17:00:00
| 1.67275
| expiration [2014.04.14 17:00]
| 2014.04.14 12:20:51
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.66850
| 0.00000
| 1.66950
| 2014.04.14 17:00:00
| 1.67305
| expiration [2014.04.14 17:00]
| 2014.04.14 12:21:30
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.94370
| 0.00000
| 0.94270
| 2014.04.14 17:00:00
| 0.94115
| expiration [2014.04.14 17:00]
| 2014.04.14 12:22:02
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93520
| 0.00000
| 0.93620
| 2014.04.14 17:00:00
| 0.94134
| expiration [2014.04.14 17:00]
| 2014.04.14 15:30:18
| buy
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38170
| 0.00000
| 1.38270
| 2014.04.14 17:03:33
| 1.38270
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.04.15 12:57:22
| buy limit
| 1.00
| gbpusd
| 1.66500
| 0.00000
| 1.66600
| 2014.04.15 17:00:00
| 1.67379
| expiration [2014.04.15 17:00]
| 2014.04.15 12:57:50
| sell limit
| 1.00
| eurusd
| 1.38300
| 0.00000
| 1.38200
| 2014.04.15 17:00:00
| 1.38020
| expiration [2014.04.15 17:00]
| 2014.04.15 12:58:51
| buy limit
| 1.00
| eurusd
| 1.37840
| 0.00000
| 1.37940
| 2014.04.15 17:00:00
| 1.38043
| expiration [2014.04.15 17:00]
| 2014.04.15 12:59:22
| sell limit
| 1.00
| audusd
| 0.94250
| 0.00000
| 0.94150
| 2014.04.15 17:00:00
| 0.93537
| expiration [2014.04.15 17:00]
| 2014.04.15 15:15:26
| sell
| 1.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67300
| 0.00000
| 1.67200
| 2014.04.15 18:31:44
| 1.67200
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 100.00
| 2014.04.15 16:22:56
| buy
| 1.00
| audusd
| 0.93590
| 0.00000
| 0.93690
| 2014.04.16 07:58:52
| 0.93690
| 0.00
| 0.00
| -0.65
| 100.00
| 2014.04.16 09:22:45
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38700
| 0.00000
| 1.38600
| 2014.04.16 17:00:00
| 1.38214
| expiration [2014.04.16 17:00]
| 2014.04.16 09:24:21
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37840
| 0.00000
| 1.37940
| 2014.04.16 17:00:00
| 1.38234
| expiration [2014.04.16 17:00]
| 2014.04.16 09:28:45
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.66890
| 0.00000
| 1.66990
| 2014.04.16 17:00:00
| 1.67965
| expiration [2014.04.16 17:00]
| 2014.04.16 09:29:18
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.94080
| 0.00000
| 0.94070
| 2014.04.16 17:00:00
| 0.93657
| expiration [2014.04.16 17:00]
| 2014.04.16 09:29:40
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93300
| 0.00000
| 0.93400
| 2014.04.16 17:00:00
| 0.93675
| expiration [2014.04.16 17:00]
| 2014.04.16 11:26:50
| sell
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67710
| 0.00000
| 1.67610
| 2014.05.14 12:31:24
| 1.67610
| 0.00
| 0.00
| -12.42
| 200.00
| 2014.04.17 12:44:59
| sell limit
| 1.00
| eurusd
| 1.38720
| 0.00000
| 1.38620
| 2014.04.17 12:46:31
| 1.38618
| cancelled
| 2014.04.17 12:45:23
| buy limit
| 1.00
| eurusd
| 1.38100
| 0.00000
| 1.38200
| 2014.04.17 18:00:00
| 1.38358
| expiration [2014.04.17 18:00]
| 2014.04.17 12:45:57
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68560
| 0.00000
| 1.68460
| 2014.04.17 18:00:00
| 1.68077
| expiration [2014.04.17 18:00]
| 2014.04.17 12:46:23
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67870
| 0.00000
| 1.67970
| 2014.04.17 18:00:00
| 1.68101
| expiration [2014.04.17 18:00]
| 2014.04.17 12:46:55
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38720
| 0.00000
| 1.38620
| 2014.04.17 18:00:00
| 1.38338
| expiration [2014.04.17 18:00]
| 2014.04.17 12:47:32
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93920
| 0.00000
| 0.93820
| 2014.04.17 18:00:00
| 0.93395
| expiration [2014.04.17 18:00]
| 2014.04.17 12:47:54
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93160
| 0.00000
| 0.93260
| 2014.04.17 18:00:00
| 0.93411
| expiration [2014.04.17 18:00]
| 2014.04.21 10:16:40
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38600
| 0.00000
| 1.38500
| 2014.04.21 17:00:00
| 1.38103
| expiration [2014.04.21 17:00]
| 2014.04.21 10:17:04
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37750
| 0.00000
| 1.37850
| 2014.04.21 17:00:00
| 1.38124
| expiration [2014.04.21 17:00]
| 2014.04.21 10:17:33
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68430
| 0.00000
| 1.68330
| 2014.04.21 17:00:00
| 1.67952
| expiration [2014.04.21 17:00]
| 2014.04.21 10:18:21
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67530
| 0.00000
| 1.67630
| 2014.04.21 17:00:00
| 1.67978
| expiration [2014.04.21 17:00]
| 2014.04.21 10:18:45
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93690
| 0.00000
| 0.93590
| 2014.04.21 17:00:00
| 0.93268
| expiration [2014.04.21 17:00]
| 2014.04.21 10:19:14
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92930
| 0.00000
| 0.93030
| 2014.04.21 17:00:00
| 0.93285
| expiration [2014.04.21 17:00]
| 2014.04.22 10:45:31
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38350
| 0.00000
| 1.38250
| 2014.04.22 17:00:00
| 1.38099
| expiration [2014.04.22 17:00]
| 2014.04.22 10:47:09
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37720
| 0.00000
| 1.37820
| 2014.04.22 17:00:00
| 1.38123
| expiration [2014.04.22 17:00]
| 2014.04.22 10:47:42
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68510
| 0.00000
| 1.68410
| 2014.04.22 17:00:00
| 1.68227
| expiration [2014.04.22 17:00]
| 2014.04.22 10:48:51
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67750
| 0.00000
| 1.67850
| 2014.04.22 17:00:00
| 1.68259
| expiration [2014.04.22 17:00]
| 2014.04.22 10:49:34
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93940
| 0.00000
| 0.93940
| 2014.04.22 17:00:00
| 0.93652
| expiration [2014.04.22 17:00]
| 2014.04.22 10:50:00
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93260
| 0.00000
| 0.93360
| 2014.04.22 17:00:00
| 0.93675
| expiration [2014.04.22 17:00]
| 2014.04.24 10:58:00
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38660
| 0.00000
| 1.38560
| 2014.04.24 17:00:00
| 1.38139
| expiration [2014.04.24 17:00]
| 2014.04.24 10:58:29
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37800
| 0.00000
| 1.37900
| 2014.04.24 17:00:00
| 1.38159
| expiration [2014.04.24 17:00]
| 2014.04.24 10:58:53
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68550
| 0.00000
| 1.68450
| 2014.04.24 17:00:00
| 1.67910
| expiration [2014.04.24 17:00]
| 2014.04.24 10:59:15
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67510
| 0.00000
| 1.67610
| 2014.04.24 17:00:00
| 1.67939
| expiration [2014.04.24 17:00]
| 2014.04.24 10:59:43
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93230
| 0.00000
| 0.93130
| 2014.04.24 17:00:00
| 0.92595
| expiration [2014.04.24 17:00]
| 2014.04.24 11:00:05
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92490
| 0.00000
| 0.92590
| 2014.04.24 17:00:00
| 0.92610
| expiration [2014.04.24 17:00]
| 2014.04.25 10:27:30
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38570
| 0.00000
| 1.38470
| 2014.04.25 17:00:00
| 1.38437
| expiration [2014.04.25 17:00]
| 2014.04.25 10:28:01
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38030
| 0.00000
| 1.38130
| 2014.04.25 17:00:00
| 1.38456
| expiration [2014.04.25 17:00]
| 2014.04.25 10:28:31
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68410
| 0.00000
| 1.68310
| 2014.04.25 17:00:00
| 1.68193
| expiration [2014.04.25 17:00]
| 2014.04.25 10:28:51
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67750
| 0.00000
| 1.67850
| 2014.04.25 17:00:00
| 1.68217
| expiration [2014.04.25 17:00]
| 2014.04.25 10:29:29
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92960
| 0.00000
| 0.92860
| 2014.04.25 17:00:00
| 0.92832
| expiration [2014.04.25 17:00]
| 2014.04.25 10:29:49
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92510
| 0.00000
| 0.92610
| 2014.04.25 17:00:00
| 0.92847
| expiration [2014.04.25 17:00]
| 2014.05.06 11:05:08
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.39900
| 0.00000
| 1.39800
| 2014.05.06 17:00:00
| 1.39312
| expiration [2014.05.06 17:00]
| 2014.05.06 11:05:37
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.38740
| 0.00000
| 1.38840
| 2014.05.06 17:00:00
| 1.39330
| expiration [2014.05.06 17:00]
| 2014.05.06 11:07:15
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68820
| 0.00000
| 1.68920
| 2014.05.06 17:00:00
| 1.69928
| expiration [2014.05.06 17:00]
| 2014.05.06 11:12:06
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92800
| 0.00000
| 0.92900
| 2014.05.06 17:00:00
| 0.93546
| expiration [2014.05.06 17:00]
| 2014.05.06 14:09:20
| sell
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93440
| 0.00000
| 0.93340
| 2014.05.07 11:51:29
| 0.93340
| 0.00
| 0.00
| -1.98
| 200.00
| 2014.05.06 15:20:31
| sell
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.69850
| 0.00000
| 1.69750
| 2014.05.06 19:10:30
| 1.69750
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.05.12 09:37:49
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37880
| 0.00000
| 1.37780
| 2014.05.12 17:00:00
| 1.37654
| expiration [2014.05.12 17:00]
| 2014.05.12 09:38:27
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37150
| 0.00000
| 1.37250
| 2014.05.12 17:00:00
| 1.37673
| expiration [2014.05.12 17:00]
| 2014.05.12 09:39:54
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68130
| 0.00000
| 1.68230
| 2014.05.12 17:00:00
| 1.68922
| expiration [2014.05.12 17:00]
| 2014.05.12 09:40:42
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.94030
| 0.00000
| 0.93930
| 2014.05.12 17:00:00
| 0.93716
| expiration [2014.05.12 17:00]
| 2014.05.12 09:41:07
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93250
| 0.00000
| 0.93350
| 2014.05.12 17:00:00
| 0.93734
| expiration [2014.05.12 17:00]
| 2014.05.12 11:44:43
| sell
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68820
| 0.00000
| 1.68720
| 2014.05.12 18:01:13
| 1.68720
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.05.13 08:57:25
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37940
| 0.00000
| 1.37840
| 2014.05.13 17:00:00
| 1.37235
| expiration [2014.05.13 17:00]
| 2014.05.13 09:00:54
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.69010
| 0.00000
| 1.68910
| 2014.05.13 17:00:00
| 1.68399
| expiration [2014.05.13 17:00]
| 2014.05.13 09:03:30
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93150
| 0.00000
| 0.93250
| 2014.05.13 17:00:00
| 0.93780
| expiration [2014.05.13 17:00]
| 2014.05.13 13:16:59
| buy
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68390
| 0.00000
| 1.68490
| 2014.05.13 15:38:40
| 1.68490
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.05.13 13:46:37
| buy
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37090
| 0.00000
| 1.37190
| 2014.05.13 15:31:52
| 1.37190
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.05.13 15:30:41
| sell
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93740
| 0.00000
| 0.93640
| 2014.05.13 17:55:40
| 0.93640
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.05.14 09:15:52
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37520
| 0.00000
| 1.37420
| 2014.05.14 17:00:00
| 1.37099
| expiration [2014.05.14 17:00]
| 2014.05.14 09:17:28
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.36750
| 0.00000
| 1.36850
| 2014.05.14 17:00:00
| 1.37118
| expiration [2014.05.14 17:00]
| 2014.05.14 09:17:52
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68810
| 0.00000
| 1.68710
| 2014.05.14 17:00:00
| 1.67748
| expiration [2014.05.14 17:00]
| 2014.05.14 09:18:42
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.94370
| 0.00000
| 0.94270
| 2014.05.14 17:00:00
| 0.93979
| expiration [2014.05.14 17:00]
| 2014.05.14 09:19:06
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93620
| 0.00000
| 0.93720
| 2014.05.14 17:00:00
| 0.93994
| expiration [2014.05.14 17:00]
| 2014.05.14 12:30:22
| buy
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68000
| 0.00000
| 1.68100
| 2014.05.14 13:00:19
| 1.68100
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.05.16 10:01:39
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37520
| 0.00000
| 1.37420
| 2014.05.16 17:00:00
| 1.37118
| expiration [2014.05.16 17:00]
| 2014.05.16 10:02:32
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.36740
| 0.00000
| 1.36840
| 2014.05.16 17:00:00
| 1.37137
| expiration [2014.05.16 17:00]
| 2014.05.16 10:05:57
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67410
| 0.00000
| 1.67510
| 2014.05.16 17:00:00
| 1.68331
| expiration [2014.05.16 17:00]
| 2014.05.16 10:06:45
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93880
| 0.00000
| 0.93780
| 2014.05.16 17:00:00
| 0.93668
| expiration [2014.05.16 17:00]
| 2014.05.16 10:07:19
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93100
| 0.00000
| 0.93200
| 2014.05.16 17:00:00
| 0.93685
| expiration [2014.05.16 17:00]
| 2014.05.16 15:50:30
| sell
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68220
| 0.00000
| 1.68120
| 2014.05.19 11:42:57
| 1.68120
| 0.00
| 0.00
| -0.46
| 200.00
| 2014.05.19 11:06:48
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37520
| 0.00000
| 1.37420
| 2014.05.19 17:00:00
| 1.37185
| expiration [2014.05.19 17:00]
| 2014.05.19 11:07:08
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.36790
| 0.00000
| 1.36890
| 2014.05.19 17:00:00
| 1.37204
| expiration [2014.05.19 17:00]
| 2014.05.19 11:07:47
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68580
| 0.00000
| 1.68480
| 2014.05.19 17:00:00
| 1.68337
| expiration [2014.05.19 17:00]
| 2014.05.19 11:08:12
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67850
| 0.00000
| 1.67950
| 2014.05.19 17:00:00
| 1.68363
| expiration [2014.05.19 17:00]
| 2014.05.19 11:08:36
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93800
| 0.00000
| 0.93700
| 2014.05.19 17:00:00
| 0.93605
| expiration [2014.05.19 17:00]
| 2014.05.19 11:08:54
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93210
| 0.00000
| 0.93310
| 2014.05.19 17:00:00
| 0.93623
| expiration [2014.05.19 17:00]
| 2014.05.20 09:45:51
| sell limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.37340
| 0.00000
| 1.37240
| 2014.05.20 17:00:00
| 1.36988
| expiration [2014.05.20 17:00]
| 2014.05.20 09:46:30
| buy limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.36660
| 0.00000
| 1.36760
| 2014.05.20 17:00:00
| 1.37008
| expiration [2014.05.20 17:00]
| 2014.05.20 09:47:35
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67850
| 0.00000
| 1.67950
| 2014.05.20 17:00:00
| 1.68421
| expiration [2014.05.20 17:00]
| 2014.05.20 09:48:16
| sell limit
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.93150
| 0.00000
| 0.93050
| 2014.05.20 17:00:00
| 0.92526
| expiration [2014.05.20 17:00]
| 2014.05.20 10:52:53
| sell
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68360
| 0.00000
| 1.68260
| 2014.05.20 11:39:52
| 1.68260
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.05.20 11:30:46
| buy
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.92620
| 0.00000
| 0.92720
| 2014.05.20 13:42:29
| 0.92720
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 300.00
| 2014.05.21 09:32:13
| sell limit
| 1.00
| eurusd
| 1.37360
| 0.00000
| 1.37260
| 2014.05.21 18:00:00
| 1.36627
| expiration [2014.05.21 18:00]
| 2014.05.21 09:33:51
| buy limit
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68040
| 0.00000
| 1.68140
| 2014.05.21 18:00:00
| 1.68789
| expiration [2014.05.21 18:00]
| 2014.05.21 09:34:53
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92620
| 0.00000
| 0.92520
| 2014.05.21 18:00:00
| 0.92155
| expiration [2014.05.21 18:00]
| 2014.05.21 09:35:14
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92050
| 0.00000
| 0.92150
| 2014.05.21 18:00:00
| 0.92173
| expiration [2014.05.21 18:00]
| 2014.05.21 11:28:34
| sell
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68900
| 0.00000
| 1.68800
| 2014.05.21 16:34:10
| 1.68800
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 300.00
| 2014.05.21 15:49:22
| buy
| 1.00
| eurusd
| 1.36630
| 0.00000
| 1.36730
| 2014.05.21 20:36:00
| 1.36639
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 9.00
| 2014.05.22 09:15:25
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.37120
| 0.00000
| 1.37020
| 2014.05.22 17:00:00
| 1.36467
| expiration [2014.05.22 17:00]
| 2014.05.22 09:15:50
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.36200
| 0.00000
| 1.36300
| 2014.05.22 18:00:00
| 1.36567
| expiration [2014.05.22 18:00]
| 2014.05.22 09:16:17
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.69170
| 0.00000
| 1.69070
| 2014.05.22 18:00:00
| 1.68582
| expiration [2014.05.22 18:00]
| 2014.05.22 09:18:44
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68420
| 0.00000
| 1.68520
| 2014.05.22 18:00:00
| 1.68606
| expiration [2014.05.22 18:00]
| 2014.05.22 09:19:27
| sell limit
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.92880
| 0.00000
| 0.92780
| 2014.05.22 18:00:00
| 0.92352
| expiration [2014.05.22 18:00]
| 2014.05.22 14:12:30
| buy
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.92390
| 0.00000
| 0.92490
| 2014.05.27 02:24:37
| 0.92490
| 0.00
| 0.00
| -5.85
| 300.00
| 2014.05.23 09:43:46
| sell limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.36920
| 0.00000
| 1.36820
| 2014.05.23 18:00:00
| 1.36312
| expiration [2014.05.23 18:00]
| 2014.05.23 09:44:07
| buy limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.35800
| 0.00000
| 1.35900
| 2014.05.23 18:00:00
| 1.36331
| expiration [2014.05.23 18:00]
| 2014.05.23 09:47:32
| sell limit
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.69070
| 0.00000
| 1.68970
| 2014.05.23 18:00:00
| 1.68395
| expiration [2014.05.23 18:00]
| 2014.05.23 09:48:06
| buy limit
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68210
| 0.00000
| 1.68310
| 2014.05.23 18:00:00
| 1.68422
| expiration [2014.05.23 18:00]
| 2014.05.23 09:48:42
| sell limit
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.92700
| 0.00000
| 0.92600
| 2014.05.23 18:00:00
| 0.92424
| expiration [2014.05.23 18:00]
| 2014.05.23 15:35:04
| buy
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.92180
| 0.00000
| 0.92280
| 2014.05.23 15:59:34
| 0.92280
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 300.00
| 2014.05.26 10:04:54
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.36630
| 0.00000
| 1.36530
| 2014.05.26 18:00:00
| 1.36505
| expiration [2014.05.26 18:00]
| 2014.05.26 10:05:21
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.35780
| 0.00000
| 1.35880
| 2014.05.26 18:00:00
| 1.36523
| expiration [2014.05.26 18:00]
| 2014.05.26 10:05:59
| sell limit
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68670
| 0.00000
| 1.68570
| 2014.05.26 18:00:00
| 1.68442
| expiration [2014.05.26 18:00]
| 2014.05.26 10:06:24
| buy limit
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67850
| 0.00000
| 1.67950
| 2014.05.26 18:00:00
| 1.68468
| expiration [2014.05.26 18:00]
| 2014.05.26 10:06:56
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92710
| 0.00000
| 0.92610
| 2014.05.26 18:00:00
| 0.92478
| expiration [2014.05.26 18:00]
| 2014.05.26 10:07:17
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92100
| 0.00000
| 0.92200
| 2014.05.26 18:00:00
| 0.92494
| expiration [2014.05.26 18:00]
| 2014.05.27 09:49:43
| sell limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.36790
| 0.00000
| 1.36690
| 2014.05.27 18:00:00
| 1.36125
| expiration [2014.05.27 18:00]
| 2014.05.27 09:50:05
| buy limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.36090
| 0.00000
| 1.36190
| 2014.05.27 18:00:00
| 1.36152
| expiration [2014.05.27 18:00]
| 2014.05.27 09:55:22
| sell limit
| 1.00
| gbpusd
| 1.69090
| 0.00000
| 1.68990
| 2014.05.27 18:00:00
| 1.68005
| expiration [2014.05.27 18:00]
| 2014.05.27 09:56:39
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92990
| 0.00000
| 0.92890
| 2014.05.27 18:00:00
| 0.92460
| expiration [2014.05.27 18:00]
| 2014.05.27 09:56:58
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92250
| 0.00000
| 0.92350
| 2014.05.27 18:00:00
| 0.92485
| expiration [2014.05.27 18:00]
| 2014.05.27 12:19:06
| buy
| 1.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68350
| 0.00000
| 1.68450
| 2014.06.10 08:58:21
| 1.68047
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| -303.00
| 2014.05.29 08:03:40
| sell limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.36320
| 0.00000
| 1.36220
| 2014.05.29 18:00:00
| 1.36128
| expiration [2014.05.29 18:00]
| 2014.05.29 08:04:42
| buy limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.35400
| 0.00000
| 1.35500
| 2014.05.29 18:00:00
| 1.36155
| expiration [2014.05.29 18:00]
| 2014.05.29 08:05:19
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67480
| 0.00000
| 1.67380
| 2014.05.29 18:00:00
| 1.67136
| expiration [2014.05.29 18:00]
| 2014.05.29 08:05:43
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.66690
| 0.00000
| 1.66790
| 2014.05.29 18:00:00
| 1.67172
| expiration [2014.05.29 18:00]
| 2014.05.29 08:06:41
| buy limit
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.92300
| 0.00000
| 0.92400
| 2014.05.29 18:00:00
| 0.92901
| expiration [2014.05.29 18:00]
| 2014.05.29 11:34:35
| sell
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.93100
| 0.00000
| 0.93000
| 2014.05.29 11:59:29
| 0.93000
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 300.00
| 2014.06.02 09:05:50
| sell limit
| 3.00
| audusd
| 1.36800
| 0.00000
| 1.36700
| 2014.06.02 09:06:08
| 0.92585
| cancelled
| 2014.06.02 09:06:30
| sell limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.36800
| 0.00000
| 1.36700
| 2014.06.02 18:00:00
| 1.36056
| expiration [2014.06.02 18:00]
| 2014.06.02 09:06:52
| buy limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.35550
| 0.00000
| 1.35650
| 2014.06.02 18:00:00
| 1.36077
| expiration [2014.06.02 18:00]
| 2014.06.02 09:07:15
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67830
| 0.00000
| 1.67730
| 2014.06.02 18:00:00
| 1.67548
| expiration [2014.06.02 18:00]
| 2014.06.02 09:07:45
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67070
| 0.00000
| 1.67170
| 2014.06.02 18:00:00
| 1.67577
| expiration [2014.06.02 18:00]
| 2014.06.02 09:08:12
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92910
| 0.00000
| 0.92810
| 2014.06.02 18:00:00
| 0.92531
| expiration [2014.06.02 18:00]
| 2014.06.02 09:08:35
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92230
| 0.00000
| 0.92330
| 2014.06.02 18:00:00
| 0.92551
| expiration [2014.06.02 18:00]
| 2014.06.03 10:30:28
| sell limit
| 1.00
| audusd
| 1.36380
| 0.00000
| 1.36280
| 2014.06.03 10:30:31
| 0.92744
| cancelled
| 2014.06.03 10:31:19
| buy limit
| 1.00
| eurusd
| 1.35670
| 0.00000
| 1.35770
| 2014.06.03 18:00:00
| 1.36216
| expiration [2014.06.03 18:00]
| 2014.06.03 10:32:06
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67210
| 0.00000
| 1.67310
| 2014.06.03 18:00:00
| 1.67398
| expiration [2014.06.03 18:00]
| 2014.06.03 10:32:42
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93080
| 0.00000
| 0.92980
| 2014.06.03 18:00:00
| 0.92517
| expiration [2014.06.03 18:00]
| 2014.06.03 10:33:10
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92350
| 0.00000
| 0.92450
| 2014.06.03 18:00:00
| 0.92540
| expiration [2014.06.03 18:00]
| 2014.06.03 11:17:15
| sell
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67760
| 0.00000
| 1.67660
| 2014.06.03 11:30:01
| 1.67660
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.06.03 15:09:29
| sell
| 1.00
| eurusd
| 1.36380
| 0.00000
| 1.36280
| 2014.06.03 17:20:40
| 1.36280
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 100.00
| 2014.06.05 07:52:20
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 1.36410
| 0.00000
| 1.36310
| 2014.06.05 07:53:20
| 0.92848
| cancelled
| 2014.06.05 07:55:26
| buy limit
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67030
| 0.00000
| 1.67130
| 2014.06.05 18:00:00
| 1.67919
| expiration [2014.06.05 18:00]
| 2014.06.05 07:57:02
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93300
| 0.00000
| 0.93200
| 2014.06.05 18:00:00
| 0.93060
| expiration [2014.06.05 18:00]
| 2014.06.05 07:57:25
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.92550
| 0.00000
| 0.92650
| 2014.06.05 18:00:00
| 0.93081
| expiration [2014.06.05 18:00]
| 2014.06.05 12:43:27
| sell
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67880
| 0.00000
| 1.67780
| 2014.06.05 12:49:28
| 1.67780
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 300.00
| 2014.06.05 14:45:35
| sell
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.36410
| 0.00000
| 1.36310
| 2014.06.05 14:45:55
| 1.36310
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.06.05 14:49:05
| buy
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.35770
| 0.00000
| 1.35870
| 2014.06.05 16:53:48
| 1.35870
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.06.09 08:49:25
| sell limit
| 1.00
| eurusd
| 1.36850
| 0.00000
| 1.36750
| 2014.06.09 18:00:00
| 1.35912
| expiration [2014.06.09 18:00]
| 2014.06.09 08:52:24
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68400
| 0.00000
| 1.68300
| 2014.06.09 18:00:00
| 1.67913
| expiration [2014.06.09 18:00]
| 2014.06.09 08:52:52
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67740
| 0.00000
| 1.67840
| 2014.06.09 18:00:00
| 1.67956
| expiration [2014.06.09 18:00]
| 2014.06.09 08:53:37
| sell limit
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.93850
| 0.00000
| 0.93750
| 2014.06.09 18:00:00
| 0.93396
| expiration [2014.06.09 18:00]
| 2014.06.09 11:40:06
| buy limit
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.93260
| 0.00000
| 0.93360
| 2014.06.09 19:31:23
| 0.93462
| cancelled
| 2014.06.09 15:29:09
| buy
| 1.00
| eurusd
| 1.36050
| 0.00000
| 1.36150
| 2014.06.10 08:58:35
| 1.35870
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| -180.00
| 2014.06.10 09:05:25
| sell limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.36200
| 0.00000
| 1.36100
| 2014.06.10 18:00:00
| 1.35435
| expiration [2014.06.10 18:00]
| 2014.06.10 09:06:16
| sell limit
| 1.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68360
| 0.00000
| 1.68260
| 2014.06.10 18:00:00
| 1.67592
| expiration [2014.06.10 18:00]
| 2014.06.10 09:06:35
| buy limit
| 1.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67640
| 0.00000
| 1.67740
| 2014.06.10 14:24:05
| 1.67847
| cancelled
| 2014.06.10 09:07:07
| sell limit
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.93930
| 0.00000
| 0.93830
| 2014.06.10 18:00:00
| 0.93603
| expiration [2014.06.10 18:00]
| 2014.06.10 09:07:54
| buy limit
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.93290
| 0.00000
| 0.93390
| 2014.06.10 18:00:00
| 0.93625
| expiration [2014.06.10 18:00]
| 2014.06.10 13:31:40
| buy
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.35370
| 0.00000
| 1.35470
| 2014.06.10 15:17:51
| 1.35470
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 300.00
| 2014.06.11 09:30:20
| sell limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.35750
| 0.00000
| 1.35650
| 2014.06.11 18:00:00
| 1.35313
| expiration [2014.06.11 18:00]
| 2014.06.11 09:30:44
| buy limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.34800
| 0.00000
| 1.34900
| 2014.06.11 18:00:00
| 1.35336
| expiration [2014.06.11 18:00]
| 2014.06.11 09:32:34
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67150
| 0.00000
| 1.67250
| 2014.06.11 18:00:00
| 1.67890
| expiration [2014.06.11 18:00]
| 2014.06.11 09:33:14
| sell limit
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.94200
| 0.00000
| 0.94100
| 2014.06.11 18:00:00
| 0.93881
| expiration [2014.06.11 18:00]
| 2014.06.11 09:33:37
| buy limit
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.93440
| 0.00000
| 0.93540
| 2014.06.11 18:00:00
| 0.93902
| expiration [2014.06.11 18:00]
| 2014.06.11 12:01:25
| sell
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67930
| 0.00000
| 1.67830
| 2014.06.11 13:38:24
| 1.67830
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 200.00
| 2014.06.12 09:32:35
| sell limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.35850
| 0.00000
| 1.35750
| 2014.06.12 18:00:00
| 1.35503
| expiration [2014.06.12 18:00]
| 2014.06.12 09:33:11
| buy limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.34940
| 0.00000
| 1.35040
| 2014.06.12 18:00:00
| 1.35526
| expiration [2014.06.12 18:00]
| 2014.06.12 09:33:42
| sell limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.68530
| 0.00000
| 1.68430
| 2014.06.12 18:00:00
| 1.68393
| expiration [2014.06.12 18:00]
| 2014.06.12 09:34:07
| buy limit
| 2.00
| gbpusd
| 1.67610
| 0.00000
| 1.67710
| 2014.06.12 18:00:00
| 1.68429
| expiration [2014.06.12 18:00]
| 2014.06.12 09:35:04
| buy limit
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.93510
| 0.00000
| 0.93610
| 2014.06.12 18:00:00
| 0.94250
| expiration [2014.06.12 18:00]
| 2014.06.12 16:54:05
| sell
| 3.00
| audusd
| 0.94250
| 0.00000
| 0.94150
| 2014.06.13 03:37:32
| 0.94150
| 0.00
| 0.00
| -2.97
| 300.00
| 2014.06.16 08:55:54
| sell limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.35730
| 0.00000
| 1.35630
| 2014.06.16 18:00:00
| 1.35701
| expiration [2014.06.16 18:00]
| 2014.06.16 08:56:23
| buy limit
| 2.00
| eurusd
| 1.34830
| 0.00000
| 1.34930
| 2014.06.16 18:00:00
| 1.35723
| expiration [2014.06.16 18:00]
| 2014.06.16 08:56:58
| sell limit
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.70170
| 0.00000
| 1.70070
| 2014.06.16 18:00:00
| 1.69842
| expiration [2014.06.16 18:00]
| 2014.06.16 08:57:52
| buy limit
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.69220
| 0.00000
| 1.69320
| 2014.06.16 18:00:00
| 1.69874
| expiration [2014.06.16 18:00]
| 2014.06.16 09:03:36
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.94400
| 0.00000
| 0.94300
| 2014.06.16 18:00:00
| 0.93952
| expiration [2014.06.16 18:00]
| 2014.06.16 09:04:02
| buy limit
| 1.00
| audusd
| 0.93690
| 0.00000
| 0.93790
| 2014.06.16 18:00:00
| 0.93974
| expiration [2014.06.16 18:00]
| 2014.06.17 09:13:58
| sell limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.35950
| 0.00000
| 1.35850
| 2014.06.17 18:00:00
| 1.35430
| expiration [2014.06.17 18:00]
| 2014.06.17 09:15:33
| buy limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.35220
| 0.00000
| 1.35320
| 2014.06.17 18:00:00
| 1.35453
| expiration [2014.06.17 18:00]
| 2014.06.17 09:16:24
| sell limit
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.70030
| 0.00000
| 1.69930
| 2014.06.17 18:00:00
| 1.69676
| expiration [2014.06.17 18:00]
| 2014.06.17 09:20:06
| buy limit
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.69280
| 0.00000
| 1.69380
| 2014.06.17 18:00:00
| 1.69705
| expiration [2014.06.17 18:00]
| 2014.06.17 09:20:50
| sell limit
| 1.00
| audusd
| 0.93830
| 0.00000
| 0.93730
| 2014.06.17 18:00:00
| 0.93355
| expiration [2014.06.17 18:00]
| 2014.06.17 09:22:46
| buy limit
| 1.00
| audusd
| 0.93300
| 0.00000
| 0.93400
| 2014.06.17 18:00:00
| 0.93377
| expiration [2014.06.17 18:00]
| 2014.06.18 12:51:21
| buy
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.69350
| 0.00000
| 1.69450
| 2014.06.18 14:05:52
| 1.69450
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 300.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| -24.33
| 6 726.00
Closed P/L:
| 6 701.67
Open Trades:
| Open Time
| Type
| Size
| Item
| Price
| S / L
| T / P
| Price
| Commission
| Taxes
| Swap
| Profit
No transactions
| |
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| 0.00
| Floating P/L:
| 0.00
Working Orders:
| Open Time
| Type
| Size
| Item
| Price
| S / L
| T / P
| Market Price
| 2014.06.18 10:19:07
| sell limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93720
| 0.00000
| 0.93620
| 0.93357
| |
| 2014.06.18 10:21:16
| buy limit
| 2.00
| audusd
| 0.93100
| 0.00000
| 0.93200
| 0.93381
| |
| 2014.06.18 10:17:36
| sell limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.35820
| 0.00000
| 1.35720
| 1.35636
| |
| 2014.06.18 10:18:08
| buy limit
| 3.00
| eurusd
| 1.34870
| 0.00000
| 1.34970
| 1.35658
| |
| 2014.06.18 10:18:40
| sell limit
| 3.00
| gbpusd
| 1.70110
| 0.00000
| 1.70010
| 1.69408
| |
| 20 000.00
| Credit Facility:
| 0.00
Closed Trade P/L:
| 6 701.67
| Floating P/L:
| 0.00
| Margin:
| 0.00
| 26 701.67
| Equity:
| 26 701.67
| Free Margin:
| 26 701.67
Gross Profit:
| 7 184.67
| Gross Loss:
| 483.00
| Total Net Profit:
| 6 701.67
Profit Factor:
| 14.88
| Expected Payoff:
| 186.16
Absolute Drawdown:
| 0.00
| Maximal Drawdown:
| 483.00 (1.85%)
| Relative Drawdown:
| 1.85% (483.00)
Total Trades:
| Short Positions (won %):
| 19 (100.00%)
| Long Positions (won %):
| 17 (88.24%)
Profit Trades (% of total):
| 34 (94.44%)
| Loss trades (% of total):
| 2 (5.56%)
| profit trade:
| 300.00
| loss trade:
| -303.00
| profit trade:
| 211.31
| loss trade:
| -241.50
| consecutive wins ($):
| 30 (6 087.64)
| consecutive losses ($):
| 2 (-483.00)
| consecutive profit (count):
| 6 087.64 (30)
| consecutive loss (count):
| -483.00 (2)
| consecutive wins:
| consecutive losses: